Disobedience: Time is up!39

Whoever claims to be my disciple should buy my book Disobedience: Time Is Up! If you are poorer than the poorest, if you have no money-power, then you will get it free. I do hope that every disciple will get this book.

I am sure there will be some people who will definitely derive tremendous benefit from this book. They do not have to be my disciples — far from it! I am convinced that, for the absolutely sincere seekers, this particular book will play a most significant role in their aspiration and their dedication.

There will be some books written by Sri Chinmoy that are destined to be immortal and this book is one of those. There will be millions of people on earth who will be absolutely sincere seekers. When they get this book, they will derive measureless inspiration and aspiration for their perfection. If they really want to be the choicest instruments of God, this book will be of immense help. It will be invaluable to them.

ITU 74. 7 April 1994, P.S. 86, Jamaica, New York

ITU 74. Sri Chinmoy, Disobedience: Time Is Up! New York: Agni Press, 1994.

From:Sri Chinmoy,I thank You, Agni Press, 2014
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/itu