Part III — Questions and answers on forgiveness

4. Question: Do we truly reap all we sow, from every thought, from every action?3

Sri Chinmoy: As we sow, so we reap. This is true. But at the same time, if you pray to God, if you meditate on God, then God’s Compassion can nullify your mistakes. When you pray and meditate, your prayer-power and meditation power can nullify the wrong forces that come from your bad thoughts. So it is true that if you do something wrong, if you touch fire, naturally the fire will burn your fingers. But at the same time, there will be some protective power to prevent you from touching the fire.

If a child goes and strikes another child, he knows that this child will come and strike him back. So what will he do? He will immediately go to his father. The father is stronger and he protects the child. In this case, the Father is the Supreme. If you mix with ignorance and then ignorance wants to devour you, if you run to the Father before ignorance can devour you, the Father will show His utmost Compassion and save you from ignorance. It all depends on how much Compassion you can receive from the Supreme.

KK 4. Father's Day: Father with his European children, p 15-16.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Khama karo, Agni Press, 1987
Sourced from