Dear Professor Lundestad,
Esteemed Director of the Nobel Peace Committee, I am extremely happy and my heart is absolutely thrilled to learn that you have offered the world’s most significant peace award to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, and the United Nations. Definitely he greatly deserves this world-transformation-peace-award from the Nobel Peace Committee.
The Secretary-General is a peacemaker par excellence. Last December he made time in his extremely demanding schedule to appear on the popular educational children’s show “Sesame Street”. When the colourful muppets started arguing about whose turn it was to sing the alphabet song, the Secretary-General suggested that all of the characters sing together. The spirit of oneness prevailed, as they happily followed his wise advice.
When he was later asked what prompted him to take part in “Sesame Street”, the Secretary-General replied, “I think it is wonderful to be able to reach the young, and reach them very early, and try to give them the spirit of the United Nations — a spirit of understanding, sharing and working together.”
Kofi Annan offers all that he is and all that he has for peace-flowers to bloom and blossom on earth. In his case, unlike most other world leaders, the Secretary-General’s childlike heart and his brilliant mind perfectly sport together.
KA 85. Excerpt from a letter written by Sri Chinmoy to the Director of the Nobel Peace Committee, congratulating them for presenting the Nobel Peace Prize for 2001 to the Secretary-General.↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,Kofi Annan: Cynosure-Eyes, Agni Press, 2002
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