My jealousy
Is my madness-burden.My jealousy
Is God's sadness-burden. ```Jealousy
Is an instantJoy-killer.
```Sooner than at once,
Jealousy brings to the foreIts hidden sword.
```Jealousy wants to unburden
Its miseriesSleeplessly and breathlessly.
Is an ever-rising feverOf man's ignorance-mind
And vital. ```Jealousy
Is a fatalHatred-poison.
Is at onceFerocious and atrocious.
Is at onceRebellious and voracious.
```Jealousy happily
Plies its boatBetween the inner tragedies
And outer tragediesOf its rivals.
Is a deep-rootedLove-rejection-life.
And supremacyAre always fond
Of living together. ```Unlike ours,
Jealousy's breathLives in its
Destruction-cherished vital. ```Jealousy's phone
Rings and ringsUntil it catches
The victim's ear. ```Jealousy can live
Without a mind,Without a heart,
Without a soul,Even without God.
```Human jealousy
And divine EcstasyAre eternal strangers.
Is a one-wayDestruction-road.
Is an aggressive boxer,A repulsive dancer,
A hopeless singerAnd a useless storyteller.
```In the desire-race,
JealousyIs always first.
And dedication-leavesAre ruthlessly destroyed
By the mad-elephant:Jealousy.
Is humanity'sDream-boat-bomber.
```Jealousy has
Frightening eyes.Jealousy has
Grinding teeth.Jealousy has
A cunning face. ```Jealousy's birth date
Everybody knows.Jealousy's death date
Nobody knows,For jealousy
Defies death. ```The seeker says to jealousy,
"Jealousy, where are you?"Jealousy says to the seeker,
"O seeker, are you blind?I am everywhere!
Especially in the mindAnd in the vital
Of every desire." ```Jealousy comes from
The desire-life.The desire-life comes from
The impurity-mind.The impurity-mind comes from
The untouchability-night. ```The unsuccessful jealousy
SurrendersTo the unmovable lethargy.
The unmovable lethargySurrenders
To the hurtfulSelf-destruction.
Before you enteredInto my life,
I was the world'sRichest prince.
Now that you are in meAnd I am for you,
I have becomeThe poorest street-beggar.
Before you enteredInto my life,
I was the possessor ofTwo blue-vast eyes.
Now that you are in meAnd I am for you,
I have become the possessorOf two inferno-volcano-eyes.
You are my mind's purity-stealer,You are my heart's peace-intruder,
You are my life's divinity-invader. ```Jealousy,
You may not know,You may not even
Want to know,But God's Compassion-Eye
Is beckoning youAnd God's Forgiveness-Heart
Is ready for you. ```Jealousy,
My God-searching mind knowsThat you are malicious.
My God-aspiring heart feelsThat you are treacherous.
My God-serving life knows and feelsThat you are ferocious.
```O my jealousy,
Your barking mouthAnd biting eyes
Are equally and immediatelyDestructive.
You are my constantNightmare-mind.
You are my constantLove-absence-heart.
```Shortest is the distance
From jealousy to hell. ```Jealousy says to fear,
Get out of my vital,Get out of my mind,
Get out of my very life!I am on my way
To my enemy: destruction." ```Jealousy,
You preferIgnorance-night-sleep
To illumination-perfection-dream. ```Jealousy,
You do not come aloneTo your victim.
You come withYour darkest and wildest
Thunder-disaster. ```Jealousy,
Matchless you areAs an insecurity-islander.
You are your ownUltimate
Self-destruction-indulgence. ```Jealousy,
You are your ownConstant aggression.
Aggression and satisfactionLive millions of miles apart.
The sweetness of oneness-hopeAnd the fulness of God-promise
Will never befriend you. ```Jealousy,
You are impossibly blind.Therefore
God's descending TearsYou can neither
See nor feel. ```Jealousy,
God is fast approaching you.Do not ignore,
Do not even underestimateHis Compassion-flooded Arrival.
Only because of youMy sweetest God-memories
Are fading fast,Very fast.
Are you not ashamed ofThriving on world-suspicion
For such a long time? ```Jealousy,
Can you not seeThat every day you are running
Between ever-extendingAnd ever-disappearing goals?
God is extremely happyThat finally
You are asking about Him. ```Jealousy,
God is delighted to hearThat you feel the necessity
Of His ArrivalAt your door.
God is extremely proud of youBecause you want to demolish
Once and for allYour huge ignorance-mansion.
God will be extremely fond of youIf you take from Him
His unconditional HelpIn your unprecedented adventure.
Look how excited God isTo come and meet you!
You just say hello to God.In no time
He will transform youAnd make you
His Divinity's Life,His Infinity's Heart
And His Immortality's Soul. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,My jealousy is my madness-burden, Agni Press, 1994
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