Shyama Charan Lahiri went back. Once he was amidst his friends, and his friends started criticising all spiritual Masters. They said there is no such thing as occult power. It is like my old story about my dearest friend in the Ashram. He once said to me that there is no occult power; it is all lies, all falsehood. Shyama Charan Lahiri started arguing with his friends. He said, “There are spiritual Masters who can come here immediately. They can materialise.”
His friends all disagreed. They said, “Absurd! It cannot be.”
Shyama Charan Lahiri entered into a small room. His friends were all laughing at him because he said he was going to bring his spiritual Master, who was at that time in the Himalayas.
Shyama Charan Lahiri invoked his Master for a few minutes. He was very seriously meditating. His Master came into that room in his subtle body, and then he showed his physical form.
The Master became furious. He said, “This is what you have done? You have brought me all the way here so that these people, out of curiosity, will see me?”
Shyama Charan Lahiri said, “Master, now that you have taken the trouble, please come into the adjacent room.”
The Master said, “I am coming, but I am telling you that this is the last time I will come to you when you invoke me. When I want to see you, I will come to you. But I shall not come to you at your request. You are torturing me. Who cares for these people? Who cares whether they believe in God? They are so bad! Out of sheer curiosity they want to see me. My presence will not help them. I have come, so I shall listen to your request. I will go to the other room.”
Then the Master entered the adjoining room, and Shyama Charan Lahiri’s friends were so stunned. The Master was absolutely full of luminosity. The Master said to them, “Now I want to give you more proof. Give me something to eat.” They were eating chapattis, and he also ate a chapatti in front of them.
Once again the Master said to Lahiri Mahashay, “I am not going to listen to you any more. Nobody is going to accept the spiritual life from my presence.” Then he disappeared.
I knew this story, but I saw it again in that book. In the story about the daughter, for the first time I read about Shyama Charan Lahiri’s philosophy concerning the difference between spiritual people and ordinary people when their dear ones die.
These stories are from the books given by Ranjit and Unmesh.
OOP 37. 23 March 2002, P.S. 86, Jamaica, New York↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,Only one power, Agni Press, 2015
Sourced from