Here also, if every month I have been making a certain number of weapons, then I will gradually make fewer and fewer and fewer. Then in six months or one year or two years, I will completely stop. This is the most effective way to rectify my mistakes. Slowly and steadily I will come to the right path.
Another thing also I can do. If I have done something wrong to you, I shall try to compensate for the damage that I have caused. But compensation in itself is not enough. I must do something on the strength of my sympathy and oneness so that you will not only be happy but actually forgive me. I must do more than just stop doing this thing. I have to do something to rectify it, so I give you as much as I can to make you feel that I have established my oneness with you.
There are quite a few things that America and Japan are doing together, and it gives them such joy. For example, Japan invites American runners to come to its friendship race. The whole world is running — either running towards destruction or running towards perfection. When the Japanese and Americans run together on Friendship Day, it is a great achievement. Both parties have forgotten their rivalry and animosity, and they are running as friends. So let this friendship increase from one day to two days. Gradually let it become 365 days of friendship and then another 365 days. If we have established friendship, how can there be any dispute, any quarrel, any fight, any war?From:Sri Chinmoy,Japan, my life bows to your heart, Agni Press, 1984
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