God smiles when the seeker every day decreases his desires in the material world and increases his aspiration in the spiritual world. If there are five things that I want from the material world today, then tomorrow I will desire only four things. And in the spiritual world, if I have one good quality today, then tomorrow I will try to have two good qualities.
Suppose that previously I wanted to have three cars to show off to my friends. Now that I have become more spiritual, I will give up the idea of three cars and feel the desire for only two cars. Then after some time I will feel that only one car is necessary.
Similarly, in my spiritual life, let us say that today I want only simplicity. If I become more spiritual, tomorrow I will want not only simplicity but also sincerity. Then the day after tomorrow I will realise that I also need purity, and I will pray to God for purity as well. In this way I will increase my good qualities.
If we can decrease our desires in the material life and increase our aspiration in the spiritual life, then God is bound to smile. And each time He smiles, He makes us feel that He really wants us to realise Him, reveal Him and manifest Him in His own Way.But today there is so much fighting that is against God's Will. These wars are caused by differences of opinion or because one country wants to increase its territory. Countries are fighting because they want to show their supremacy or because they feel that their policies are good whereas someone else's policies are bad. They want only to aggrandise their ego or show that they are stronger. If you fight in this kind of war and kill people, even if your government forces you to, you will have to suffer the consequences. And if you are killed fighting in this kind of war, you will not necessarily go to Heaven.
If your country is attacked and you are forced to fight, definitely you have to defend your country. If you are fighting against the ignorance of some undivine people, if you are fighting some human beings who have become hostile forces and you know it is God's Will that you fight, then you are doing the right thing and there will be no bad consequences. But people do not know what God's Will is, and so many modern-day wars are not divine. Just because you are forced by the government to fight an undivine war, there is no certainty, no guarantee, no assurance that you will go to a higher world if you are killed, or that you will not suffer from the laws of karma for killing others. Just because you or your government do not know what God's Will is does not mean that you will escape punishment for your deeds.It is true that mountains offer inspiration to some seekers. People get tremendous inspiration at the foot of a mountain because of its enormous height. The atmosphere is very pure, very divine, very inspiring. If something gives us inspiration and we love that thing, then we feel that God also loves that particular thing most powerfully. So, in that sense, you can say that a mountain is closer to God than some other place.
The ocean and the sky also inspire many seekers. Again, some Indian yogis, like Ramana Maharshi, got inspiration meditating inside a cave. So those who are his admirers and devotees will feel that God is closer to a cave than to a mountain. And some people who have realised God inside their own room will feel that their room is closer to God than a mountain. So it depends on who realised God at a particular place and on whether or not you are that individual's devotee or admirer. In general, however, people will get more inspiration from a mountain than from a small room.Matthew: I'd choose the mango as well because when eating it I'd think of your consciousness going through me and becoming part of me. It would come as well with the rose, but I think it would be more difficult for me to think of that. So I would choose the mango because I feel it would become part of me.
Ashley: I would pick the rose because even after the rose lost its beauty and its freshness I could still keep the petals. So the rose would stay for a longer time than the mango.
Joshua: I would choose the rose because even after it died I could still see and feel its beauty within my heart.
Amanda: I would choose the rose because if I ate the mango it would be gone so quickly. But if I had the rose, I could breathe in the fragrance and admire its beauty for a very long time.
David: I'd pick the mango because it has good juice.
Jennifer: I'd choose the mango because it would be very sweet. As I was eating it, I would think of Guru and get a lot of joy out of it.
Sarah: I would take the rose because it reminds me of Guru's heart, whereas the mango wouldn't remind me of Guru's heart so much. The flower is more like the heart to me than the mango
Andrew: I would take the rose because I don't like mangoes.
Stephanie: I would take the rose because mangoes are messy and the rose smells nice.
Christine: I would take the rose because it smells good and it lasts longer than the mango.
Daniel: I would take the rose because I feel that the rose would go right to my heart but the mango would just go to my stomach.
Brittany: I would take the rose because I find that I can appreciate nature's beauty more than I can appreciate a good taste.
Nicole: I would take the rose because after you eat the mango you can't really remember the taste, but when you think back to the rose you can remember its beauty.
John: I would rather have the mango because I like mangoes better than roses and I think they taste good.
James: I would take the mango because the rose stem has thorns on it and it hurts your hand.
Justin: I would take the mango because I would find it easier to appreciate the sweetness and beauty in the mango, and roses make me sneeze.
