The moment I please God in God's own Way



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God gives my eyes

The Beauty of His Eye

And gives my heart

The Fragrance of His Heart.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He makes my life

His Heart's own

Ambrosial Affection. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He takes me as an urgent need

Before He does anything.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My life becomes

An immortal protection-cradle.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My heart becomes

A flaming and climbing

Aspiration-flower-blossom. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

The purity-goddess

Starts living permanently

Inside my heart-temple. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

Each thought of mine

Grows into

An abiding affinity

With all the human beings

Of the world. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God compels me to forget

All my human foibles

And frailties. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

A failure-life becomes

A total impossibility.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He blesses me

With His transcendental

Vision-Light-Award. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

The doubt-deluge of the entire world

Does not dare approach

My life's progress-harvest. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He becomes my heart

And I become His Heartbeat.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

The first thing He does

Is to illumine

Bright, brighter, brightest

The dark alley of my mind.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He and I immediately become

Two mutually enthusiastic

Oneness-offerings. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I feel inspired from deep within

To write God every morning

A gratitude-heart-letter. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He makes me an excellent player

In His Cosmic Game.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He commands me

Not to ever ride

My mind's ego-horse. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I see nowhere





The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, happily and proudly

I shall become

The slave of your slave."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, I am burying

All your past

Evil deeds

And hurrying your future

Divine deeds."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child,

I have conquered your head;

You have conquered My Crown."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, you have given Me

What you presently have.

I am giving you

What I eternally am." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child,

Now that you have pleased Me,

Ask Me for a boon.

I shall immediately fulfil you."

My Lord,

Please give me the capacity

To love You infinitely more

Than You love me.

"My child, ask for another boon.

How can I allow you to steal

My own most precious desire?"




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child,

You have played your first role

As My lover most successfully.

Now I want you to succeed

In exactly the same way

As My Eternity's partner." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, I am placing

The animal in you

Before My Eye,

The human in you

Inside My Heart,

The divine in you

At My Feet."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, as it is true

That I am your shrine,

Even so it is equally true

That you are My temple." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child,

From today on I shall be

Your dearer than the dearest

And better than the best Messenger." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, you and I

Have cried for each other

For a very, very long time.

Now let us start smiling

At each other

Throughout Eternity." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He whispers


And I whisper





The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I remain far beyond the reach

Of the random arrows

Of hostile fate. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

Both my Mother Earth

And my Father Heaven

Become extremely proud of me. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My God-loving, God-serving

And God-manifesting capacities

Become the pride

Of God's Infinity.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My mind does not remain

Any more

An avalanche of impurity. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God welcomes me to study

At His Perfect Perfection-Satisfaction-School.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me

That from now on

I shall have to follow only

A one-way road

To my Destination. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God asks me

If I am sincerely interested

In His manifestation on earth.

If so, He will bless me

With a two-way road

To my Destination.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He asks me to drink deep,

Very deep

His Nectar-flooded Will. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I see nowhere

My mind's

God-unwillingness-confines. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He asks me to sprint

For His world-astonishing

And world-fulfilling

Peace award.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, stop watching Me.

Start participating

In My Cosmic Lila (Play)."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, now is the time

For you to spread

The transcendental glories

Of My Vision-Light

Upon My creation."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God puts my life's desire-night

To eternal sleep.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God awakens my heart's


To play with

His Eternity's Silence


His Infinity's Sound.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child,

Claim My Immortality's

Ever-transcending Smile.

It is all yours." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I clearly see

My very earth-existence-life


In an ocean of bliss.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God asks me to row

And He provides me with the oars

To arrive at the Golden Shore

Of the Beyond.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God puts an end

To my life's endless rounds

Of mistakes. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God asks my heart-quality

And my life-quantity

To smile at each other. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My self-glory-desire


To my self-discovery-aspiration. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I become

My gratitude-heart-presentation

And God becomes

His Infinitude-Heart-Compassion.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, I am sure,

Like Me,

You will never take

A leave of absence." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My Lord promises me

That every morning

He will take a pleasure-walk

In my heart-garden.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God teaches me the supreme art

Of tuning my heart

To His universal Heart. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I am shocked to see God

Taking me as another God.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God immediately wants me

To enjoy

His thunderous applause. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God opens the door

Of His Eternity's Silence.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My heart-sky starts ringing

With the music of angels.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me that from now on

I will be able to touch

His Feet

At any moment I want to.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me to draw in

The fragrance

Of His Eternity's Breath. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God blesses me

With the blissful waves

Of His Touch. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God starts defending me

Against both earth and Heaven's

Accusations. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I become the 'News of the Day'

Both in Heaven and on earth.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My heart throbs

With devotion-tears

And God's Heart throbs

With Pride-Smiles.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My life becomes

A fully blossomed lotus-heart

For God-worship. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My heart becomes

A sleepless aspiration-boat

And my life becomes

A breathless dedication-train.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He immediately asks me

To decorate

His Heart-Home

In my own way.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I tell Him, "My Lord,

I do not need

Even Your infinite Delight.

I need only

Your constant Command." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I devour the dust

Of God's

Sweetness-Oneness-Fulness-Will. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God gives me the capacity

To fulfil Him

At every moment

On a very colossal scale.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He tells me to become

An everlasting contribution

To His Mission. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I compel the long expedition

Of ignorance-night

To halt. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My heart-gratitude-smiles

Thrill God's Heart

Far more

Than I can ever imagine.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I revel in God's

Peaceful Heart


Blissful Embrace.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He tells me that

Each heartbeat of mine

Has to be His own

Manifestation-life's watchword.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I dance in the core

Of God's

Compassion-flooded Fondness. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, from now on

You will be

The doctor of your mind."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child,

I am inhaling

Your life-tears.

You inhale

My Heart-Smiles."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child,

Start immediately

Energising yourself

With self-mastery

And God-discovery."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I come to realise that

Heaven-Beauty is God's Eye


Earth-fragrance is God's Heart.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, from now on

I shall set your pace

According to My need.

You must neither push

Nor pull yourself."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, no more rest!

Rest is a luxury

And not a necessity."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, from now on

Yours will be a life of heart-living

And not a life of mind-scheduling."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, from now on

Watch and listen to your heart-sky.

It speaks.

It speaks exactly like Me." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child, from now on

My Heart shall direct your choice


My Hand shall direct your voice." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me,

"My child,

Although life has dealt you

Many, many, many cruel blows,


You are my Eternity's Concern,

Infinity's Joy

And Immortality's Pride."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God immediately quickens

My heart's God-pulse.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He promises me

That He will unmistakably

Count on me

In times of His spiritual

Emergencies. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I come to realise

That my God-obedience

Is such a small price

To pay.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child, from now on

My Will only

Will prevail in your life-

This fact is certain." ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

I come to realise

That from that very moment

My life shall thrive only

On God-hunger.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God says to me,

"My child,

The telephone line

Between your heart

And My Heart

Will never be out of order."




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

God tells me

That from now on

His Sculptor-Hands

Shall fashion my life.




The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

To my great surprise,

God shows me

That my God-longing-tears

Are at once

Birthless and deathless. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

He tells me His Life-Story

And makes me

His Heart-dictionary. ```



The moment

I please God

In God's own Way,

My Lord blesses me —

My heart, my mind, my vital

And my body —

With gigantic soul-strides

To arrive

At my ultimate Goal.


From:Sri Chinmoy,The moment I please God in God's own Way, Agni Press, 2000
Sourced from