Question: Is there something that we can consciously do or practise to cultivate humility?186
Sri Chinmoy: You can meditate on a tree. A tree that does not have fruits, that has nothing to offer, stands proudly erect. But a tree that has hundreds of fruits always bends down with utmost humility and offers its fruits to mankind. When it bends down to offer its fruits, it is not looked down upon by others. On the contrary, the tree is appreciated, admired and adored. When you see how humble the tree with fruits is and how it is appreciated by others, this will help you develop your own humility. When you have some fruits, some achievements, you are of greater necessity to mankind. And when you offer your fruits with humility, the world needs you and loves you infinitely more than it would otherwise.
A mother may be tall, but when she wants to offer her food to the child, she bends down. The child sees that the mother is tall and could easily have remained at her own height. But out of love she does not do that. So the child’s love for the mother and gratitude to the mother increase considerably when she bends down. Similarly, when we have something and want to give it to the world, if we do so with humility, then we get appreciation and admiration from the world in boundless measure. When we realise this, then we can easily cultivate humility.
From:Sri Chinmoy,My meditation-service at the United Nations for twenty-five years, Agni Press, 1995
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