God's Eye watches me.
God's Heart waits for me.God's Life feeds my all.
```1-10. 19 February 2000, PS 117↩
My mind,
Stop making constant excuses.My heart,
Stop making daily excuses.Can you not see
That your older brother, soul,Makes no mistake?
```From today on, like my soul,
My heart, my mind, my vital,My body —
Everything that I have and am —Shall love God only.
A lifelong dreamHas finally come true.
```My heart-wisdom needs
God-blessed humility.Humility needs
The feet of universalityFor its complete illumination
And total satisfaction. ```Ignorance-walls can imprison
My God-doubting mind,But never my God-loving heart.
```With redoubled enthusiasm,
I am feeding my eyesWith the Beauty
Of my Lord's Eye. ```With redoubled enthusiasm,
I am kissing each speck of dustOf my Supreme Lord's Feet.
```There must be no going back
On my full God-manifestationAnd God-satisfaction-promises.
```When we give God
Our world-complaint list,God swims in the sea
Of His Heart-Tears. ```Man begs God to increase
His Infinity's capacityTo forgive him.
God begs man to increaseHis divinity's capacity
To receive God. ```We must never dream
Of enlightenmentUnless and until we have
Prayerfully and soulfully offeredOur absolute loyalty
To our God-satisfaction-commitment.```
11-20. 26 February 2000, PS 117↩
The mind and the vital every day
Must go to the iron discipline-schoolTo be ready for the acceptance
Of God-Commands. ```Do you want to know why
God has singled me out?He has singled me out
Not because I love Him moreThan anybody else loves Him,
But because He has given meMore God-hunger
Than He has given to anybody else. ```Self-mastery pioneers
To the outer worldOf surprising success-life.
God-discovery pioneersTo the inner world
Of astonishing progress-heart. ```One powerful doubt of the mind
Can easily derailThe running, blissful train
Of the heart. ```My desire-achievement-fame
IsMy aspiration-enlightenment-shame.
```To love God
UnconditionallyIs to appoint God
Permanently. ```When I fear God,
God tells me thatI disappoint Him
Infinitely moreThan I can ever imagine.
```Enthusiasm at once
Uproots my mind-jungleAnd
Illumines my heart-temple. ```God's Love and Fondness
For meBecome measureless
When my heart-tearsBlind His Eye completely.
```My soul,
Although my heart, my mindAnd my vital
Fail you again and again,Please do not stop showing them
The wayTo the Golden Shore.
```21-32. 1 March 2000, PS 86↩
My heart,
Can you not start lovingOur Lord Beloved Supreme
Every day a little more? ```Each new prayer that I offer
To my Lord Beloved SupremeAdds a new candle
To my heart-shrine. ```When my mind steers,
My heart-tearsBecome uncontrollable.
```My knowledge-light
Is my mind-development.My wisdom-sun
Is my life-enlightenment. ```My mind,
When are you going to stopYour marathon criticism
Of our Lord Beloved Supreme? ```What I need
Is a gramophone-heartAnd not a microphone-mind.
```My vital,
My Lord Beloved SupremeWants you to show Him
Your dynamism.Alas, you are showing Him
Your aggression instead. ```My body,
My Lord Beloved SupremeWants you to be
His own sacred temple.Alas, you have turned yourself into
A lifeless, worthless and uselessPiece of stone.
```The life that offers everything
Absolute Supreme. ```A gratitude-heart
Is to discover on earthA Heaven-delivered rose.
```My surrender-strength
And my Lord'sSatisfaction-length
Simultaneously increase. ```When my Absolute Beloved
Lord SupremeIs a thought,
I slowly walk.```
33-44. 4 March 2000, PS 86↩
When my Absolute Beloved
Lord SupremeIs a will,
I bravely march. ```When my Absolute Beloved
Lord SupremeIs a smile,
I speedily run. ```When my Absolute Beloved
Lord SupremeIs an embrace,
I unmistakably reachMy Destination.
