My heart dies
The moment it seesMy Master's sadness-tears.
```My heart sings, plays
And dancesIn ecstasy supreme
When it sees my Master'sGladness-smiles.
```Time salutes and stops
When my Master proudly expressesHis love, affection, sweetness
And fondness for me. ```Every morning
My Master helps my heartWake up
With his heart's sunrise-beauty. ```My Master cautioned me
And warned meOf the tragic descent
Of my disobedience-life. ```O my impurity-mind,
Do not whine!O my insecurity-heart,
Do not cry!Behold, our Master,
With his compassion-flooded eye,Is fast approaching us.
```When the Master appears,
He immediately saysTo my frustration-mind, vital and body:
"Stop!Enough of your stupidity-pride!"
He then says to my heart:
"Enjoy no more ignorance-sleep!I want you to accept
Some of myWorld-transformation-responsibilities."
```The Master appears and says:
"I am sure this timeMy iron rod will work,
Since up until nowMy sweetness-flute
Has sadly failed." ```My Master does not come alone.
He carries with himHis heart-home
So that his childrenDo not wander any more
Inside their mind-jungles. ```Master, Master,
What is the differenceBetween my faith in you
And your faith in me?"My child, your faith in me
Depends on your sweetHope-fulfilment by me.
My faith in youEntirely depends on
Your heart's love-strengthAnd
Your life's surrender-length." ```Master, Master, over the years
I have given you so many things.It seems to me that you have shown me
No sense of appreciation.Master, this time I have
Two very special gifts for you.I am sure you will enjoy them.
"My child, tell me, tell me.
I am all eagerness."Master, this time I shall give you
My gratitude-heartAnd my surrender-life-beauty-fountains.
```Master, Master, please tell me
How you love meMore than I love you.
"My child,
Your heart needs repair.Leave it with me just for an hour.
I will do the needful." ```A God-realised Soul
IsDivinity's Lion-Prince
ButHumanity's donkey-slave.
```The Soul of a God-realised Person
Tries with GodAnd
The Heart of a God-realised PersonCries with God
For the transformationOf humanity.
```A God-realised Soul
Is at onceGod's Responsibility-Partner
AndMan's responsibility-frustration-reservoir.
```A God-realised Person
IsNinety-nine per cent underestimated
AndOne hundred per cent misunderstood
By the elephant-ignorance-prideOf humanity.
```A God-realised Person
Receives two giftsFrom humanity:
Crucifixion-tortureFrom the desire-world
From the aspiration-world. ```The silence of the inner world
Tells the God-realised Soul:"Wake up!
Tarry not!Hurry up!
Run up and downWhile serving God
Inside the heart of humanity."The sound of the outer world
Tells the God-realised Soul:"Shut up!
Shut up!Stay not here!
Pack up!Go elsewhere!
Not here, not here!" ```The immortal Motto
Of a God-realised Soul:Tomorrow's Dawn never begins.
Yesterday's Night never ends. ```A God-realised Person
Is at onceHumanity's thunder-kick-
Divinity's Bowling-Ball-Winner-Dreamer.
```A God-realised Soul
Swims in the seaOf Divinity's Tears
AndDrowns in the ocean
Of humanity's frowns. ```Humanity does not need
A God-realised SoulBecause
He is not useful in humanity's eyes.Divinity opens Heaven's Door
For a God-realised SoulOnly after He has accomplished
His supreme Task on earth. ```Divinity
Encourages a God-realised SoulIn His God-Manifestation-Hunger
By thunderous clapping.Humanity
Discourages a God-realised SoulIn His God-Manifestation-Hunger
By ferocious slapping. ```The Heart of a God-realised Soul
Blossoms insideGod's Immortality-flooded Smile.
The Life of a God-realised Soul
Dies insideHumanity's jealousy-dragon-eye.
```A God-realised Soul
Does not know how toTarnish and punish.
He only knows how to
Cry and try, again and again,To see Divinity's Sun
In humanity's sky. ```Finally, the Absolute Supreme
Tells a God-realised Soul:"My child,
You are My ownEternity's Vision-Eye
AndYou are My own
Immortality's Reality-Heart." ```Mine is a God-Dream
That can neverBe shattered.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That can neverBe even shaken.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That never losesMy God-appointment book.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That tells meThat my heart's aspiration
Is nothing other thanMy life's recreation.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That embodies onlyThe mountain-silence-peace.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That only knowsMy heart's rising aspiration-sun
And neverMy heart's setting aspiration-sun.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That is alwaysEmpty of doubt-poison.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That is alwaysTriumphant over
My earthly human fate. ```Mine is a God-Dream
That tells meThat it is not our sadness
But our selflessnessThat makes us very special
To God. ```Mine is a God-Dream
That is, indeed,My passport to God's
Celestial Country Home. ```Mine is a God-Dream
That does not allowMy God-manifestation
Heart-songTo remain unsung.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That always findsMy Lord Beloved Supreme
AvailableInside my heart-home.
```Mine is a God-Dream
That bravely swims acrossThe ocean of impossibilities.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Master, Agni Press, 2001
Sourced from