The story of my doleful heartNobody wants to hear.
The story of my dying life:Even God does not care.
My tears are serving God,My smiles are serving me,
My heart is serving man —This is my life history.
Into the world I cameNo, not for earthly fame,
No, not for Heavenly gain,But to be the love-fountain.
I invoke the flaming dawn.Someday, someday,
This life of clay,This vital display
Surely shall die;I shall own bliss-sky.
Beloved Supreme, wrap meIn Your sweet and strong
Compassion-Embrace,And transform once and for all
My earth-bound face. ``````
Lock me, O Lord,And then throw away the key,
To please Thy Heart’s Will.Yet I shall love Thee,
Only Thee,For mine is the life
Only to please Thee. ``````
Father, You love not only meBut my ignorance, too.
Who can and who will go so far?Father,
It is You,Only You,
Who can not only go so farBut infinitely farther.
Father, You want me to equal You.I want only
To be at Your Compassion-Feet,To love You,
To please You fullyAnd become Your future hope.
I was fired in HeavenFor not giving a proper message.
I was hired on earthOnly to be scolded
And cancelled, my return passage. ``````
They strive for right.I strive for light.
They strive for God-Force.I strive for God-Grace.
They strive for God-ecstasy.I strive for Godward journey.
This is the hardest miracleThat I have ever seen:
Man talks of GodWithout knowing Him,
Man meditates on GodWithout seeing Him,
Man prays to GodWithout loving Him.
I aspire to illumine my desire-night.I aspire to remember my liberation-height.
I aspire to claim my long-lostPerfection-delight.
Those who begin todayWill end tomorrow.
What will they begin with?They will begin either
With their curiosity-dayOr with their aspiration-sun.
Can you tell me, friends,Who has escaped from desire-night?
Nobody, nobody.Can you tell me, friends,
Who wants to live in aspiration-height?Somebody, somebody.
Can you tell me, friends,Who wants to live in realisation-light?
Everybody, everybody. ``````
Your Love has crowned my day.I shall fulfil Your gnostic Play.
Time is fleeting.My promise-flame is flickering.
Yet I hope my life shall succeedAnd my heart shall proceed.
Let us tasteThe purity of dawn.
The beauty of eve,Let us taste.
No hurry, no haste.We shall reach our destination-sun
And thus end our lives’Eyeless cosmic fun.
True, art is long, life is short.But God-Grace can reverse the game
With a streak of Heavenly flame. ``````
Once more let me sail my life-boat, let me sail.This time I can never fail and I shall never fail.
Success will definitely be mine.Through progress-light I shall shine.
Strive hard, seek quick,To find the body of Truth.
Yield not to lethargy blind.Cleave not to weakness-night.
O Lord of golden day,To You I pray, to You I pray,
To show me the face of summit-heightAnd Divinity’s translucent Light.
```Man’s ingratitude is man’s worst
Failure-night.Man’s gratitude-light is man’s
Life-fulfilling and life-nourishingHighest height.
O Lord of Love, O Lord of Life,Descend and guide my sight.
I shall grow flowers of peaceFor Thy tired Body’s supreme release.
Awake, O my soul, awake.Look at me, my angel-infancy,
In which I embody my ecstasy-sea. ``````
A shattered boat, my life is.Long lost am I,
My helpless oars.Trembling within and without,
I face all alone Eternity’s Infinity-Shore. ``````
With his eagle-eyes,He sees beauty’s sunrise.
With his eagle-eyes,He sees duty’s sea-roar.
I love the words of light.I love the messages of delight.
I love the flight of winging thought.In them, I long always to be caught.
Just stand and wait.I shall open for you
My heart’s golden gate.Just stand and wait.
When your face shines and smiles,I lose in no time all my dingy wiles.
To the zenith-height,I shall offer my gratitude-flight.
To the deepest depth,I shall offer my gratitude-length.
I am ready, O ambition-bird.Take me to the world beyond,
Serene and pure,Where Infinity’s Smile
Will reign supreme, sure. ``````
Flowers fade away.Life fades away.
Something never fades:My heart’s gratitude-flames
Which always take shelterUnder life’s protection-shade.
The small hours embodyThe perfect time for anything,
For everything:For God-Arrival,
For man-arrival,For animal-exit.
I was bornOn a spotless morn
And soon became a close friendOf perpetual day,
Upon the heartOf earth’s bondage-clay.
Rest, my heart, rest.In you I have found
My life’s questAnd my soul’s nest.
Rest, my heart, rest. ``````
If you have no God-zeal,Then away you must remain
From God’s cosmic meal. ``````
Slowly I sowThe seed of beauty’s flame.
Soulfully I rowThe boat of God’s Compassion-Game.
O take my heart, take,To God’s sacred door.
O, make my life a sincere cryAnd then take me
To God’s Golden Shore. ``````
I love the heart of all.Therefore,
I shall never brook a fall. ``````
Because I rowed my boatDay in, day out,
I learned the wisdom of my inner corePlus God-Divinity’s God-Lore.
Roar, roar, my lion-heart.The cosmic door is wide open.
Roar, roar, my lion-heart.My eagle bird shall soar and soar
Ever more.Life is but a prosperity-store.
Just because you are a sage,I am sure you can bring me
Out of my mental cage.Just because you are a sage,
You can easily empty my mindOf wild rage.
O unknown morrow,From you I shall borrow
The fount of love-lightTo scale my topless height.
O follower of earth!Go, go and sin no more.
O seeker of Heaven!Speed forth and stand
On the Golden Shore. ``````
To serve my Lord Supreme bestI have become, soulfully,
A silence-nest. ``````
O, quote me not,Quote me not, quote.
From you I need no vote.What I need is your inner cry
To feed my own heart’sVast blue sky.
Be not a fool!Never indulge in prediction-dance.
Stark failure-lanceCan easily and speedily
Smash your feeble pride-strength.Remain always in your silence-soul’s
Sun-vision’s unhorizoned length. ``````
A baby manIs God in His inevitable bloom.
A baby GodIs man in his ecstasy-flooded room.
My Lord, if You want to fire me, fire;I must retire.
I must enjoy some restIn Your sleep-nourishing Nest.
I shall not be mad,I shall not feel sad.
Fire me, my Lord, fire.I needs must retire.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Journey's Goal, part 7b, 1981
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/jgs_72