```When I reach my Destination,
My Absolute BelovedLord Supreme tells me:
"My child, I am tired.I want you to take care of My creation
Until I have regained fullyMy Paradise-Dream-manifestation
On earth." ```My aspiration-heart
Echoes and re-echoesOne message:
"No gloom, no gloom!All bloom, all bloom!"
```My God-faith doubles
And redoublesEach time I breathe it.
```Father Heaven greets me
Smilingly and proudlyOnly when I am
Sleeplessly and breathlesslyOn Mother Earth's side.
```God loves me more,
Abundantly moreAnd infinitely more,
When I entertain Him. ```I love God more,
Abundantly moreAnd infinitely more,
When He enlightens me. ```If I constantly keep my eye
On my God-representative-soulOn earth,
Then I will never fail.My life-boat will only sail and sail.
```As long as I safeguard
My God-surrender-promise-fulfilment,I do not have to think of anything else
On earth. ```I pray to God's Heart
For His Forgiveness-Sun.God prays to my heart
For my receptivity-sky.```
45-56. 8 March 2000, PS 86↩
My mind loves
Constant secrecy.My heart loves
Soulful intimacy.My soul loves
God-ecstasy. ```God teaches me how
To invoke Him and welcome HimEvery morning
With my sleepless heartAnd my breathless breath.
```Only my heart-tears
Have the stupendous capacityTo increase
My God-love, God-devotionAnd God-surrender-intensity.
```We just want to watch
God's Cosmic Play,But God eagerly wants us
To participate in His Cosmic Play. ```Alas, when will I be ready
To be a self-giving memberOf God's
Peace-Bliss-Manifestation-SocietyOn earth?
```I may not be familiar
With God's Will,But that must not prevent me
From surrendering my earth-existenceTo God's Will.
```If I love God's Will
A little more,His Love of me
Will immediately be more,Ever more and infinitely more.
```Alas, my mind always tells me
That my mind is the only GodAnd there has been no other God
Since the beginning of creation. ```My heart tells me in all sincerity
That my heart is not God,But it is more than willing
And eagerTo help me and take me to God.
```May each and every prayer
And meditation of mineBecome sweet perfume
In my Lord's Heart-Garden. ```God the Mother tells me,
"My child, do not be in a hurry.Still there is plenty of time."
God the Father tells me,"My son, it is so late!
What is wrong with you?" ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
From today onI shall not give You any more
My ingratitude-life-experience.```
57-68. 11 March 2000, PS 86↩
My Supreme,
To You my solemn promise:No more desire-indulgence,
But aspiration-effulgence. ```May my aspiration-heart
Have a sleeplessAnd breathless breath.
```Meditation is silence.
Silence is GodIn His Infinity's Smile.
```Not for a fleeting second
Do I belong to myself.I belong only to my Lord Supreme
Eternally. ```Not only tomorrow,
But even the next momentIs too late
To please my Lord Supreme. ```My Lord,
You do not come often,And even when You come,
You do not stay long.How I wish You could change
Your Cosmic Plan! ```The highly developed souls
Live in the silence-breathOf God's Infinity.
```When I pray soulfully
And meditate deeply,I see only two things:
God's Protection-CradleAnd
God's Satisfaction-Smile. ```My aspiration-heart
And my service-lifeMust be utilised unreservedly,
Unconditionally, sleeplesslyAnd breathlessly.
```I was born to offer
Each and every heartbeatOf mine
Only to my Lord Supreme. ```When I banished
My fault-finding mind,God immediately gave me
His own all-embracing Heart. ```My heart loves and enjoys
The BeautyOf my Absolute Lord Supreme's Smiles.
```69-80. 18 March 2000, PS 86↩
My Absolute Lord Supreme's Heart
Loves and enjoys the fragranceOf my heart's tears.
```My God-invocation-heart
And God's Satisfaction-Joy-PrideEcho and re-echo simultaneously.
```Unlike the impersonal God,
The personal God cannot beBeyond the realm of suffering.
This is what I knowFrom my God-oneness-heart.
```There is a yawning gulf
Between God taking human birthAnd man taking divine birth.
```My mind loves
Ego-assertion.My heart loves
Oneness-perfection. ```My Lord tells me that
I may lose sight of HimEven if I fix my eyes
On His outer Feet,But I shall never lose sight of Him
If I fix my eyesOn His inner Heart.
