I meditate
So that when"The Hour of God"
Strikes I shall notBe late in my
```I meditate
So that my mindCannot complicate
My life. ```I meditate
So that I canOne-pointedly concentrate
On the things that IDesperately need.
```I meditate
So that I can easilyObliterate my past mistakes
That are still haunting me. ```I meditate
So that I can accelerateMy progress while I am
Running forward,Flying upward
AndDiving inward.
```I meditate
So that I canBravely terminate
My long-standing friendshipWith ignorance.
```I meditate
So that I can liberateMy earth-bound life
AndPlace it inside
My Heaven-free life. ```I meditate
So that I can celebrateThe Transcendental Victory
Of my Beloved Supreme,Not only in my own life,
But also in the life ofHis entire creation.
```I meditate
So that I can inundateMy entire being
With the omnipotentPower of peace.
```I meditate
So that at every momentI can elevate
My thought-lifeTo God's Will-Power-Life.
```I meditate
So that the animal in meCannot humiliate the
Human in me. ```I meditate
So that I can perpetuateMy eternity's God-hunger
```I meditate
So that Heaven's golden GateI can open up
With my heart's aspiration-key. ```I meditate
So that I can most perfectlyElucidate the Satisfaction-Reality
Of God's Perfection-Dream. ```I meditate
So that my clever andTricky mind cannot
Instigate me, even forA fleeting second,
To speak ill of my Lord'sBeautiful creation.
```I meditate
So that nothing on earthCan intimidate me
On my way to God-discovery. ```I meditate
So that I can easilyDifferentiate the vital feelings
Of the lower worldsAnd
The psychic feelingsOf the higher worlds.
```I meditate
So that I can facilitateAll the complexities
Of the worldWhile I am succeeding in the outer life
And proceeding in my inner life. ```I meditate
So that I can cheerfullyAnd
Perfectly communicateWith
God the Compassion-DelightBefore
God the Justice-LightAppears before me.
```I meditate
So that every morningAnd
Every evening I canSoulfully accommodate
The presence of the cosmicGods and Goddesses
Inside my aspiration-heart. ```I meditate
So that every dayI can donate
Freely and unconditionallyMy heart's purity-breath
AndMy soul's divinity-life
To humanity. ```I meditate
So that I can separateThe thorns of my desire-life
FromThe roses of my aspiration-life.
```I meditate
So that I can always feelThat I have only one
Intimate Friend,And that Friend
Is my Lord'sEver-increasing
Forgiveness-Light. ```I meditate
So that my Lord'sBlessingful Messages
Can constantlyReverberate in the inmost
Recesses of my heart. ```I meditate
So that my vital does notCare to fascinate the
World with its charmBut to strengthen the
World with its dynamism. ```I meditate
So that I can confidentlyState my Lord's Views
And never, never my views. ```I meditate
So that I can becomeEarth's sleeplessly
Crying delegateTo Heaven's constantly
Consoling Oneness-Home. ```I meditate
So that I can graduateFrom the University
Of God's TranscendentalDelight.
```I meditate
So that nothing remainsObdurate in my life
To please God cheerfullyAnd
Constantly in His own Way. ```I meditate
So that every day I canCultivate a new Aspiration-
Dedication-field inside myHeart's soulful purity
And my soul's fruitfulDivinity.
```I meditate
So that my mindCannot hallucinate
In this world of illusionAnd
Delusion. ```I meditate
So that I do not underestimateMy divine potential
Which will unmistakablyAnd
Triumphantly lead meTo the Destination —
The Golden Shore. ```I meditate
So that I do not allowMy fertile mind
To fabricate anyGod-intoxicated story
To gain world-attention. ```I meditate
So that I never procrastinateIn my self-giving duty,
My only duty. ```I meditate
So that my life can beConstantly affectionate
To God's Heart. ```I meditate
So that I can soulfullyPropagate my Lord's Messages
In the fields of my aspiration-purityAnd my dedication-beauty.
```I meditate
So that somedayI can originate
A new hope for the sorrowfulAnd
Pitiful world. ```I meditate
So that the impurity-mindOf my outer life
Cannot assassinateThe purity-heart
Of my inner life. ```I meditate
So that I can be readyEvery day for the immediate
Acceptance of God'sTranscendental Smile
AndThe immediate rejection
Of Satan's universal frown. ```I meditate
So that I can decorateMy heart's purity-temple
According to God'sExpress Choice.
```I meditate
So that God's blue LightOf Infinity permeates
My entire being. ```I meditate
So that I can associateMyself with God's Beauty
In the Angels' World. ```I meditate
So that I do not speculateAnything with my mind-power
But envision the futureRealities with my heart-power.
```I meditate
So thatI can consecrate
Each breath of mineTo better human life.
```I meditate
So that the divine in meCan tolerate the human in me
AndThe human in me can illumine
The animal in me. ```I meditate
So that I can abdicateMy Ignorance-Throne
Once and for allIn this incarnation.
```I meditate
So that I can participateIn the Beauty-Contest
With the AngelsAnd
In the Compassion-ContestWith the Cosmic Gods.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,I meditate so that, Agni Press, 1982
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/mst