Meditate before running6
Dear ones, this morning I saw many people running in the street. That is very good! You waited until six o’clock. You are not supposed to run before that. But I saw seven or eight girls just start running. It is good to pray and meditate one minute before you start. That I have been saying since time immemorial. But while I was inside the car this morning, seven or eight girls I saw come out of the hotel and immediately start running. One girl meditated for ten or twelve seconds, and the others started without meditating.
Kindly try if possible to meditate for a minute. If that is too much, at least for half a minute invoke the Presence of the Supreme, and then run.
To both the boys and the girls I wish to say that if you are going to run, at least for half a minute pray and meditate.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Our sweetest oneness, Agni Press, 2012
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