Seko: Fifty miles a week is not enough.
Sri Chinmoy: Now he has to do 100 miles a week?
Seko: And also he should do a long run of 20 miles at least once a week. Then the rest of the week he can do shorter distances.
Pahar: Two runs a day?
Seko: That is the best. One in the morning and one in the afternoon or evening.
Sri Chinmoy: Shorter distances.
Seko: Then, once a week he should do speed work. Three times in one session he should run 5000-metre intervals in order to run a 2:30 marathon. As soon as my injury stops giving me problems, at the beginning of next year, I will start seriously training for the marathon. After my marriage, I stopped participating in races, so the world is saying that I have become lazy. I have to be careful so that people do not say that my wife is preventing me from participating in marathons. So I would like to start again participating in marathons.From:Sri Chinmoy,Japan, my life bows to your heart, Agni Press, 1984
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