Every day I challenge myself.
I forgive the unforgivable —My mind.
```Every morning my Lord Supreme
Helps me renewMy heart-committee-membership.
```Peace is more than
A friendship-story.Peace is a oneness-song.
```My Lord,
Each time I look atYour Sweetness-Eye,
You give me a portionOf Your Fulness-Heart.
```My Lord,
My mind desiresMany things from You.
But my heart desiresOnly a small space
At Your Compassion-Feet. ```I owe nothing to my face.
But I owe everything to my heart. ```Every day
At least for an hour,I enjoy a heart-to-heart talk
With my soul. ```My Lord Supreme
Compassionately tells meThat there is no "cut-off time"
for my nature's transformation. ```Where do I see my mind?
I see my mind inside withering hopes.Where do I feel my heart?
I feel my heart inside blossoming promises. ```With his mind's capacities
He is surprising the world.With his heart's capacities
He is obeying and pleasingOnly His Lord Supreme.
```Strength indomitable
Comes not from outer exerciseBut from inner awakening.
```May each day for me
Usher inA God-satisfaction-hope.
```Yesterday God the Compassion
Took away from meMy ego-bloated mind.
Today God the SatisfactionIs receiving from me
My aspiration-flooded heart. ```Illumination my mind needs.
Realisation my heart needs.Transformation my life needs.
And what do I need?I need God's Compassion-Forgiveness.
```You can enter directly
Into the aspiration-gardenWithout tip-toeing
Through the desire-forest. ```Hope-beauty starts
The inner journey.Faith-purity completes
The inner journey. ```Never too late for the mind
To lose doubt-weightAnd for the heart
To gain faith-strength. ```Yesterday I performed
Three real miracles,And these three miracles
Lasted for the entire day:I conquered my negativity-mind.
I proclaimed the victoryOf my willingness-heart,
And I became my life'sUnconditional surrender to God's Will.
```My aspiration-heart
And my dedication-lifeFondly and proudly
Depend on each other. ```Freedom is God-discovery.
Freedom is self-mastery.Freedom is satisfaction-recovery.
```I could not realise God
In the heights of my grasp.But I did realise God
In the depths of my love. ```My aspiration-heart asks me
To look upward to see God's Feet,Which are so merciful.
My dedication-life asks meTo look forward to see God's Eyes,
Which are so beautiful. ```If you forgive the world,
God will use your fragrance-heartAs His cherished Throne.
```Willingness-capacity is at once
Most beautiful and most powerful. ```Alas, my heart stands
In betweenMy delayed aspiration
And my decayed perfection. ```Not a fear-prompted prayer
But a love-inspired meditationCan and does gladden God's Heart.
```When I am in my mind's
Possession-world,My life is a problem.
When I am in my heartsRenunciation-world,
My life is a privilege. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,My life-boat's Dream-Reality-Shore, Agni Press, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/lbd