He says that (as you know) God is in the Church, but also He is in your heart. But the God who is in your heart is more compassionate and more divine than the God who is in the Church. Your heart's God is all the time for you; He is absolutely pure, and He is absolutely for you, whereas the God in the Church, receiving different vibrations from many, many people and some undivine priests — the atmosphere may not be so good.
But you must continue going to the Church. However, please pay more attention to the church inside your heart. This heart contains your religion fully and, at the same time, divinely. Unfortunately, in some of the Churches, it is full of dogmatism. But your heart is full of love, full of purity for God. By God's Blessings, you will get infinitely more when you go to your own inner church. This church is religion in its purest form. Since you have been brought up as a Christian, you must go to the Church, but you must pay more attention to your own heart-church.
Now, secondly, your husband definitely says that if you do not like the particular priest at all, then you do not have to make any confession to him. If you feel that you have made a mistake or have done something wrong, he wants you to stand in front of his picture and touch your heart and speak out to him. Touch your heart with your right palm, and immediately he will get your confession and he will unite his soul with yours. He will pray to God to give you more Light and Illumination. You will definitely go to God, but your husband does not want you to make any confession to the priest that you dislike so much.
Then your husband wants you, for one hour a day, one precious hour to start with, to do some work for the world, some work that pleases you most. Now this work you will do under no compulsion, but out of free choice. You will select some work, and you will do it for one hour a day. Your soul wants it, needs it.
Your soul is extremely beautiful. Your soul embodies God the Beauty and God the Splendour, plus the purest consciousness of the fairy. You belonged to a royal family in your past life, closely associated with the reigning monarch. Your family was like that of the Barons. You were adored and even worshipped for your divine qualities. You were very tall and very strong, with a beautiful stature and long hair.
In the next life, you will be greater. I know that your present life will be changing very soon. The darkness that is going to attack you will be thrown away by your inner light and life. You need not fear for anything because I shall be there to help you. No matter where you are, Auntie, in Spain or in Puerto Rico, I can help you.
If you want to send a message to your husband, I can do it. Your husband repeatedly tells me that he cares much more for your heart's religion than anything else. Again he is giving me this message, "PLEASE DO ONLY WHAT YOUR HEART SAYS AND NOT WHAT OTHERS SAY." Your heart will never fail you, but some of the religions have been corrupted by uncomely human thoughts, feelings, ideas and prejudices. However the aspiring heart can never be contaminated. It is so pure.From:Sri Chinmoy,The Master speaks to the Puerto Rican disciples, 1966-1972, Agni Press, 1993
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/mpr