There are many ways to love God the creation, but humility is of paramount importance. If we have humility, then nothing is beneath our dignity; there is nothing that we shall not do for our expanded selves. Mother Teresa’s humility is genuine, but in the case of most people it is false. While we are touching the feet of someone, we feel that the whole world is appreciating, admiring and adoring us for our humility. Our body is at the feet of the other person, but our mind is somewhere else — on the top of the Himalayas.
In genuine humility, when we touch someone’s feet, at that time we place our entire existence — body, vital, mind, heart and soul — at that person’s feet. We feel that everything we have and everything we are is at the person’s feet. When a disciple falls at the feet of his spiritual Master, his very breath must touch the Master’s feet and enter into the Master’s heart of compassion. At that time the Master does not feel superior. No, he only feels his oneness with the disciple.
Mother Teresa’s whole vision and mission were founded on humility. If she had not had humility in boundless measure, she would not have gone out into the streets of Calcutta. She went out into the streets of Calcutta and made her home in the slums because she felt her inseparable oneness with the suffering life and bleeding heart of humanity. When we have humility, automatically we increase our love of God the creation.From:Sri Chinmoy,Mother Teresa: Humanity’s Flower-Heart, Divinity’s Fragrance-Soul, part 3, Agni Press, 1997
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