This morning
During my meditationMy soul blessingfully spoke to me.
My human eyes and human earsWere the soulful
And prayerful witnesses."My child,
You need love
More, infinitely more,To succeed.
"You need devotion
More, infinitely more,To proceed.
"You need surrender
More, infinitely more,To make yourself happy
AndTo make Me happy.
There is no other way,And there can be no other way."
```My problem is this:
I cannot thinkOf God
Even for seven minutes a day.God's problem is this:
He cannot stop thinkingOf me
Even for seven seconds a day.My problem is this:
I do not want to know
How great God is,As long as He is kind to me.
God's problem is this:
He does not want to knowHow undivine I am,
As long as I call Him my Father. ```My Lord,
Is it possible to have happinessIn this world?
"Definitely, My child.
I would not have created this worldIf I could not create happiness
In this world."My child,
There are two kinds of happiness:
Happiness realAnd happiness unreal.
"When the real in you
Pleases Me in My own Way,That happiness is real.
"When the unreal in you
Pleases you in your own way,That happiness is unreal.
"Do you want to know how
You can know the real happinessFrom the unreal happiness?
"When you are really happy,
You are satisfied within,Divinely and supremely.
"When you are unreally happy,
You get no sense of satisfactionEither in your inner life
Or in your outer life." ```My Supreme Lord,
When You make me happyIn my own way,
I feel that I have achievedSomething great.
My Supreme Lord,
When I make You happyIn Your own Way
What happens to You?"My child,
I feel that I have made
Tremendous progress,And I also feel that the Hour
Has struck for MeTo dream of a better, higher
And deeper creationIn and through you."
```My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the sweet hopeTo feel that I can
Fulfil You and please YouIn Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the brave courageTo feel that I will
Fulfil You and please YouIn Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the surrendered lifeTo feel that I am
Fulfilling You and pleasing YouIn Your own Way.
```I do not pray
To an unknown God.I do not meditate
On an unknowable God.
I pray to the God
Whose Transcendental EyeIs extremely familiar.
I meditate on the God
Whose universal HeartIs extremely popular.
His Transcendental Eye
Tells me to make Him happyOnly in His own Way.
His Universal Heart
Tells me to become perfectOnly in His own Way.
```My Lord,
Please forgive me.I have not brought anything
For You this time."My child,
Next time you come to visit Me
Here in Heaven,Will you bring Me
What I desperately need?"Definitely, my Lord.
Please tell me what it is
That You desperately need."My child,
Then bring Me
All the nuclear weaponsThat the countries of the world,
Especially the superpowers,Have produced."
```My Lord,
What is the differenceBetween suicide and war?
"My child,
Suicide you commitWhen you are an impossible fool.
"War you declare
When you are absolutelyThe worst sinner."
```My Lord,
Everybody knows what war isAnd what peace is.
May I learn from YouThe difference?
"My child,
War is the mind'sWorld-devouring problem.
Peace is the heart'sWorld-illumining solution."
```My Lord,
How can humanityStop declaring war?
"My child, easily.
Just by not thinking of war,Exactly the way humanity
Does not think of Me." ```My Lord,
After You created the world,Did You ever think of war?
"My child,
I have infinitely better thingsTo think of:
Love, oneness and peace." ```My Lord,
When the war-mongers die,Where do they go?
"My child,
I send them to a placeWhere I have never been
And I shall never go,Never!"
```My Lord,
Will there beA Third World War?
"No, My child,
BecauseEvery night I make it a point
To threaten and frightenThe war-mongers in their sleep."
My Lord,
Are they conscious of it?"My child,
I do not care
If they are conscious of it,As long as I do not allow them
To do what they want to do." ```My Lord, Rama and Krishna fought
Against their enemies.I am sure that they did
The right thing."My child,
Rama, Krishna and I
Are inseparably one.Therefore, how could they
Do anything wrong?"At that time,
The divine forces fought
Against the undivine forces."But now,
To manifest the Light of the Divine,
The inner insecurity-forcesFight against
The outer security-forcesTo fool the outer world."
```My Lord,
Will there be a dayWhen there will be no war
And this world of oursWill be flooded with peace?
"My child,
Do not think of war.Do not think of peace.
Just become peace.Lo and behold, war is nowhere."
```My Lord,
As You know, thousands of peopleHave been killed
By nuclear weapons."My child,
I am sure that you know that
Billions and trillions of peopleHave been saved
By My Compassion-Eye." ```My Lord,
The superpowers are decreasingTheir nuclear weapons.
I am sure that You are pleasedWith them.
"My child,
I am indeed pleased with them,But not proud of them."
What do You mean,
My Lord?"My child,
I shall be proud of them only when
They place at My Forgiveness-FeetAll their nuclear weapons."
```My Lord,
If I dislike someone vehemently,What is the best way to deal with
That person?"My child,
There is not just one,
But there are many waysTo deal with that person:
Do not expressYour volcanic anger.
Think and feelThat you have the capacity
To mould and shape that personInto a perfectly lovely human being.
Discard all your preconceived ideasAnd judgements about the person,
For if you cherish hostile attitudesTowards any person,
Then your own hostilityWill devour you.
Just imagine that right nowYour so-called enemy is having
Nice thoughts about you.Not only that,
To your wide surprise, your enemyIs speaking highly of you
To others."Finally,
Ask your mind to be a peace-maker.
Ask your heart to be a peace-lover.Ask yourself to be a peace-observer
Here and everywhereIn the Eternal Now."
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Morning prayers. Poems on war, Agni Press, 1992
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