My Lord,
Now that my love for YouIs strong once more,
And my faith in YouIs strong once more,
I have decided to addressAll my petitions and supplications
To Your Lotus-Feet once more. ```My Lord,
When I pray and meditate,I most lovingly clasp
The Smiles of Your Eye.Will You not clasp
The tears of my heartIn return?
```My Lord,
You do know the depthOf my love, devotion
And surrender.I must say, they all come
From the depthOf my sincerity-heart.
My Lord, do YouAgree with me?
"My child, I do, I do."
```My Lord,
One day You injectElephant-confidence in me.
Next day You injectLion-confidence in me.
This way, alternately,You give me
The elephant-lion-confidenceEarly in the morning.
But, alas, as the day advances,My confidence disappears.
I become an objectOf pity-insecurity.
```My Lord, fulfil me.
Fulfil me, my Lord.Why delay any further?
```My Lord,
Inwardly I may argue with YouIn season and out of season
But, rest assured,If You are ever in need of me,
I will immediately throw myselfHeart and soul
At Your Feet. ```My Lord,
I know I argue with YouAll the time inwardly,
But I know You are the only OneTo take notice of me,
You are the only OneTo take care of me,
You are the only OneTo tolerate me,
You are the only OneWho has not lost
Even an iota of hopeIn me.
```My Lord,
Whether You give me permissionOr not,
I shall go here, thereAnd everywhere
Telling the whole worldThat I am Yours,
Solely Yours. ```My Lord,
Now it has becomeAn open secret.
Every day we barter:You give me
Your Compassion-Eye;I give You
My gratitude-heart. ```My Lord,
I stand in frontOf the world-assembly
And pray and meditate,And speak so highly of You.
Can You not secretly come to meAnd whisper a sweet word to me —
Even once? ```My Lord,
You have told me time and againThat when I am desperately
In need of You,You will come to my rescue.
My Lord,I need You badly.
How is it that You are neglectingYour Promise to me?
```My Lord,
Every dayI am sending my heart-letters
To YouAnd asking You when both of us
Will meet once again.Perhaps You do not know
Or You do not care to knowOf my heart's excruciating pangs.
```My Lord,
I am swimmingIn the sea of ecstasy,
For You are deeply enjoyingMy heart-garden.
I am commanding my eyesNot to lose sight of You,
Even for a fleeting second. ```My Lord,
Everybody has special possessions.My only priceless possession:
Your Forgiveness-FeetInside my heart-home.
```My Lord,
Sorrows attend my eyesAnd tears attend my heart
When I fail to be intoxicatedBy Your outer Beauty
And Your inner Fragrance. ```My Lord,
I admit that I have madeMost serious blunders
And I admit that my faultsAre innumerable.
That does not meanThat You cannot overlook
My faults.That does not mean
That You cannot forgive me.If You cannot overlook my faults,
If You cannot forgive me,How are You going to preserve
Your reputation that You areThe Compassion-Forgiveness-Lord
Of the fallen? ```My Lord,
My outer life is fast asleep,But my inner life is fully awake.
Do not abandon me because ofMy outer life's misbehaviour.
There shall come a time,I am sure,
When my outer lifeWill follow my inner life
Happily and proudly. ```My Lord,
We know that earthly happinessIs of short duration.
How is it thatWe do not increase every day
The speedOf our climbing aspiration?
```My Lord,
Every day I want to washYour Feet
With my heart's gratitude-tears.Nothing else ever concerns me.
```My Lord,
I want to adoreYour Compassion-Feet
Sleeplessly and breathlessly.My Lord,
I want to enjoy indifferenceTo all else.
```My Lord,
My entire being is burningWith love, devotion
And surrender for You.I simply cannot understand
How You can remain aloof. ```My Lord,
Now that You have allowed meTo gain Your Compassion,
Please never allow my loveTo wane.
```My Lord,
I am unable to steal Your HeartWith my love
Because Your Heart is too vast.Since my heart is so tiny,
Can You not steal my heartWith Your Love infinite?
I am sure You can do itEasily.
```My Lord,
When I serve You,I pray to You,
Do not pay me with YourAffection-Gratitude-Smile.
What I need from YouIs Your express Command
To please You alwaysIn Your own Way.
```My Lord,
Why do both of us boastUnnecessarily?
Who chose whom firstIs of no consequence.
As long as we love each otherUnreservedly,
Let us put an endTo our sweet dispute.
```My Lord,
You have allowed meTo remain seated at Your Feet
All the time.What an extraordinary favour
I have received from You!Now I need
Another favour from You:Please destroy
My shamelessly towering prideImmediately.
