Getting lost

Sometimes, on the weekend, I used to take the subway to my sister-disciple Kailash-ben’s place. Often she would invite several Indian friends to visit. I was able to go to her place without any difficulty. How was it, then, that every time I came back I used to get lost?

Kailash-ben lived in Manhattan. At that time, I also lived in Manhattan. The problem was that after a certain hour, some trains do not work. I would wait for the train thinking, “Since this train brought me here, it will definitely take me back to the station from where I started my journey.” I was absolutely sure that I was taking the correct train.

But I was so stupid! Instead of bringing me home, the train would take me somewhere else. When I told the other passengers my address and asked for help, they would ask me, “What are you doing here?”

Every time I would take the wrong train.

From:Sri Chinmoy,My Consulate years, Agni Press, 1996
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