Lord, I thank You for Your Smile.
I thank You for my heart’s cry.I thank You for all that You have done for me
And all that You have not done for me. ```Awake, awake, you lazy sleepers!
Sing a song to the morning sun.Appreciate, admire and adore the inner flame,
The flame that is known as the sweet land of liberty. ```Here I cry for God in desert-heart.
There God cries for me in Perfection-Palace. ```You are so near to me.
I shall fulfil You.I shall and I can.
I can and I shall. ```One who truly loves God
Need not ask God for any favour,For God knows what is best for him.
```I live in God’s Forgiveness-Sun.
God lives in my fulness-sky. ```How to start?
Devotedly.When to start?
Immediately.Why to start?
To see the Face of TruthHere and now,
To be the Grace of GodNow, always now.
```If you take aspiration-vitamins,
Your heart will reach, infinitely sooner,God’s Satisfaction-Heart-Home.
```A life of surrender-perfection
Is a daily full-time job. ```A constant gratitude-heart
Is a way of loving GodIn God’s own Way.
```Can you not give your Master
Your aspiration-snack,Since he is going to give you
His full realisation-meal? ```What can poor God do?
You never listen to Him!Therefore, God has deliberately moved
Out of your neighbourhood. ```I have never calculated my loss and gain.
Therefore, my Lord SupremeHas made me the manager
Of His own spiritual shopping centre. ```I cry because I am so imperfect.
I smile because my Lord tells meThat I am not a hopeless case.
```Where do I live? I live in God’s
Expanding Forgiveness-Garden.Where does God live?
He lives in my thickening mind-forest. ```God-doubters do not know
Where God is.God-lovers do not know
Where God is not. ```Since each thought
Is an atomic power,You can give each thought
A diplomatic death. ```My Lord,
Wherever Your Compassion takes me,I shall go.
My Lord,Wherever I go,
Do allow Your ForgivenessTo follow me.
```I have seen two things:
God’s Compassion and God’s Forgiveness.But I have become only one thing:
A gratitude-life. ```Your heart’s morning God-hunger
And its evening God-thirstAre the perfect Satisfaction-Smiles
Of your Beloved Supreme. ```The only way to surprise God
Is to tell Him,“Beloved Lord, I love You only
And need You only.Not for my sake,
But for Your sake only.” ```One solemn oath:
I shall go far beyondThe domain of expectation!
```God’s Vision and His Compassion
Are His Eternity’s two Wings. ```Do you remember
That once upon a timeYou used to listen to God
Sleeplessly and breathlessly? ```I still think
That God loves me.God still thinks
That I need Him. ```O true God-lovers,
Come and join togetherAnd build a road
For God’s Peace-Descent. ```You have forgotten to love God,
But God has not forgotten to forgive you. ```Advance, advance,
To the inmost coreOf your soul’s radiance!
```Cry within and smile without:
This is the only messageThat God gives to human beings.
```My mind likes
Long journeys.My heart loves
Uncharted shores. ```May my heart-garden grow
Beauty’s rose-hopes. ```Oneness-delight
Builds its nestOnly for God-dreamers.
```Sincerity is my heart’s silver dawn.
Purity is my soul’s golden sunrise. ```I pray to God for His Absolute Vision
And not for His Possession-Universe. ```Because you are a childlike believer,
Your God is a constant Giver. ```Each aspiring life
Is a prolonged andExtensive Dream
Of God. ```Success is an incident.
Progress is an experience. ```God-seekers feast
On God’s great Silence. ```Although there is nobody
In the audience,God the Lecturer
Every day delivers a lectureOn peace.
```I do know who You are,
But will I ever know who I am? ```Greatmess-God I adore.
Goodness-God I love.Fulness-God I need.
```My life is stationed in between
My tearful heart and my cheerful soul. ```I shall not mind if I am behind everyone
And below everyone,As long as in life’s battlefield
I do not lose. ```Aspiration begins.
Surrender continues.Gratitude concludes.
```Because you are a child-like believer,
You are God’s constant giver. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Lord, I thank You for Your Smile, 1995
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/lit