Many people, out of their boundless compassion and affection, call me a man of peace. Today in public I am saying that if the world calls me a student of peace, then I will be the happiest person. I take myself as a student of peace, not as a man of peace — and ‘peace-maker’ is far beyond my concept. Only a student can learn. If I remain a student of peace, I will be the happiest and the proudest person. Only a student can learn. For him is the ocean of knowledge and the ocean of peace, the ocean of peace. We cannot swim across the ocean of peace overnight. It is not like the English Channel, twenty-two miles which we can swim across in a matter of hours. To swim across the ocean of peace takes many, many, many, many, many, many years.
I am a student of peace. If people call me a student of peace, I will be extremely, extremely grateful to them. Peace is an inexhaustible subject that has no limit, no limit, no limit. If I can be a student of peace, then I shall be able to learn. I shall be able to learn, and I shall be able to enter into each heart and see how sincere a cry each individual has in his heart or her heart to bring about world peace.
Peace is not a dictionary word. Peace is the Heart-Breath of God. God will never be satisfied unless and until His Heart-Breath He can share with His entire Creation.From:Sri Chinmoy,Our sweetest oneness, Agni Press, 2012
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