My Lord Supreme, I am falling asleep



My Lord Supreme,

What is the difference between

Greatness and goodness?

“My child, Greatness means 'I am.’

Goodness means ‘Thou art’.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

What do I need?

Excellence or transcendence?

“My child,

You need both.

The human in you needs excellence,

The divine in you needs transcendence.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

How can my mind, my heart

And my life be truly happy?

“My child,

Your mind can be truly happy

Only by renouncing

Its possession-greed,

Your heart, by multiplying

Its God-hunger

And your life, by enjoying

Its God-surrender-feast.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

In Your kind opinion, who am I today

And what shall I be tomorrow?

”My child,

In My opinion, you are today

Your fantasy-dream

And tomorrow you will be

Your ecstasy-reality.”




My Lord Supreme,

I beg of You,

Do tell me what is within me

And what is without me.

“My child,

Within you are

Your heart’s soft whispers,

And without you are

Your mind’s loud murmurs.”




My Lord Supreme,

May I know what You are going to do

With my desire-mind

And my aspiration-heart?

“My child,

With your desire-mind,

I have decided to dig My own grave

And with your aspiration-heart

I have decided to create a new paradise.”




My Lord Supreme,

What are You going to do

With my desire-face

And with my aspiration-eyes?

“My child,

I have decided to reluctantly touch

Your desire-face

And I have decided to affectionately

Treasure your aspiration-eyes.”




My Lord Supreme,

What are You going to do

With my desire-mind

And my satisfaction-heart?

“My child, I have decided

To carry your desire-mind

And sink both of us together

In ignorance-sea.

I have decided to carry

Your satisfaction-heart

Inside My Golden Boat

And sail together

To the Shores

Of the ever-transcending Beyond.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

What do You do

When I demand something from You

And expect something from You

And really need something from You?

“My child,

When you demand, I immediately fall asleep

And start snoring.

“When you expect, I quickly wake up

And start singing.

“When you need, I sprint toward you

Like your Sudhahota Carl Lewis,

The world’s fastest sprinter,

And smilingly reach you

And affectionately give you what you need.”




My Lord Supreme,

What are You going to do

With my complicated mind?

“My child, I shall very carefully

Take your complicated mind

To My new school

That will teach your mind how to unlearn.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

What are You going to do

With my simplicity-heart?

“My child, I shall very proudly

Take your simplicity-heart

To My fullness-school

That will teach your heart

How to acquire wisdom-light

More, infinitely more.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

When I isolate my mind from others,

Does it affect You?

“My child,

It does.

It definitely does.

Something within Me

Compels Me to cry most pitifully.”




My Lord Supreme,

When I isolate my heart from others,

Does it affect You?

“My child,

It does.

It definitely does.

Something within Me

Compels Me to die immediately.”




My Lord Supreme,

Do I have anything to make you happy?

“My child, you do.

Your heart’s faith-founded existence-life

Makes Me happy, boundlessly happy,

Far beyond your imagination.” ```



My Lord Supreme,

I feel so sorry for You.

I really do.

“My child,

Why do you feel sorry for Me?”

I am so clever that I can easily convince You

That I love You, but You find it so difficult

To convince me that You love me,

Therefore, I feel sorry for You.

“My child,

I am so grateful to you that you have such

Genuine sympathy for Me.

Where can I find

Another sympathetic heart like yours?”




My Lord Supreme,

When I devotedly pray and soulfully meditate,

I can clearly see that my life is an open book to You.

But alas, no matter how hard I try to know about

Your earthly life and Heavenly life, I sadly fail.

Therefore I am begging You to be kind to me

And share some of Your secrets.

“My child,

I shall comply with your request

But I do not know whether My secrets

Will make you happy or unhappy.

Anyway, I leave it up to you.

“My secret number one:

Each time your desiring mind

Defeats your aspiring heart,

I cry and cry.

“My secret number two:

When you dine with your mind-doubts

And starve your heart-faith,

I cry and cry.

“My secret number three:

Each time you do not allow your heart

To fulfil its Heaven-climbing promises,

I cry and cry.

“My secret number four:

Each time you do not allow your soul to fulfil

Its Heaven-manifesting promises on earth,

I cry and cry.

“My secret number five:

When your life-boat plies

Between your depression-vital-shore

And your frustration-mind-shore,

I cry and cry.

“My secret number six:

When you become the most intimate friend

Of your body’s idleness and your mind’s unwillingness,

I cry and cry.”

My Lord Supreme,

I don’t know why I suddenly feel so tired and sleepy.

It seems that You have literally endless secrets.

“Yes, my child.

I do.”

Then, my Lord,

Some other day

I shall definitely hear more of Your secrets.

“My child, My child, wait, wait.

Only one more secret I wish to share with you

Before you fall asleep.

“This time, I am blessing you with My topmost secret:

You are My Today’s Self-Transcendence-Dream

And My Tomorrow’s Self-Perfection-Satisfaction-Reality.

My Lord Supreme,

I am fast asleep.

I cannot hear You anymore.

“My child, I am still fully awake.

I shall do everything for you.

You enjoy your sweet sleep.”


From:Sri Chinmoy,My Lord Supreme, I am falling asleep, Perfection-Glory, Augsburg, Germany, 1992
Sourced from