Question: How do you meditate?
Sri Chinmoy: You are asking a most complicated question. If you have no teacher you have to start by reading spiritual books written by real Masters. This will give you inspiration. Then please practise concentrating on your heart. Nobody can describe the way to meditate, for each person's soul has its own way of meditating. You have to go deep within to find your own way. If you cannot go deep within to get your own meditation, or if you are not satisfied with the meditation that you feel you have received from within, you have to feel the necessity of throwing the mind into the heart. The unillumined human mind has to be thrown into the heart's sea of divine love. If you really want to meditate, learn to concentrate in the heart and not in the mind.
I am not saying that the mind is bad. Far from it. But the mind is limited while the heart, which is very close to the soul, is unlimited. At most what you can get from the mind is inspiration. But inspiration itself is limited. But when you meditate on the heart, inspiration turns into aspiration. Aspiration does not come from the mind. No! It comes directly from your heart. The heart can give you everything. Aspiration is the harbinger of realisation or illumination. In aspiration is the seed of realisation. Aspiration comes from the heart because the illumination of the soul is always there. And when you meditate on the heart, not only do you get aspiration, but you also get the fulfilment of that aspiration: the soul's infinite Peace, Light and Bliss.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Mind-confusion and heart-illumination, part 2, Agni Press, 1974
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