The Bengali film31

I went into a video store in Queens. The owner was a Gujarati who had lived in Calcutta for many years. So we talked in Bengali about many, many things. Then I asked him if he had any Bengali films. He said, “Many, many!”

I said, “Please give me a spiritual one.”

He gave me one about Lord Shiva’s sacred place in the Himalayas. I believed him when he said it was in perfect Bengali, so I bought it.

When I watched the film, it was not in Bengali at all. It was in Hindi — and with a silly actor whom I do not like.

Vinaya went and got another one, but it was very undivine. And this was from the same man that I was talking to about spiritual things!

122. 4 February 1986

From:Sri Chinmoy,I love shopping, part 3, Agni Press, 1994
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