Question: How can both staff members and delegates of Member States understand that spirituality is a true base to build their goals upon?59

Sri Chinmoy: Staff members and delegates of Member States will understand that spirituality is a true base to build their goals upon only by your own personal example. If you can grow into a flower, then naturally you will emanate a fragrance-reality. If you can become a torch-bearer of truth and light, then automatically the world around you will see light. So it is not by talking but by becoming. By bringing to the fore the flowers of oneness, peace and divinity that you have in your inner heart, automatically the essence of these flowers will emanate from you and enter into those who are around you.

MUN 124. 16 November 1976.

From:Sri Chinmoy,My meditation-service at the United Nations for twenty-five years, Agni Press, 1995
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