Robert: I would appreciate the rose more because I can appreciate smell much more than taste. Also, the rose would last longer.
Heather: I would also pick the rose because I don't like mangoes and I think the rose is much more beautiful.
Elizabeth: I would take the rose because it reminds me of the soul's beauty. A mango is good but it doesn't have the same kind of beauty as a rose.
Samantha: I would take the rose because it would last much longer. Also, I would be able to see the purity of the rose, whereas the mango I would probably eat in a day or two, and then I wouldn't be able to really remember the taste or anything.
Megan: I would take the rose because I could appreciate its beauty and also because it lasts much longer.
Joseph: I would take the mango because it tastes much better and I like mangoes. I wouldn't take the rose because it has thorns.
Ryan: My mind tells me to take the mango and my heart tells me to take the rose. So I would say the rose because I could appreciate the inner beauty of the flower.
Brandon: I would take the rose because of the purity that it offers.
William: I would take the rose because it has what I desperately need — purity's fragrance.
Sri Chinmoy: My nickname is Madal. My real name is Chinmoy. As Madal I would choose the rose and try to see and feel its beauty and fragrance inside my heart-garden. Then I would be able to purify my heart and see and feel my Beloved Supreme in my heart-garden smiling at me. But as Chinmoy I would choose the mango, because while tasting the mango I would think of divine Nectar, which is infinitely sweeter. I know if I can drink Nectar from my prayer and meditation, then I will be immortal and will be able to serve God forever and forever, throughout Eternity.Joshua: I would want to be God's slave because if I was God's slave I would always be serving Him and I couldn't make a mistake.
Ashley: I would like to be God's friend because I like to think of God as my friend. Then I would always be with Him as his friend.
Amanda: I would like to be God's slave because then I would be serving Him eternally and by being His slave I think I would also be His friend.
Samantha: I'd like to be His slave because I know I would be serving Him. Maybe a friend might not see God too often but His slave would always be with Him.
Sarah: I would like to be God's slave because then I would never think of my own will but only of God's Will. But if I was His friend, I would always try to compromise between my will and His Will.
Elizabeth: I would rather be God's slave because, whenever I did anything wrong, He would be able to correct me.
Justin: I would rather be God's friend than His slave because I feel that I could love Him more.
Heather: I would rather be God's friend than a slave because as a friend I would be able to do the same things but feel better towards Him and love Him more.
Daniel: I would like to be God's slave so I could serve Him and obey Him and not develop a big ego.
Robert: I would rather be God's slave because He would always remind me that I would have to serve Him at every moment.
Matthew: I prefer to be God's slave because I'd be at His beck and call. If there were something which I didn't really want to do but He wanted me to do, I would do it. I know that it would be for the best because whatever He would tell me to do would be right. Also, as a slave I think I would see more of God than as a friend.
John: I would rather be God's slave because that way I would be doing what God wanted me to do and make more progress for God.
Megan: I would rather be God's slave so that I could please Him and make Him happy while serving Him.
Stephanie: I would rather be God's slave because then I'd be with Him more and longer.
Christine: I would rather be His slave because I would be closer to Him and in the meantime I could still be His friend.
Andrew: I would rather be God's friend because a true friend would still do anything that God asked him.
Jennifer: I prefer to be God's friend because I'd love Him more and I know He'd love me. I just prefer to be His friend a lot more.
Christopher: I'd prefer to be God's slave because only then can I serve God in His own Way and really please God.
James: I'd rather be His friend because slaves and friends are just about the same to God, so they'd both do the same thing.
Joseph: I'd rather be God's slave because I can make progress and prove myself worthy to Him.
Nicole: I would rather be God's slave because I would never have to leave God for any reason and I could always be at His side serving Him.
Brittany: I would rather be God's slave because if I did something wrong God would tell me and I would correct it. But if I were His friend, it might be harder for Him to be more honest with me.
Ryan: We've come into this world to serve God and please Him in His own Way. You could say I want to be God's friend so I could serve Him, but only God's eternal slave is His true friend.
Brandon: I would prefer to be God's slave. A slave is always on call 24 hours a day to serve the Supreme and always has the opportunity to serve unconditionally and with one-pointed devotedness.
William: I choose God as my friend because God is my eternal Friend, my only Friend.
