StartLoving yourself.
StartCounting your God-Blessings.
StartTaking mind-transforming lessons.
StartSinging heart-crying songs.
StartDisowning your self-doubts.
StartClaiming your faith-fountain.
StartClasping God the Creator's Eye.
StartServing God the creation's body.
StartDaring temptation-invasions.
StartInvoking the silence-life of the Beyond.
StartBeing the fragrance of self-offering.
StartClearing your dangerous mind-jungle.
StartLoving and enjoying
Your heart-garden-beauty-fragrance. ```Immediately
StartLoving the lovable
Simplicity-mind-child of yours. ```Immediately
StartAdoring the adorable
Sincerity-heart-child of yours. ```Immediately
StartSaying to yourself
That God's Compassion-Eye loves youInfinitely more than you can love yourself.
Your unwillingness-disobedience-lifeTo your illumination-flooded soul.
StartUnlearning your old division-mind-stories.
StartLearning your new oneness heart-songs.
StartPlucking and distributing
Your soul-peace-blossoms. ```Immediately
StartDreaming of a surrender-excellence-mind.
StartDreaming of a gratitude-perfection-heart.
StartDreaming of a God-satisfaction-life.
StartFeeling that God needs you desperately
To participate cheerfullyIn His Cosmic Drama.
StartBeing contemplative
And not competitive. ```Immediately
StartRealising that the compassionate Lord Supreme
Can and does smileEven through the eyes of your enemies.
StartRealising that God wants
You and everybody to be desirableAnd nobody to be preferable.
StartPleasing the world
With your heart's benevolenceAnd not with your mind's eloquence.
StartCommanding your mind
To shut upAnd wake up
And look up. ```Immediately
StartDemanding happiness
From your unwilling and unbending mind. ```Immediately
StartBeing spiritually evolved
And not emotionally involved. ```Immediately
StartHaving a generous heart
And not a stupendous mind. ```Immediately
StartTelling your mind
That you want your mindTo be a sleepless God-lover
And not a ruthless God-examiner. ```Immediately
StartDreaming and daring
And not calculating and measuring. ```Immediately
StartHaving a resourceful fountain-life
And not havingA remorseful mountain-mind.
StartThinking and feeling
That nobody has anythingTo tell God against you.
StartKnowing that God wants you to have
A doubt-free mindAnd an insecurity-free heart.
StartAvoiding and ignoring and discarding
Your complexity-duplicity-mind. ```Immediately
StartValuing the moment,
For each momentIs not only significant but also unique.
StartBeing a God-beloved religious heart
And not a man-applauded genius-mind. ```Immediately
Your experience-rainbow-heart-rosesAnd discarding
Your experiment-cloud-mind-thorns. ```Immediately
StartSinging the hope-bird-reality-songs
In the soul-dream-delight-tree. ```Immediately
StartJumping out of the tiny success-ferry
And entering into the progress-oceanlinerTo arrive at your destined Golden Shore.
StartDrinking without hesitating and suspecting
God's unconditional Nectar-Delight. ```Immediately
StartTelling the world frankly
That your mind-analysisHas given birth
To your heart-paralysis. ```Immediately
StartTelling the world
That you are learningThe supreme art
Of cheerful and unlimited self-offering. ```Immediately
StartTelling God
That not your mind but your heartIs leading your life-breath.
StartBroadcasting that you are no longer
At the beck and callOf ignorance-king.
StartTelling God that He has the last word
In everything in your life. ```Immediately
StartTelling God that from now on
You are determined to please HimCheerfully, sleeplessly and unconditionally,
Come what may. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Immediately start!, Agni Press, 1993
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