Jago jago hiya pakhi

Maran Dehe Gahi Mora


Maran dehe gahi mora

Amaratar gan




In a mortal body,

We sing the songs of Immortality.


In a Mortal Body


In a mortal body

We sing the songs of Immortality.


Ashesh Jatana Bhitare Bahire


Ashesh jatana bhitare bahire

Sabar jibane




Each life, inner and outer,

Is full of suffering.


Each Life, Inner and Outer


Each life, inner and outer,

Is full of suffering.


Ashar Swapan Habena Shesh


Ashar swapan habena shesh

Taito ami nachi




My hope-dreams shall never end.

Therefore, I dance.


My Hope-Dreams


My hope-dreams shall never end.

Therefore, I dance.


Akuti Dwar Khulte Giye


Akuti dwar khulte giye basana dwar khulechi




I have opened the desire-door

While opening the aspiration-door.


I Have Opened the Desire-Door


I have opened the desire-door

While opening the aspiration-door.


Keman Kare Sahi Balo


Keman kare sahi balo

Oishi shaktir parajoy




How can I tolerate

The defeat of the divine force?


The Defeat of the Divine Force


How can I tolerate

The defeat of the divine force?


Rupantarer Bani Niye


Rupantarer bani niye

Dharai mora esechi




Into the world we came

With the message of transformation.


Into the World We Came


Into the world we came

With the message of transformation.


Andhiyar Deshe Ghuriya Berai


Andhiyar deshe ghuriya berai

Aloker sandhane




We roam in the darkness-night

While searching for the Light divine.


We Roam In the Darkness-Night


We roam in the darkness-night

While searching for the Light divine.


Shanta Habe Ashanta Man


Shanta habe ashanta man

Ei barashai achi




My restless mind will become peaceful.

With this hope I am still alive.


My Restless Mind


My restless mind will become peaceful.

With this hope I am still alive.


Bhakti Bina Shakti Plaban


Bhakti bina shakti plaban

Pabena keu jani




I know nobody can achieve power-flood

Without devotion.


I Know Nobody Can Achieve Power-Flood


I know nobody can achieve power-flood

Without devotion.


Pete Chahi Paran Bhare


Pete chahi paran bhare

Bhakti aphuran




With all my heart,

I desire to taste limitless devotion.


With All My Heart


With all my heart,

I desire to taste

Limitless devotion. ```

Jago Jago Hiya Pakhi


Jago jago hiya pakhi

Ar katokal raibe ghumiye




Awake, awake, O my soul-bird.

How long will you remain fast asleep?


Awake, Awake, O My Soul-Bird


Awake, awake, O my soul-bird.

How long will you remain fast asleep?


Dibarati Debasurer Juddhe


Dibarati debasurer juddhe

Heri amar atmajoye buddhe




Day and night, during the fight

Between the forces divine and undivine,

I remain my self-conqueror,

Lord Buddha.


Day and Night, During the Fight


Day and night, during the fight

Between the forces divine and undivine,

I remain my self-conqueror,

Lord Buddha.


Jogyata Nai


Jogyata nai taito kandi

Tomar kripa lagi




Capacity, I have none.

Therefore, I cry for Your Grace.


Capacity, I Have None


Capacity, I have none.

Therefore, I cry for Your Grace.


Ati Twara Ati Twara Jete


Ati twara ati twara jete

Habe hiya pure




Very fast, very fast,

I must enter into my heart-citadel.


My Heart-Citadel


Very fast, very fast,

I must enter into my heart-citadel.


Pujite Tomar Charana Kamal


Pujite tomar charana kamal

Dao more ekbar bhakati




O my Lord Supreme, do give me once

Devotion, to worship Your Lotus-Feet.


Do Give Me Once Devotion


O my Lord Supreme, do give me once

Devotion, to worship Your Lotus-Feet.


Chander Deshe Jete Habe


Chander deshe jete habe

Puta mane phulla chite




I must go to the moon-land

With a purity-mind,

With a cheerfulness-heart. ```

I Must Go to the Moon-Land


I must go to the moon-land

With a purity-mind,

With a cheerfulness-heart. ```

Saphal Habe Sabar Hiyar


Saphal habe sabar hiyar

Madhur swapan saphal habe




All sweet dreams of all human hearts

Will be fulfilled.


All Sweet Dreams


All sweet dreams

Of all human hearts

Will be fulfilled. ```

Basana Duar Khulechi


Basana durar khulechi

Baliya dukher simana nai




I have kept open my desire-door.

Therefore, my sufferings have no bounds.


I Have Kept Open My Desire-Door


I have kept open my desire-door.

