My spirituality
IsMy heart's God-oneness-song.
```My spirituality
IsMy life's nature-transformation-gong.
```My spirituality
IsMy sleepless self-transcendence.
```My spirituality
IsMy breathless God-dependence.
```My spirituality
IsMy mind's emptiness-fulness.
```My spirituality
IsMy heart's divinity-universality.
```My spirituality
IsMy world-acceptance-beauty.
```My spirituality
IsThe fragrance of God-Forgiveness.
```My spirituality
Bravely acceptsThe challenges of each new day.
```My spirituality
Knows thatMy countless problem-solutions
Are my Lord'sCompassion-flooded uniqueness.
```My spirituality
IsMy constant yearning
For something beyond. ```My spirituality
Wants me to rememberOnly one thing:
God answers.He answers in His own
Inimitable Way. ```My body dies,
But not my spirituality,Never!
```My spirituality
Plays hide-and-seekInside my sound-life
AndMy silence-death.
```Although God loves hiding,
He never hides His FootstepsFrom my spirituality-eye.
```My spirituality
IsMy readiness, willingness
And eagernessFor the satisfaction
Of those in need. ```My spirituality's sun
Knows only how to riseAnd knows not
How to set. ```My spirituality
Has two unfailing friends:Perseverance and patience.
```My spirituality-mind blooms
AndMy spirituality-heart blossoms
In the same Heart-GardenOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```In loving surrender,
My spirituality-headI always keep low
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme. ```My spirituality-ear
I always keep closeTo the disturbing and disheartening noise
Of the world. ```God tells me
That my spirituality-tearsAnd
My spirituality-smilesAre the real angels on earth.
```My spirituality tells me
That each aspiring heartIs God's hallowed shrine.
```My spirituality
IsMy God-embodiment-whisper
```My spirituality
IsMy heart's God-sword.
```My spirituality
IsMy life's God-shield.
```My spirituality
Remains always emptyOf desires.
```My spirituality
Is always repleteWith aspirations.
```My spirituality-tears
FollowThe divine in me.
```My spirituality-smiles
LeadThe human in me.
```My spirituality-vital
IsA perfect stranger
To frustration-aggression. ```My spirituality-body
IsA pure flame
Of selflessness-life. ```My spirituality at once
Loves to becomeAn evil-fighter
AndA goodness-lover.
IsMy spirituality's past name.
IsMy spirituality's present name.
IsMy spirituality's future name.
```My spirituality-boat
Shall never fail,For it is endowed with
The capacity to sail,Forever sail.
```My spirituality
IsMy heart's morning flute.
```My spirituality
IsMy life's evening bell.
```A pleasure-shunned life
My spiritualityTreasures.
```My spirituality does not live
Either in a praise-palaceOr
In a blame-cave. ```My spirituality
Remains far, very far,From praise-rapture
```When I lose my spirituality,
Where do I find it?I find it inside my heart-cradle
And notInside my mind-grave.
```My spirituality means
God-necessity,Conscious and constant,
Sleepless and breathless. ```My spirituality
Is notMy mind's Himalayan supremacy.
```My spirituality
IsMy heart's Atlantic intimacy.
```My spirituality
Remains prostrated at God's FeetAround the clock.
```Where is my spirituality?
My spirituality is restingIn the Heart-Peace-Room
Of my Lord Supreme. ```To my great joy,
My spirituality never gets lostIn my mind-hesitation-fog.
```Every day
My spirituality sportsIn the hallowed territory
Of my Lord's Compassion-Eye. ```My spirituality
Grows younger and younger,With more and more determination,
With each passing year. ```God,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Invites my spirituality to share
His Infinity's good fortune. ```My spirituality
Is my daily one-pointed trustIn the Ultimate Divine.
```My spirituality
Longs to be the conquerorOf the world's streaming tears.
```My spirituality
Longs to be the serverOf the world's beaming smiles.
```My Lord,
May my spiritualityWave the flag of universal peace
Every day. ```My spirituality
Never walks alongThe world-criticism-road.
```My spirituality
Every day walks alongThe world-appreciation-shore.
```My spirituality
Does notAuthoritatively preach
In God's Name. ```My spirituality
Does notEloquently teach
In God's Name. ```My spirituality
Shows the worldWhat God unreservedly has
For the world. ```My spirituality
Is notMy worldwide mind-manifestation.