```My Lord, I am ready
To be scolded by You mercilesslyAt every moment,
Provided You tell me thatYou will derive true satisfaction
From Your Scolding. ```When my life becomes
Voracious God-hunger,God immediately makes me
A perfectWorld-ignorance-hunter.
```My Lord laughs and laughs
At my self-styled austere mind,But He is all Love for and all Pride in
My self-giving, sincere heart. ```My mind has to unlearn
Almost everything.My heart has to yearn for God
Sleeplessly and breathlessly.My life has to earn
God's Compassion-flooded EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Ocean-Heart.
```From my life to my death
I am a God-Destination-arrivingSailboat.
From my death to my life,I am a God-serving
World-ocean liner. ```My heart sings, plays and dances
In ecstasy supremeWhen it sees my Master's
81-92. 22 March 2000, PS 86↩
My heart dies
The moment it sees my Master'sSadness-tears.
```Time salutes and stops
When my Master proudly expressesHis love, affection, sweetness
And fondness for me. ```Every morning
My Master helps my heartTo wake up
With his heart's sunrise-beauty. ```My Master,
Out of his infinite bounty,Cautioned and warned me
Of the tragic destruction-descentOf my disobedience-life.
```O my insecurity-mind,
Do not whine.O my insecurity-heart,
Do not cry.Behold, our Master
With his compassion-flooded eyeIs fast approaching us!
```When my Master appears,
He immediately saysTo my frustration-mind,
Frustration-vital and frustration-body,"Stop!
Enough of your stupidity-pride!"He then says to my heart,
"Enjoy no more ignorance-sleep.I want you to accept some of my
World-transformation-responsibilities." ```My Master smilingly yet sternly
Appears and says to me:"I am sure this time
My iron rod will workSince, up until now,
My sweetness-fluteHas sadly failed."
```Master, Master,
Please tell me how you love meMore than I love you.
"My child,Your heart needs repair.
Leave it with me just for an hour.I will do the needful."
```My Master does not come alone.
He carries with himHis heart-home
So that his sweet childrenDo not wander any more
Inside their mind-jungles. ```Master, Master, over the years
I have given you so many things.It seems to me that you have shown me
No sense of appreciation.Master, this time I have
Two very special gifts for you.I am sure you will enjoy them.
"My child, tell me, tell me.
I am all eagerness."Master, this time I shall give you
My gratitude-heartAnd
My surrender-life-beauty-fountains. ```Master, Master,
What is the differenceBetween my faith in you
And your faith in me?"My child,
Your faith in me dependsOn your sweet hope-fulfilment by me.
My faith in you entirely dependsOn your heart's love-strength
And your life's surrender-length." ```God does not want us
To weigh His Love for us.He only wants us
To play with Him.```
[^93-104]: 93-104. 25 March 2000, PS 86.God loves us
Not becauseWe are either divinely great
Or supremely good,But because, unlike us,
He knows only one thing:How to love us.
```God is always eager to share
His Heart's Secrets with me,But I am always
My indifferent mind. ```God's Compassion-Eye
Never, never, never forgets meAlthough I am every day climbing
High, higher, highestIgnorance-tree.
```God never wants us to give up.
He always asks usTo wake up and shape up.
```God tells me that
Unless I have a rainbow-heart,He is not going to allow me
To enter into His Heart-Garden. ```Each new sunrise-smile
Declares the birthOf a new God-manifestation.
```How can we ever hear
God's Nectar-VoiceWhen we enjoy our mind's
Loud dissatisfaction-noise? ```Every day we must fulfil
Our God-manifestation-responsibilitiesWith redoubled enthusiasm.
```When my heart smiles at God,
God's Victory-Bell ringsAnd His golden Heart-Chain
Binds me. ```I find everywhere
God's infinite Patience,But God's immortal Pride
Nowhere. ```Alas,
Self-pity and God-displeasureAre equally harmful and painful.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Sunrise-Heart, part 1, Agni Press, 2000
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/msh_1