Morning invites my heart. Evening invites my life



Morning invites

My aspiration-heart to ascend.

Evening invites

My dedication-life to transcend. ```



What do I need?

I need sleepless courage.

What for?

To enjoy breathless happiness. ```



Since the beginning of creation

Self-giving and happiness

Have been oneness-friends.




Without patience-peace

Nobody can and nobody will

Win the progress-race.




To God I give what I have:

My heart-patience-seed.

To me God gives what He is:

His Heart-Satisfaction-Tree. ```



The very nature of the heart's purity

Is to remain beautiful,

Soulful and fruitful.




God does not want

My heart to remain

An invisible seeker.




God wants me to study


My heart's aspiration-history.




O my mind,

Your intimacy with ignorance-prince

Is extremely dangerous.




Is there any human being

Who is not addicted

To his own desire-fulfilment?




Outer wealth is properly spent

Not to gratify our vital

But to fulfil and please

The Supreme in our lives. ```



You have told God

To let you know

When He is in need.

But can you not see

That poor God is always

Badly in need

Of your self-offering?




It is the doubting mind

That says:

"If he doesn't perform miracles

At every second,

He is not the Saviour."




Because you have sincerely accepted

The spiritual life,

Your soul now expects to take you

Happily and proudly to God. ```



The best and most effective way

To rectify your mistakes

Is not to repeat them.




You want to cure your humanity-friend?

You may not know about the outer medicine,

But you do know the inner medicine:

Prayer. ```



When you do not value

God's creation-flowers,

God feels like a gardener

Whose work is not appreciated. ```



If you cannot listen

To your Master-Lord's soulful requests,

Why should he be responsible

Throughout Eternity

For your spiritual life?




He was such a careless

And useless seeker

That God finally decided

Not to continue His Compassion-Stupidity

In this lifetime.




O unfortunate seeker,

You have forced God

To have a new name:

Disappointment. ```



God is offering His Gratitude-Heart

To all His seeker-children

For the good things

They have done for Him

And for the bad things

They have not done. ```



You expect from God

And God is more than willing

To give you

His Blessings, Love and Concern.

But where is your receptivity,

Alas? ```



God's blessingful Eye has asked

Each and every seeker

To do many things inwardly and outwardly.

To His great sorrow,

There is not a single seeker

Who has passed his examination

To God's true Satisfaction.




Now is the time for you

To run, run, in your inner life,

And pay no attention to wrong forces

Trying to devour you. ```



If you want to sail

In the boat of ignorance

Which is certain to capsize,

Who can prevent you?

No, not even your Pilot Supreme.




Do not wait indefinitely for others.

Go forward and reach your highest.

The Supreme will give you

Infinitely more strength

To care for humanity.




Do not expect anything

From anybody.

Just do everything cheerfully

To transcend your own capacities. ```



What a rank fool!

He refused to be part and parcel

Of God's Vision and Mission,

Yet he wanted God's Attention

At every moment.




Do not look around at others.

Just go forward!

For you, and you alone,

Will be accountable for your inner progress. ```



God's urgent Question:

"Are you ready?"

Your immediate answer-prayer:

"Take me, take me!" ```



It is up to you

To choose the most difficult obstacle

In your spiritual life

And fight against that very obstacle. ```




You have failed God

Again and again.

But now is the time

To challenge that failure

And succeed at last. ```



There is no such thing as impossible

In the spiritual life.

When you achieve the so-called impossible,

Then all your problems,

Inner and outer,

Will be solved. ```



Do not allow your doubting mind

And frustrated vital

To attack poor God.

God will survive,

But your aspiration will be weaker

And your spiritual death will be sooner. ```



Offer all your problems to God

As you would offer Him flowers.

He will be more than happy

To accept them,

And to make your problems

His problems. ```




When his desires were not fulfilled,

He kept them to use as destructive weapons

Against God

Instead of dedicating them

To God. ```



Undivine thoughts offered to God

Become beautiful flowers

At His Feet.

Undivine thoughts cherished

Become powerful weapons

To attack God. ```



Be careful what you do

With your thoughts,

For each thought has and is

An atomic power. ```



Spirituality means fighting—

Fighting against ignorance—

Nothing else.

A true seeker must always be ready

To fight to the very end.




The Supreme is always ready

To transport us to our own natural

Divine consciousness,

But alas, we have clothed our minds

In the heaviness of thought.




When your mind's thought-arrows

Assail you,

Hear only one word

Exploding like a bomb

In your meditation:

Your heart's constant "No!" ```



Who is going to win ultimately

In the tug-of-war?

You, the seeker,

And not your unaspiring thoughts. ```



Have faith in God,

Have faith in your own spirituality.

You will definitely be the victor

If you just continue walking

Along the inner path.




God will not fail us,

And if we are wise,

We also will not fail Him

In any way. ```



Let us not lose touch with our

Inner Pilot

By neglecting and ignoring Him

And giving undue importance

To our outer life.




If you have not already discovered,

Then now is the time for you to discover

Your inseparable Eternity's oneness

With your Lord Supreme,

Who is all for you.




The faster we can run toward our goal

The better for us,

For once we reach our destination

We come to realise that it is not

The ultimate destination,

But a new beginning. ```



If you don't see anything in God,

Then in God's entire creation

There can be no greater fool than you!




Alas, for a few days

Humanity remembers

God's supreme Message,

And then it goes back

To its life of oblivion.




Do not transfer to ignorance-school,

For when you come back

To wisdom-school

You will have to start again

From the very beginning.




Be sincerely brave

To accept God's criticism.

Be braver still

To abide by His Requests,

Inner and outer.




Your absolutely most important task

Is not to make friends with doubt

Either in your own life,

In the life of your Master

Or in the Life of your Beloved Supreme.




You feel that action alone

Is progress.

But I am saying that non-action

Is also necessary. ```



The rogue-vital says:

"How I wish God would not call me.

I am so exhausted!"

The clever mind supports the vital.

But the willingness-heart says:

"I will always keep the receiver on

So that God can call me at any time

On my inner telephone!" ```



Everything God is doing for you

Is for your good.

Everything He is not doing for you

Is also for your good.

God will not do anything

To lower your consciousness

Or to take you away from His Heart.




How to make progress?

Expand your heart,

Expand your consciousness,

And become happy

By establishing your oneness

With the world. ```



If you are divinely happy,

You are absolutely perfect.

Your happiness is your progress

And God's Satisfaction. ```



God is in my hand

And God is also in my eye.

My Hand-God is acting

And my Eye-God is watching. ```



When the God inside you

Serves others with purity and divinity,

The God inside others

Appreciates your highest consciousness. ```



The very best ending

Of any year

Is only gratitude

For the things that have happened

In your life.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Morning invites my heart. Evening invites my life, Agni Press, 1992
Sourced from