Every day
My soul reminds meOf my God-commitments.
```God proudly treasures
The beautyOf my God-aspiration,
The purityOf my God-dedication
And the divinityOf my God-manifestation.
```To be a better aspirant,
I helplessly cry withinAnd
Powerfully smile without. ```If you do not want
To listen to GodEven once a day,
Why should God allow youTo remain inside
His Heart-Garden? ```O my Lord Supreme,
Do ask my heartNot only to forgive my mind,
But also to leadAnd guide my mind
To reach the goldenDestination-Shore.
```From now on
I am determinedTo love and serve God
Sleeplessly, blindlyAnd unconditionally.
Who cares if my ex-friend,Ignorance,
Suffers? ```Each serious mistake
Leads to eitherAn outer punishment
Or an inner enlightenment,Or both.
```My soul-friend
Wants me to make progressOnly through
My inner and outerHappiness.
```The inner experience-height
Is the beginning ofThe outer freedom-delight.
```Very happily and proudly
God watchesMy humility and His Divinity
Playing together. ```Can there be anything
More fruitful thanMy sweetness-fragrance
Progress-heart-home? ```Why do I love and look at
The beauty and purityOf the world?
BecauseThey take away instantly
My own uglinessAnd impurity
For my much-neededTransformation.
UnconsciouslyHas awakened me
To pray for God-rapture. ```The world
Is really beautifulBecause
So my heartHas imagined it.
```God will never allow
A true God-seekerTo waste time,
For each momentIn God-aspiration,
In God-realisationAnd
In God-manifestationIs so important.
```Even from an iota
Of my patience,I have come to learn
How wise, illuminingAnd fulfilling
God eternally is. ```If you are a true seeker
AndWant God-manifestation,
How can you then enjoyYour chronic
Self-absorption? ```No matter
What the worldThinks of me,
I am, indeed,A God-lover
In my own right. ```Gratitude
And surrender-flightsKnow no turbulence
In the sunlit sky. ```My heart and I
Are so happyThat insecurity
Has finally drawnIts last breath.
```Surrender, surrender,
Surrender unconditionally!Yours will be an inner
Ecstasy-flooded life. ```Alas,
How I wishSomebody would tell me
What my heart'sDaily true needs are!
```Every day
I meet GodIn His Heart's
Silence-Illumination-Sea. ```Alas,
It is my own jealous mindThat destroys
My heart'sSweet hope-dreams.
```O my unaspiring mind,
You are neither neededNor wanted.
You are just tolerated. ```What I always need
Is not a publicity-mindBut a purity-heart.
```O my silence-rainbow,
May I flyWith your
Heaven-climbing wings? ```If you are
A chosen God-dreamer,Then before long
Your life'sIgnorance-nightmare
Will come to an end. ```Only
A tranquillity-flooded heartCan be the possessor
Of beautiful, soulfulAnd fruitful tears.
```As love of God
Without prayerIs impossible,
Even so,Peace of mind
Without meditationIs impossible.
```Harmony shall echo
And re-echoThroughout the length
And breadth of the worldWhen each human being
Values the beautyAnd divinity
Of self-offering. ```In my universal
Oneness-heart-nest,No earth-bound desire-bird
Will ever be allowedTo take rest.
```Nothing is impossible.
There shall come a timeWhen I shall definitely
Be ableTo move my searching mind
From ignorance-pathways. ```The unwillingness
Of the mindHas to surrender eventually
To the streaming tearsOf the heart.
```O my mind,
I do not think anybodyIs willing to pay attention
To yourRuthless and shameless
Indifference-life. ```God neither imposes
Nor exposes.He just proposes
Out of His infiniteCompassion-Light.
```O my mind,
Do you not rememberThat there was a time
When you loved GodMost dearly?
If you do notRemember the time,
Let me tell you.It was before the time
When you made friendsWith fear, doubt,
Anxiety and despair. ```O my life, O my life,
My heart must doWhat it has to do.
You cannot and must notStand in my heart's way.
```My Lord,
Please tell me whyYou have created thoughts:
To punish meOr to illumine me?
"My child,The thoughts
That your mind createsFor you
Are for your punishment.The thoughts
That I create for youAre for your
Enlightenment." ```When God comes to you,
He brings with HimHis transcendental Dream.
When you go to God,You should take with you
Your earth-liberated reality. ```As a glimpse of God
Can give youA taste of trance,
Even so,A glimpse of God
Can make youHis direct representative
On earth. ```I have two teachers:
The soul and the mindThe soul teaches me
God-acceptance-songs.The mind teaches me
Life-possession-dance. ```God and God's Peace-Hours
Are fast approaching meBecause
I am now grown intoMy heart's
Unconditional breath. ```Every day
My Lord SupremeWants me to multiply
My heart'sSincerity-purity-smiles.
I do not know why and howI have lost
My heart'sAspiration-hunger
And my life'sDedication-thirst.
```The indomitable
Power of faithWill eventually conquer
All mountain-barriersOf our desiring and
Unaspiring mind. ```God does not want
To exposeYour mind's stupidity
And your heart's impurity.He just wants to plant
His own DivinityInside your Heaven-longing
Necessity. ```O my mind,
You are helpingThe wrong parties
If you are siding withThe haughtiness
Of your vitalAnd
The lazinessOf your body.
```May invisible inspiration
Be found inside my mind.May invisible aspiration
Be found inside my heart.May invisible enthusiasm
Be found inside my vital.May invisible awareness
Be found inside my body.May invisible perfection
Be found insideAll that I do
And all that I become. ```The God-hunger-song
Of the ancient sagesMust be learned
By the modern worldTo please
The Absolute Lord SupremeOnce more in His own Way.
```What I need
Is a quenchless thirstFor the perfection of
My mindAnd the satisfaction of
My Lord Beloved Supreme. ```There can be
No iota of confusionIn the shrine of my heart.
But confusionCan be endless
Inside my mind-temple. ```My Lord,
Were You looking for me?Alas, I was in
My darkness-mind-room.My Lord,
Will You once moreLook for me?
This timeYou will definitely find me
InsideMy aspiration-heart-room.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My God-commitments, Agni Press, 1992
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/mgc