If we believe in our own
Self-transcendence-taskThen there can be
No unreachable goal. ```The mind's expectation-danger
Destroys the heart'sSurrender-oneness-joy
To the Will of God. ```Our goal is not to have
A problem-free life.But to conquer all the problems
As they appearAlong our life-road.
```We all must exterminate
The doubt-mind-insectsIf we really want
True happiness in our life. ```God does not mind
If you complainAgainst God to humanity.
But God does mindIf you do not take proper care
Of your own inner life. ```It is only
The oneness-heart-joyThat expands and grows
And becomes the vastness-sky. ```The mind's thought-barrier
Is the source of impossibility.Let us pray and meditate
To go far beyondThe extremities of the mind.
```If we are not alive
To all our opportunities,How can we ever proceed
In our God-loving aspiration-life? ```To whom shall we give
Our stupidity-mind,If not to God?
To whom shall we give
Our sincerity-heart.If not to God?
```If we are not hungry
For the Light Supreme,We are bound to hanker after
Pleasure-illusion-life. ```Each time My Lord Supreme
Fulfils my earth-bound desire,I feel that my aspiration-heart
Enters deeper intoThe jungle of despair.
```O my sleeping body,
O my striving vital,O my searching mind,
O my crying heart,God has not forgotten you.
Before long He will bless youWith His complete
Satisfaction-Smiles. ```I have betrayed my inner life.
My Lord of CompassionHas forgiven me.
But I cannot and I must notForgive myself.
```God gives Himself completely
To a seeker's surrender-lifeAnd
To his gratitude-heart. ```When God
Challenges ignorance-nightOn my behalf,
Then only I am going to succeed.Otherwise, never.
```I love my heart's rainbow-dreams,
For they carry meLovingly and safely
To the Golden Shore. ```Those who have
Astonishing capacitiesFor self-deception
Will need countless yearsFor self-perfection.
```O my mind,
You are such a foolThat you are trying to rebuild
Your collapsing ego-building. ```A seeker of the highest order
Has a silence-mindTo entertain him
All the time. ```Earth-achievements
Are no matchEven for an iota
Of Heaven-enlightenment. ```A doubtful and suspicious mind
Must carry a very heavy loadOn a very long journey.
```An aspiring heart
Every day must renewIts contract
With God's Compassion-Eye. ```We must vehemently and equally
Defy the pride ofOur mind's wrath
AndOur body's sloth.
```O my mind,
God will be here in a minute.Are you ready to receive God?
O my heart,
God will be here in a minute.Are you willing to receive God?
O my life,
God will be here in a minute.Are you eager to receive God?
```God was not successful with
His Compassion-Height-approach.He is now trying a new approach:
His Justice-Light. ```The seekers who live
For the divine CauseWill definitely receive
A thunderous applauseFrom the denizens
Of the higher world. ```The day I expect
Nothing from the world,I receive both
The heart-flowerAnd
The soul-fragranceOf the world.
```Our failure-life
Comes into beingFrom our own confusion-mind
And not from anything else. ```The joy of a self-giving life
Can neither be measuredNor be expounded.
```He who thinks
That there is no roomFor progress-delight
Is utterly mistaken. ```The ups and downs
Of God-manifestationWill entirely depend
On the seeker'sSincerity-heart-aspiration
```He who serves God self-givingly
Will always remain closeTo the Heart of God.
```Faith is wisdom.
Faith is power.Faith is heart-fragrance.
Faith is the sun-childOf the Beyond.
```I shall plant
All my sufferingsIn my soul's
Patience-light-field. ```The wall on which
Humanity has to leanIs
The wall of self-dedicationAnd not
The wall of self-admiration. ```The world is growing
Worse and worse every day,Precisely because
It has lost the fragranceOf its God-surrender-heart.
```True, we cannot reform
Our forefathers,But we can and we must reform
Our own childrenAnd their own children.
```When I converse
With the ancient heart,We always talk
About the goodness-depthOf human beings.
When I converse
With the modern mind,We only talk
About the greatness-lengthOf human life.
```We show ourselves
As we wishTo be seen.
God shows Himself
As we wish HimTo be seen.
```O greatness,
You are the productOf my transitory mind.
O goodness,
You are the productOf my God-repository-heart.
```The divine prosperity
Will come into existenceOnly when sincerity-heart talks —
Here, there and everywhere. ```Ignorance-sleep
Is universal.Wisdom-delight
Is transcendental. ```You will be happy
Only when you thinkWhat God wants you to think
And not think of yourselfThe way the whole world
Thinks about you. ```If you are not ready
To endure sufferingsOn your way to God's Palace,
How will you everDiscover God,
The only Satisfaction? ```If you do not disobey
Your doubting mind,How can your aspiring heart
Ever carry youTo your Destination supreme?
```If you do not sharpen
Your discrimination-sword,Your mind-thorns
Will ruthlessly torture you. ```We take pride
In our mind's mortal nest.God wants us
To take prideIn our heart's immortal palace.
```Because of aspiration-shortage,
Man is compelledBy God the Justice-Light
To haveA fearful heart
AndA tearful life.
```Every day
The aspiring heartMust dream a new
God-manifestation-dream. ```O dreamers of peace, come.
Let us walk together.O lovers of peace, come,
Let us run together.O servers of peace, come.
Let us grow together. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,No unreachable goal, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/nug