Sri Chinmoy: As Madal I will try to be God's slave so that I can keep my humility all the time. If I have humility, then at every moment God will be able to act in and through me most satisfactorily. That is why I want to be God's slave — so that I can be His unparalleled instrument. As Chinmoy, I shall try to become His oneness-friend. If I can be His oneness-friend and feel that He is my only Friend, my Eternity's Friend, then I know that I will be able to defeat ignorance. In a tug-of-war, if there are two people pulling on one side, easily they will defeat one person who is pulling on the other side. So if God and I are on one side and ignorance is on the other side, my Friend and I shall win.David: I would take God's Compassion because the Justice.... Uh, I don't know what to say.
Ashley: I would take God's Compassion, because God's Justice is too powerful. God's Compassion is sweeter and gentler.
Daniel: I would ask for God's Compassion, because I don't feel that I am ready to accept God's Justice all the time.
Heather: I would accept God's Compassion, because Justice seems too harsh. Compassion is more loving and kind.
Robert: I would choose God's Justice, because it would help me remember better my mistake and correct it in the future.
Stephanie: I would choose God's Compassion, because it wouldn't be so hard.
Brittany: I would ask for God's Compassion because I would hope that, even without His Justice, God could trust me enough that I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Megan: I would ask for God's Compassion, because if I knew I did something wrong, then I would have a chance to make whatever I did wrong right.
Nicole: I would choose God's Compassion, because I would know that the next time that I did it wrong I would get God's Justice, and I wouldn't want that.
James: I'd take God's Justice, because then I'd know not to do it again.
John: I would choose to take God's Compassion, because I'm sure if I did something really bad, I would know not to do it again. And if I did do it again, I would take God's Justice.
Matthew: I think I would take God's Compassion, to give myself a second chance. Only if I did the same thing wrong again would I ask for God's Justice.
Andrew: I would take God's Compassion, because God's Justice might make me bitter, and I don't think God's Compassion would have the same effect.
Justin: I would take God's Compassion, because His Justice might confuse me, or I might misunderstand what is happening. But with Compassion I'd have a second chance not to make the same mistake.
Jennifer: I prefer God's Compassion, because I'd want Him to forgive me. Justice would be too hard to handle.
Sarah: I would take God's Compassion, because I feel I am too weak to accept God's Justice.
Elizabeth: I would take God's Justice, because then He would make sure that I would never do the same thing twice.
Samantha: I would take God's Compassion, because then I would know that I would be forgiven. I think that the Justice would probably be too harsh for me.
Joseph: I would take God's Compassion, because if I did something wrong, I wouldn't want to feel God's Justice after my first chance. I'd rather take His Compassion, because then I would have another chance.
Ryan: If I did something wrong, I would immediately say to God, "Please forgive me!" So that would attract God's Compassion. But I know that God is all Compassion, so inwardly I would pray for God's Justice-Light so I could make more progress in whatever I do.
Joshua: I would ask for God's Justice, because even if it might sting at the moment, I know in the long run I would learn much more powerfully from God's Justice than from His Compassion.
Brandon: When I do something wrong, I immediately ask for God's Justice, but what I receive is God's Compassion. If I really received God's Justice, then I would be totally devastated. So I have to be all gratitude that I receive God's Compassion when I do something wrong, even though I ask for His Justice.
William: I've wasted God's Compassion countless times, but if I am brave and strong I can make the best progress with God's Justice.
Christopher: I would accept God's Justice, because I know that God's Justice is trying to make me into a more perfect instrument for God.
Sri Chinmoy: As Madal I would choose God's Compassion, and as Chinmoy I would choose God's Justice. If I get God's Compassion, then I will be forgiven. If God forgives me, then I will have another chance to become a good person. But I will have to exercise tremendous self-discipline and will power, because I will not be getting the strongest push from God to become perfect. But if God's Justice strikes me mercilessly, then I will remember what I did wrong, and never repeat my mistake. Then I will start doing all the right things, and become His perfect instrument. Only if God is strict with me will I have the golden opportunity to become perfect. If He is not strict, many times I may make mistakes, and He may forgive me, but I will remain imperfect. So, as Madal I want Compassion, and as Chinmoy I want Justice.
David, you have never done anything wrong? Fine! Then you are God. We want to be like you. David, since you say you have not done anything wrong in this lifetime, we have to ask your brother if he agrees.From:Sri Chinmoy,Niagara Falls versus children's rise, Agni Press, 1987
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/nfv