Therefore, my sufferings have no bounds.


Chinta Jagate Ghuriya Berai


Chinta jagate ghuriya berai

Tai nahi pai shanti




I roam in the thought-world.

Therefore, no peace have I.


I Roam in the Thought-World


I roam in the thought-world.

Therefore, no peace have I.


Bedanai Bhara Subishal Dhara


Bedanai bhara subishal dhara jani ami jani




I know, I know,

This vast world of ours

Is full of suffering. ```

This Vast World of Ours


I know, I know

This vast world of ours

Is full of suffering. ```

Aghat Karo Nikhut Karo


Aghat karo nikhut karo

Prabhu amai aghat karo




Strike me, my Lord, strike me.

Make me perfect.


Strike Me, My Lord, Strike Me


Strike me, my Lord, strike me.

Make me perfect.


Katha Bane Heri


Katha bane heri amar malin man




I see my impure mind

Inside the thought-jungle.


I See My Impure Mind


I see my impure mind

Inside the thought-jungle.


Tyager Jiban Baran Karo


Tyager jiban baran karo

Jadi chaho jete amar sathe




Accept the life of renunciation

If you want to accompany me.


Accept the Life of Renunciation


Accept the life of renunciation

If you want to accompany me.


Dyuloke Bhuloke Abhinna Pran


Dyuloke bhuloke abhinna pran

Karibo srijan ami




I shall create a oneness-heart

Between earth and Heaven.


I Shall Create a Oneness-Heart


I shall create a oneness-heart

Between earth and Heaven.


Asha Debi Kothai Thako


Asha debi kothai thako

Balo amai balo




O Hope-Goddess,

Do tell me where you live.


O Hope-Goddess


O Hope-Goddess,

Do tell me where you live.


Hiyar Gahane Nutan Chetane


Hiyar gahane nutan chetane

Tomare pujibo bidhata




My Lord Supreme, in the depths of my heart

I shall worship You with a new consciousness.


In the Depths of My Heart I Shall Worship You


My Lord Supreme, in the depths of my heart,

I shall worship You with a new consciousness.


Sukher Dine Tomai Jena


Sukher dine tomai jena

Nahi bhule jai




In the days of joy and bliss, my Lord Supreme,

Do grant me the boon that I do not forget Thee.


In the Days of Joy and Bliss


In the days of joy and bliss,

My Lord Supreme,

Do grant me the boon

That I do not forget Thee.


Pratiti Dibase Kritagya Chite


Pratiti dibase kritagya chite

Rakhibo amare tomar charana kamale




Every day I shall place

My gratitude-heart

At Your Lotus-Feet. ```

Every Day I Shall Place


Every day

I shall place my gratitude-heart

At Your Lotus-Feet. ```

Avatar Name Dharanir Buke


Avatar name dharanir buke

Nabin chetana danite






Enters into the heart of the world

With a consciousness new.


Avatar, God-Representative


Avatar, God-representative,

Enters into the heart of the world

With a consciousness new. ```

Prabhu Amar Prabhu


Prabhu amar prabhu

Tomar katha balte giye

Nahi jena thami




Lord, my Lord,

When I speak of You,

I never want to stop. ```

Lord, My Lord, When I Speak of You


Lord, my Lord,

When I speak of You,

I never want to stop. ```

Pratiti Jiban Amarata Bani


Pratiti jiban amarata bani

Bahan kariya chale




Each human life carries

The message of Immortality.


Each Human Life


Each human life carries

The message of Immortality.


Chahi Ami Dibanishi Maner Rupantar


Chahi ami dibanishi maner rupantar




Day and night I long for

The transformation of my mind.


Day and Night I Long


Day and night

I long for the transformation

Of my mind. ```

Jiban Britha Maran Britha


Jiban britha maran britha

Nahi pele atma gyan




Useless is life, useless is death

If you do not have God-realisation.


Useless Is Life


Useless is life, useless is death,

If you do not have God-realisation.


Karunamoyi Basundara Kritagyatar


Karunamoyi basundara kritagyatar

Giti geye bidai nibo




O Mother-Earth of compassion-ocean,

Before I leave You,

I shall offer my gratitude-song. ```

O Mother Earth of Compassion-Ocean


O Mother Earth of Compassion-Ocean,

Before I leave You, I shall offer gratitude-song.


Nijere Khunjite


Nijere khunjite nijere khulite

Esechi dharar buke




For self-discovery and for self-offering,

Into the world I came.


For Self-Discovery and for Self-Opening


For self-discovery

And for self-opening,

Into the world I came. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Jago jago hiya pakhi, 1995
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/jj