Then there is the divine way. This is the way of the heart, which identifies itself with the soul of the United Nations, with its loving capacity. On the strength of its identification with the soul of the United Nations, the heart is able clearly to see and feel the actual growth, evolution, progress and success of the soul of the United Nations. When the heart observes the soul of the United Nations, it sees a powerful tree — a soul-tree of peace, harmony, light and delight. And it sees that there are countless human beings consciously or unconsciously seated at the foot of this tree. These human beings have an iota of aspiration in the inmost recesses of their hearts. If they consciously try to become one with the soul of the United Nations on the strength of their most sincere prayer and meditation, then the soul of the United Nations cheerfully, unreservedly and unconditionally shares with them its wealth, which is universal love, universal light and universal delight.
From God’s point of view, from the absolutely highest point of view, the United Nations embodies the seed that the mind observes; it embodies the tree that the heart feels and also it embodies the fruit. From the highest point of view, this tree of peace, light, bliss and harmony has already started bearing fruit — the fruit of universal oneness. This fruit some God-lovers have already seen and felt. Instead of God-lovers, let us speak of Truth-lovers, since there are many people who do not consciously admit that God exists. But Truth does exist for them. God and Truth are inseparable, like the obverse and reverse of the same coin. But if someone likes to see Truth as the only Reality, as the ultimate Goal, then let him remain with his realisation. Our realisation that God is the only Reality is exactly the same.
When we see the evolution of the soul of the United Nations from the point of view of the Transcendental Truth, then we feel that it has evolved to a considerable degree and is quite mature. We who love the principles, the ideals and the goals of the United Nations are consciously aspiring to eat the fruit that the soul of the United Nations has already become. Again, since we believe in the process of evolution, we feel that there is no end to the progress that the soul of the United Nations will make. The light, the peace and the bliss that the United Nations has already achieved and become is being transcended every day, every hour, every minute, every second.From:Sri Chinmoy,My meditation-service at the United Nations for twenty-five years, Agni Press, 1995
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