Question: Sir, I have read about astral travelling, that through meditation one can bring out one's soul and travel. Have you ever done that?
Sri Chinmoy: I have done it hundreds and thousands of times. This travelling is done in the astral body. This astral world is inside the physical body and it is in the vital world. It is not in the gross physical; it is in the inner world. If you practise spirituality, you will also be able to do this kind of thing.
There is a special Yoga called Kundalini Yoga that deals with the six major centres or chakras, starting from the base of the spine. There is one additional centre called the thousand-petalled lotus at the crown of the head. If you follow Kundalini Yoga, you can open up these centres. These centres are not in the physical proper; otherwise, doctors would have discovered them long ago. They are in the subtle body. If you can open the centres in the subtle body, then you can have all the powers which we call astral powers and you will be able to travel all over the world inwardly.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Occultism and mysticism, Agni Press, 1977
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