My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo make me a member
Of Your inner Circle. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo make me realise
That my Master is my soul-heart-life-loverAnd not my soul-heart-life-dictator.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo make me realise
That I am Your Heart's golden Dream,That You are my life's only Reality.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo grant me the capacity
To keep my mind-telephone-lineOpen only to You.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo make me realise
That my life is not a false hope's dead endBut a true, illumining and fulfilling hope's
Continuous journey. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo give me the capacity
To stop broadcastingMy mind's giant-ego-news
Once and for all. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo compel my fighting mind
To completely surrenderTo my embracing heart.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
On my birthday I am praying to YouTo torture me, to punish me
In the forestOf my disobedience-repentance-tears.
```On my birthday
My Lord Beloved SupremeIs commanding me
Not to underestimateMy God-manifestation-capacity.
```On my birthday
My Lord Beloved SupremeIs telling me
That although He is omnipotent,Although He is the Possessor
Of infinite Power,He is my heart-happiness-Beggar
And my life-smile-Dreamer. ```On my birthday
My Lord Beloved SupremeWants me to answer
A few Compassion-questions:"My child, who told you
To swim in the sea of stupidity?Who prevented your life
From progressing?Who gave you the capacity
To decide your fate?Who compelled you to sing
Your life's failure-song?And who compelled you to stop dancing
Your life's victory-dances?" ```I am thirsty
For my Lord's Compassion-Eye.My Lord is hungry
For my satisfaction-heart. ```I call it
My great concentration.God calls it
My indomitable will. ```Alas,
My mind's fatal frustrationHas eclipsed
My heart's sunlit smile. ```Alas,
I do not know who has stolenMy heart's fountain-hope
And my soul's mountain-promise. ```I do not want to thrive
On my desire-greatness-splendour.I want to thrive
Only on my aspiration-goodness-candour. ```Impurity, you destroy
The beauty of my eyes,The sincerity of my mind,
The purity of my heartAnd the simplicity of my life.
```God smiles at my readiness.
God sings for my willingness.God dances in my eagerness.
```The desiring mind
Loves division-campaign.The aspiring heart
Loves union-refrain. ```The God-intensity-heart
PurifiesThe man-impurity-mind.
```The mind that longs for light
ConsciouslyCan never be caught
In jealousy-current. ```Where do I live?
I live in betweenMy receptivity-heart-tears
And God'sInfinity-Heart-Smiles.
```My willingness-heart
And God's Availability-HeartInseparably live.
```I am so happy that at long last
My heart-faith-friendIs challenging
My mind-doubt-intruder. ```There was a time
When I was my mind'sUnwillingness-lethargy,
But now I am my heart'sEnthusiasm-energy.
```The mind-grandeur
Is a sleeping breath.The heart-surrender
Is an everlasting life. ```My real love of God
And my God-disobedienceCan never be together.
```When I get up early to meditate,
My Lord says to me:"You are My Victory-Crown!"
```If You at all love me, my Lord,
Then keep me away fromMy mind's desire-jungle.
```God's Signature is always glowing
Inside the lifeOf an unconditional surrender-heart.
```One must look for
Only one thing:The Smile of God's Heart
In God's Eye. ```Two things I have
To make me happy:The hope that soars beyond
And the promise that touchesEarth-life.
```Very few are those
Who recognise God,And fewer still are those
Who are ready to welcome God. ```This morning I said farewell
To my suspicion-mindAnd hesitation-heart.
```Sleeplessly God calls your name,
Expecting a prayerfulAnd grateful answer.
```What has earth given me?
Earth has given meIts helpless sorrows.
What else has earth given me?My dream-fulfilment-tomorrows.
```I am proud of my mind
Because it is a sleeplessGod-seeker.
I am proud of my heartBecause it is a breathless
God-lover. ```The mind's insincerity
Has no friends.The heart's purity
Has no enemies. ```When you become
A God-ingratitude-heart,You score a decisive goal
For your own worst enemy:Ignorance.
God-disobedience-drumsAre deafening
Mother-Earth's ears. ```Each time I meditate well,
I become Heaven'sFlowering and illumining
Silence-joy. ```Each suspicious thought,
No matter how small it is,Has the capacity to eclipse
The seeker's heart-sun. ```Only two times I am truly fulfilled:
OnceWhen I am an open heart
And onceWhen I am a closed mouth!
```God is always beautiful,
But He is infinitely more beautifulWhen He shows me His Compassion-Eye.
My heart is always beautiful,
But it is infinitely more beautifulWhen it becomes a gratitude-heart.
```If we do not appreciate
God's Appearance,Why should God appreciate
Our performance? ```Both are equally needed:
The astrologyOf the inner life
And the technologyOf the outer life.
```The mind loves to listen
To doubt-recordings.The heart loves to listen
To faith-recordings.The soul loves to listen
To promise-recordings.God loves to listen
To perfection-recordings. ```When you reach your heart-home,
You will discover that your God-GuestHas been waiting for you
For a long time. ```The pulse of a purity-heart
At every momentCan see the universal Beauty
Of the Transcendental God. ```Be not late in sending
Your aspiration-application to GodIf you really need God.
Is my heart-song.Meditation
Is my soul-dance. ```My Lord Supreme
Openly admires meWhen I secretly love Him.
```God does not want you to carry
The ashes of your old desires.He wants you to carry with you
The fragrance of your heart'sFlower-beauty.
```The seeker's disobedience
Expedites his spiritual deathAnd also changes
God's opinion of him drastically. ```At long last
I have vehemently chased awayAll my God-disobedience-thoughts!
```If you follow the mind's road,
Then you are bound to meetWith doubt-hooligans
On the way. ```Slowly and secretly
The mind-thief entersInto the heart's purity-room
To steal the faith-fragranceOf the soul.
```I must reject
What God has alreadyRejected for me:
Ignorance-dream. ```The mind's obedience-smile
Is beautiful.The heart's oneness-dance
Is perfect. ```Yesterday's dream-flute
And today's reality-drumCan awaken and illumine us
In God's own Way. ```Each undivine thought
Is nothing butUseless dust
Of its own nothingness. ```The mind compiles
A complaint list.The heart supplies
The aspiration-flamesTo burn it.
```My Lord,
When I call others my own,They invariably deface me.
But when I call You my own,You invariably embrace me.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My life's sixty-three heart-blossoms, Agni Press, 1994
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