```My Lord,
You have given me the capacityTo serve You
Day in and day out.If You want to bless me in return,
Then I pray to You to grant meYour Ocean-Delight as a reward
And nothing else. ```My Lord,
I want to be deeply attachedTo Your Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-FeetExactly the way a desiring man
Is attached to his desire-life. ```My Lord,
Your Love has entrapped my eyes,My heart, my life and my all.
May I be allowed to entrapThe hallowed dust of Your Feet?
```My Lord,
I know what I offer YouIs always small, very small,
Yet Your Heart overflowsWith Nectar-Delight.
I am preparedTo come into the world
Again and againOnly to fathom Your Love
Unfathomable. ```My Lord,
Why are You so indifferentTo me today?
"My child,I do not even know the meaning
Of indifference.Therefore, your opinion of Me
Does not apply to Me." ```My Lord,
Today I want You to avoid me,The impurity of my presence.
I am really ashamedTo call You my own.
"My child,If I do not accept you
As you are,Then how can I claim you
To be My own, very own?" ```My Lord,
I have been waitingFor a long time
To hear from You.Why do You not ask for me?
Does it cost You anything? ```My Lord,
Time and againYou are commanding me
To come to YouNot as a beggar, but as a prince,
Your prince.My Lord, are You sure
You mean what You are saying? ```My Lord,
I have forgottenThe beauty, fragrance,
Majesty and divinityOf Your Feet.
Do run towards meFast, faster, fastest.
Your absenceIs stabbing my heart.
```My Lord,
There is no real reason for meTo torture You
For Your outer attention.Alas, alas, yet why...?
```My Lord,
Since I am not pleasing YouIn Your own Way,
Please do me the greatest favour:Please hand me over
To the darkest oblivion-night. ```My Lord,
I live in earth-bound time,But I am certain that a mere glance
From Your Compassion-EyeCan chase away the power of time
That has enslaved my life. ```My Lord,
You have shown me many things,But out of Your infinite Compassion,
Do show me Your own PathThrough my life.
```My Lord,
I beg of You to give meThe capacity to ceaselessly cry
At Your Lotus-FeetUntil all my voice is lost.
```My Lord,
It seems to meThat You have ceased
To care for me.If I am right,
Do show me the wayAnd if I am wrong,
Then prove it. ```My Lord,
If I jump into Your Arms,Will You hold me
Or drop me?"My child,
If you believe in your courage,Then I believe in My Concern."
```My Lord,
I have purified my mind,I have widened my heart.
Is there anything moreYou expect?
"My child,Only one thing more:
Patience." ```My Lord,
I have given myselfAnother name:
Earth-bound suffering."My child,
If you do not mind,I can add
One more name:Heaven-free delight."
```My Lord,
Every day I singYour Victory-Songs
For at least four hours.May I know from You
What You do for me?"My child,
You do your workAnd I do My Work.
I energise your mindAnd inspire your heart."
```My Lord,
You ask me to keepMy consciousness
One inch above my headWhen I meditate.
Is there any reason?"My child,
Your mind is inside your head.I want you to remain
Outside your mind-jungle,At least when you meditate
On Me." ```My Lord,
My love does not please You.My devotion does not please You.
My surrender does not please You.Is there anything I have
That can please You?"My child,
Cultivate more sincerity.Cultivate more eagerness."
```My Lord,
My desire-life who chose,If not You?
"My child,
If you think that way,Then I have something new
For you:Aspiration-heart."
```My Lord,
I am proudOf my gratitude-heart-tears.
Do You have anythingTo be proud of?
"My child,
I have nothingTo be proud of.
From time immemorialI have been performing
My self-imposed Task:I love you.
I care for you." ```My Lord,
You have sent for meAnd I am now here.
"But, My child,
I have asked your whole familyTo come.
You and your body only are here.Where is the rest of your family —
Vital, mind and heart?How is it
That you have come to MeLeaving them behind?
Alas, I wanted to takeYour whole family
Together with MeTo My new Home:
Satisfaction." ```My Lord,
Everything is topsy-turvyIn this world.
I am supposed to run after You.You are running after me
Instead. ```My Lord,
Have You any idea how beautifulYour Compassion-Eye is?
My Lord,
Have You any idea how powerfulYour Protection-Hands are?
My Lord,
Have You any idea how mercifulYour Lotus-Feet are?
My Lord,
Have You any idea how blissfulYour Satisfaction-Heart is?
"My child,
I do not know.But if you think
That I should know,Then let Me hear it from you."
My Lord,
On one condition,I expect Your undivided attention.
"Of course, My child, of course."
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Lord's Lotus-Feet versus my devotion-heart, part 1, Agni Press, 1998
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