```My spirituality
IsMy worldwide heart-presentation.
```My spirituality
IsMy soul-pull from Above.
```My spirituality
IsMy heart-push from below.
```My spirituality's aspiration-tree
Is blossomingWith my heart's gratitude-rain.
```My spirituality-thoughts
Are my gratitude-birdsSpreading beautiful plumage.
```My spirituality
Is notMy futility-mind-jungle.
```My spirituality
IsMy fecundity-heart-garden.
```My spirituality
IsA prayerful and cheerful traveller
Along Eternity'sCompassion-flooded Road.
```My spirituality
IsNeither too old
Nor too young.With its wisdom-maturity,
My spirituality runs and runsTowards Infinity's Golden Shore.
```My spirituality-heart
Every day bustlesWith God-Arrival-preparations.
```My Lord Supreme
Has blessed my spiritualityWith an eye that speaks volumes
Without a single word. ```My spirituality
Knows that it has to conquerAt every moment
Difficult tests and stark challenges. ```My spirituality
Does not believeIn world-interference.
```My spirituality
Does not believeIn world-indifference.
```My spirituality
Believes onlyIn world-mind-illumination
AndIn world-life-transformation
AndIn world-heart-satisfaction.
```Needless to say,
My spiritualityIs not
My self-assertion. ```My spirituality
Is notMy self-abnegation.
```My spirituality
IsMy self-preparation.
```What does God want?
God wants my spiritualityTo have intense and immense
Familiarity with me. ```My spirituality
Has settled all my problemsWith the one and only solution:
An unconditional surrenderTo God's Will
Once and for all. ```My spirituality
Is fully awareOf the undeniable fact
That each individual has a taskThat is most difficult to perform.
```My spirituality
IsNormal, natural and moderate.
```My spirituality
Is notA monk's penniless austerity.
```My spirituality
Is notThe smile and pride
Of a king's prosperity-wealth. ```My spirituality
Believes in havingEarthly necessities
And notEarthly superfluities.
```My spirituality
IsMy unparalleled
Self-improvement-opportunity. ```My spirituality
IsMy constant God-fulfilment
Supreme necessity. ```My spirituality-tree
Climbs up to reachThe vault of Heaven.
```My spirituality-flower
Grows to rise and reachThe blossoming morning sun.
```In my outer life,
My spiritualityIs
A God-blessed sword. ```In my inner life,
My spiritualityIs
A God-blessed flute. ```My spirituality
Accepts one GodAnd many gods as well.
My spirituality
Equally believes inA very special future God:
Man. ```My spirituality
Does not want me to becomeA lion-king.
```My spirituality
Wants me to becomeA God-lamb.
```My spirituality
Is notMy self-attainment.
```My spirituality
IsMy ever-fulfilling
God-commitment. ```My spirituality's code of life:
In the immediacy of today,HERE AND NOW!
```My spirituality
MeansMy unprecedented
God-manifestation-opportunity. ```My spirituality
IsMy world-perfection-
God-dreamer-sower. ```My spirituality
IsMy world-satisfaction-
God-warrior-revealer. ```My spirituality
Is notMy life-insurance policy.
```My spirituality
IsMy God-assurance-ecstasy.
```My spirituality may accept
Refusals from earth,But not from Heaven,
Never! ```My spirituality's only law
Is loveBelow,
Above. ```My spirituality
Does not want to learnHow to suspect.
```My spirituality
Does not want to learnHow to doubt.
```My spirituality
Wants to learnOnly how to serve
The world in need. ```My spirituality
Is notAusterity-torture-stupidity.
```My spirituality
Forward, upward and inward. ```My spirituality
IsA perfect stranger
To impossibility. ```Behold,
My spirituality has made GodA living Breath-Reality
On earth. ```My spirituality's speech
Has only one listenerIn the audience:
Myself. ```My spirituality's silence
Has the entire worldAs its audience.
```The questioning mind
Does not dare to knockAt my heart's spirituality-door.
```The searching mind
TiptoesTo my heart's spirituality-door
Only to discoverThat the door is wide open.
```My spirituality
IsMy heart's express train,
Whistling and speedingTowards God-fulness-station.
```My spirituality
IsEternity's Hunger-Cry.
```My spirituality
IsInfinity's Feast-Smile.
```My spirituality
IsImmortality's Dream-Blossom.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My spirituality, Agni Press, 1999
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