My obedience embodies God's Pride.
My obedience reveals God's Smile.My obedience manifests God's
and my Oneness-Immortality. ```My God obedience transforms my mind-chaos into my heart-harmony.
```My obedience-heart is the fragrance of my soul.
you are my mind-illumination-teacher. ```O my obedience, I am so proud of you, because you have a free access to God's Satisfaction Heart-Home.
```God is swimming in the sea of tears to touch my disobedience-heart.
```No lesson is as important in human life as obedience-lesson.
```My obedience is God's another future God-creation.
```Obedience is the all-fulfilling fount of
all our virtues. ```No obedience, no love-tree.
No obedience, no devotion-flower.No obedience, no surrender-fragrance.
```What is my God-obedience?
My God-obedience is at once the rejection of my desire-mind and the acceptance of my aspiration-heart. ```Obedience is the fastest acceleration of earth-life evolution.
```Obedience always knows where to go — to God's Heart-Garden.
```Obedience always knows whom to see — God the Smiler.
```Obedience always knows whom to please — God the Eternal Dreamer.
```My obedience is the cheerful obeyer of my God-whispers.
```If ever my obedience falls asleep, then I will be ignorance-night's favourite possession.
```My obedience-life gladdens and inspires God to visit me frequently.
```My obedience is my heart-blossom-ecstasy.
```My obedience is my God-Breath-inheritance.
```My God-obedience is my Infinity's Home.
```My God-disobedience is my Eternity's Grave.
```My God-obedience is my soul's God-Victory-Trumpet.
```My God-obedience is my aspiration-trophy.
```My God-disobedience is my aspiration-atrophy.
```My God-obedience is my immediate and vehement rejection of Satan's temptation-advice.
```My disobedience thinks that it is not getting enough God-attention.
```My God-obedience feels that it is getting infinitely more God-attention than it can ever imagine.
```My God-obedience-heart is my life's unlimited capacity.
```My God-obedience-heart devotes itself to God's supreme Necessities.
```My God-disobedience-mind binds itself to life's utter absurdities.
```My Lord Supreme says to me, "My child, your unconditional obedience is My Heart's All."
```Obedience says to God,
"My Lord, devour me."Disobedience says to God,
"I am not at all hungry for You." ```Obedience says to God,
"Loving You is the only thing that I need to learn from You here on earth and there in Heaven." ```My God-obedience is the abundance of my mind-illumining, heart-enriching and life-fulfilling opportunities.
```My Lord, what can obedience do for me?
My child, obedience can take you far beyond the attachment-expectation-frustration-life. ```God wants my obedience to smile at Him and smile with Him, and cry together for the perfection of humanity.
```My obedience is my prayerful and cheerful journey to my Lord's Peace-Home.
```My constant obedience is my lifelong residence in my Lord's Peace-Island.
```My obedience-life throbbingly feels God's twenty-four-hour-a-day Satisfaction-Presence.
```O my mind, you do not have even an iota of obedience.
No wonder you are crippled by worry-anxiety-insecurity-frustration-ailments. ```O my disobedience, how do you enjoy yourself, being a vagabond-mind-victim?
```O my heart's obedience,
what can you do for me?I can destroy your mind's ignorance-fortress.
What else can you do for me?I can safely carry you away from your own explosive vital-territory.
```O my heart-obedience, you are, indeed, my only holy shrine of God-Worship.
```My obedience longs for God to use its very breath in God's own Way.
```O my obedience, you are the only one to save me from standing outside in the heavy rain of God-fear and God-doubt.
```O my obedience-heart, I am all gratitude to you, for it is you who have made me receptive to my Lord's Dream-Blossom-Whispers.
```O my obedience, you are sweeter than the songs of the morning birds.
You are purer than the heart of the morning sky.You are more peaceful than the silence of the evening sky.
You are more self-giving than the life of the evening sky. ```O my obedience,
We all follow God.But God follows you.
We all treasure God.But God treasures you.
```O my obedience,
God gives all His Possessions to others unreservedly.But He gives you Himself unconditionally.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My God-obedience, Agni Press, 1994
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