71. Dissonance


Chinmoy, no doubt, you are a musician. Unfortunately I cannot call you a good musician, for you have never sung a song or played a piece of music without making some serious error. Anyway, I want to ask you if dissonance bothers you?


Madal, the pure and clear sincerity within me shakes hands with your proud assessment of the musician in me. I like and don't like discord and unharmonious effects in music. I like it because the child in me still likes restlessness and excitement. I don’t like it because the old, traditional, austere Indian Yogi in me finds it difficult to appreciate anything that creates restlessness and excitement.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Two brothers: Madal and Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse, 1972
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/mc