My Lord Supreme,
What is the difference betweenGreatness and goodness?
“My child, Greatness means 'I am.’
Goodness means ‘Thou art’.” ```My Lord Supreme,
What do I need?Excellence or transcendence?
“My child,
You need both.The human in you needs excellence,
The divine in you needs transcendence.” ```My Lord Supreme,
How can my mind, my heartAnd my life be truly happy?
“My child,
Your mind can be truly happyOnly by renouncing
Its possession-greed,Your heart, by multiplying
Its God-hungerAnd your life, by enjoying
Its God-surrender-feast.” ```My Lord Supreme,
In Your kind opinion, who am I todayAnd what shall I be tomorrow?
”My child,
In My opinion, you are todayYour fantasy-dream
And tomorrow you will beYour ecstasy-reality.”
```My Lord Supreme,
I beg of You,Do tell me what is within me
And what is without me.“My child,
Within you areYour heart’s soft whispers,
And without you areYour mind’s loud murmurs.”
```My Lord Supreme,
May I know what You are going to doWith my desire-mind
And my aspiration-heart?“My child,
With your desire-mind,I have decided to dig My own grave
And with your aspiration-heartI have decided to create a new paradise.”
```My Lord Supreme,
What are You going to doWith my desire-face
And with my aspiration-eyes?“My child,
I have decided to reluctantly touchYour desire-face
And I have decided to affectionatelyTreasure your aspiration-eyes.”
```My Lord Supreme,
What are You going to doWith my desire-mind
And my satisfaction-heart?“My child, I have decided
To carry your desire-mindAnd sink both of us together
In ignorance-sea.I have decided to carry
Your satisfaction-heartInside My Golden Boat
And sail togetherTo the Shores
Of the ever-transcending Beyond.” ```My Lord Supreme,
What do You doWhen I demand something from You
And expect something from YouAnd really need something from You?
“My child,
When you demand, I immediately fall asleepAnd start snoring.
“When you expect, I quickly wake up
And start singing.“When you need, I sprint toward you
Like your Sudhahota Carl Lewis,The world’s fastest sprinter,
And smilingly reach youAnd affectionately give you what you need.”
```My Lord Supreme,
What are You going to doWith my complicated mind?
“My child, I shall very carefully
Take your complicated mindTo My new school
That will teach your mind how to unlearn.” ```My Lord Supreme,
What are You going to doWith my simplicity-heart?
“My child, I shall very proudly
Take your simplicity-heartTo My fullness-school
That will teach your heartHow to acquire wisdom-light
More, infinitely more.” ```My Lord Supreme,
When I isolate my mind from others,Does it affect You?
“My child,
It does.It definitely does.
Something within MeCompels Me to cry most pitifully.”
```My Lord Supreme,
When I isolate my heart from others,Does it affect You?
“My child,
It does.It definitely does.
Something within MeCompels Me to die immediately.”
```My Lord Supreme,
Do I have anything to make you happy?“My child, you do.
Your heart’s faith-founded existence-lifeMakes Me happy, boundlessly happy,
Far beyond your imagination.” ```My Lord Supreme,
I feel so sorry for You.I really do.
“My child,
Why do you feel sorry for Me?”I am so clever that I can easily convince You
That I love You, but You find it so difficultTo convince me that You love me,
Therefore, I feel sorry for You.“My child,
I am so grateful to you that you have suchGenuine sympathy for Me.
Where can I findAnother sympathetic heart like yours?”
```My Lord Supreme,
When I devotedly pray and soulfully meditate,I can clearly see that my life is an open book to You.
But alas, no matter how hard I try to know aboutYour earthly life and Heavenly life, I sadly fail.
Therefore I am begging You to be kind to meAnd share some of Your secrets.
“My child,
I shall comply with your requestBut I do not know whether My secrets
Will make you happy or unhappy.Anyway, I leave it up to you.
“My secret number one:
Each time your desiring mindDefeats your aspiring heart,
I cry and cry.“My secret number two:
When you dine with your mind-doubtsAnd starve your heart-faith,
I cry and cry.“My secret number three:
Each time you do not allow your heartTo fulfil its Heaven-climbing promises,
I cry and cry.“My secret number four:
Each time you do not allow your soul to fulfilIts Heaven-manifesting promises on earth,
I cry and cry.“My secret number five:
When your life-boat pliesBetween your depression-vital-shore
And your frustration-mind-shore,I cry and cry.
“My secret number six:
When you become the most intimate friendOf your body’s idleness and your mind’s unwillingness,
I cry and cry.”My Lord Supreme,
I don’t know why I suddenly feel so tired and sleepy.It seems that You have literally endless secrets.
“Yes, my child.
I do.”Then, my Lord,
Some other dayI shall definitely hear more of Your secrets.
“My child, My child, wait, wait.
Only one more secret I wish to share with youBefore you fall asleep.
“This time, I am blessing you with My topmost secret:
You are My Today’s Self-Transcendence-DreamAnd My Tomorrow’s Self-Perfection-Satisfaction-Reality.
My Lord Supreme,
I am fast asleep.I cannot hear You anymore.
“My child, I am still fully awake.
I shall do everything for you.You enjoy your sweet sleep.”
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Lord Supreme, I am falling asleep, Perfection-Glory, Augsburg, Germany, 1992
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