The Loser
does not want to rememberif and when he has blamed others
for his own sad losses. ```The Winner
wants to knowwhen and where he has
deeply appreciated his well-wishers. ```The Loser
wants to hear onlyhis own opinion of himself.
```The Winner
wants to hearothers' opinions of him.
```The Loser
secretly admires the winnerand openly hates the winner.
```The Winner
openly encourages the loserand secretly belittles the loser.
```The Loser
breathlessly desires admiration. ```The Winner
sleeplessly desires satisfaction. ```The Loser
is hesitation-mind. ```The Winner
is determination-soul. ```The Loser
professes his future perfection. ```The Winner
confesses his present limitation. ```The Loser
cries for the celestial Blissbut is willing to be satisfied
with the terrestrial joys. ```The Winner
cries for the celestial Blissand nothing else will ever satisfy
his sleepless hunger. ```The Loser
thinks that victoryis something amazingly great.
```The Winner
knows that victoryis wanting in permanent satisfaction.
```The Loser
thinks that his fate is unchangeable. ```The Winner
knows that he is his own fate-maker. ```The Loser
thinks that he has to bravely faceworld-injustice,
his enemy number one. ```The Winner
knows that he has to sleeplessly lovedetermination,
his friend number one. ```The Loser
thinks that he deservesgenuine appreciation from the winner.
```The Winner
also realises thatonly if somebody else is the loser
can he become the winner. ```The Loser
has a deathless hungerfor appreciation-ocean
but shamelessly failsto acknowledge its limitations.
```The Winner
is fond of world-appreciation,but is painfully conscious
of its limitations. ```The Loser
is ready to kill himself. ```The Winner
is eager to better himself. ```The Loser
thinks that merit can be discarded. ```The Winner
knows that merit has to be rewarded. ```The Loser
knows what to say. ```The Winner
knows what to doand also how to do.
```The Loser
tells the world thatshameless partiality
is the order of the day. ```The Winner
tells the world thatblameless impartiality
is the order of the day. ```The Loser
loves the ecstasy of success. ```The Winner
enjoys the confidence of success. ```The Loser
becomes a mad elephantafter the defeat.
```The Winner
remains a swift deerafter his victory.
```The Loser
thinks that he has lostthe most perfect world.
```The Winner
thinks that there can bean infinitely better world.
```The Loser
wants to become greatby dint of his exasperation.
```The Winner
wants to become perfectby virtue of his dedication.
```The Loser
thinks that the entire worldis ruthlessly against him.
```The Winner
surprisingly feelsthat the entire world
is for him. ```Sound teaches
The Loserthe art of endless talking.
```Silence teaches
The WinnerThe art of growing peace.
```The Loser,
at the end of his journey's closeunwillingly dies.
```The Winner,
at the end of his journey's closesmilingly embraces death.
```The Loser
is confusion-frustration. ```The Winner
is concentration-penetration. ```The Loser
feels that God is NOTCompassion-Light.
```The Winner
knows that God ISJustice-Light.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,The loser and the winner, Agni Press, 1981
Sourced from