Question: Please tell me if the third eye can be opened by the seeker's own efforts or if the seeker needs the help of someone else?
Sri Chinmoy: The third eye can be opened by intense aspiration, by chanting AUM or by the grace of the Master. In all cases, Divine Grace is needed; otherwise, it won't open. The Master can do it for the disciple if he wants to. It becomes easier for him if the disciple chants AUM. In chanting, the AUM should come either from the heart or from the back of the throat, but I prefer that the AUM should come from the heart. In the heart is the Soundless Sound. I tell my disciples that when they chant AUM, it should not come from the throat, it should come directly from the heart. When you chant AUM, especially to open the third eye centre, the "M" should be three times as long as the "AU". It should vibrate in the third eye, not anywhere else.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Occultism and mysticism, Agni Press, 1977
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