My heart dreams of peace, while my mind dreams of supremacy.
```How I wish I could devote all my time to my peace-life preparation.
```May the peace I feel in my imagination become a reality in my life.
```God can be found only after we have sought peace.
```Peace is the child of compassion, and not the son of compromise.
```Peace does not command my mind.
It just illumines my mind. ```I am so happy that peace is more than willing to be a life-long partner of my heart.
```God is ready to visit my heart if I assure Him that peace will greet Him at my heart-door.
```When my mind breathes in peace even for a fleeting minute, my heart starts dancing with the flying wings of the wind.
```O peace, you are the only one to release me from my ugly darkness-mind-prison.
```A God-believer eventually becomes a peace-liver.
```Peace caresses and feeds the tears of my ever-climbing heart.
```Man-independence is not peace; God-dependence is peace.
```Peace can make me smile even through my multiplying tears.
```Today, peace breaks my cruel and powerful fate.
```Tomorrow, peace will build my soulful and fruitful fate.
```Joy-abundance-blessings we get only from peace.
```Peace keeps my heart's faith up and my mind's doubt down.
```Peace does not visit the mind that treasures hesitation.
```Accumulation is not and can never be peace.
```Peace comes from freedom.
Freedom comes from surrender.Surrender comes from cheerfulness.
Cheerfulness comes from wil-lingness.Willingness comes from readiness.
```Peace does not complain because peace never gets tired.
```Man-critics and God-critics will never have an iota of peace.
```O my heart, peace will never leave you.
Peace really loves you.Peace is extremely fond of you.
```To serve God is to preserve peace; to preserve peace is to deserve satisfaction.
```Peace is a stranger to the rigid mind.
Peace is a guest of the flexible heart. ```Peace will always treasure and safeguard your world-oneness-heart.
```Peace is Infinity's dance-waves.
```Peace is Immortality's song-oceans.
```Good it is, to receive peace from the world.
Better it is, to give peace to the world.Best, by far the best, it is to become the peace of the world.
```Peace is for the self-doubt renouncer, and not the self-doubt enjoyer.
```Twice I get peace.
Once I get peace when my heart cries, inside my breath, with love.Once I get peace when my soul smiles, through my life, with light.
```In Heaven, peace has another name: light.
On earth, peace has another name: love.
```Peace of the compromising minds is mortal.
Peace of the sacrificing hearts is immortal. ```My peace-empty mind embarrasses my soul.
My peace-plenty heart gladdens my soul. ```If you have inner peace, nobody can force you to be a slave to the outer reality.
```Patience, patience, patience.
What you need is patience.In the heart of your patience you will discover peace-blooms and satisfaction-blossoms.
```My soul is still very much in shock to see that my life can live without peace.
```A heart of peace-abundance can never be soiled and foiled.
```God claims you to be His own not for what you have, but for what you are: peace.
```Peace does not want to be the harbinger of your life's evening.
```Peace is the harbinger of eternal childhood.
```Without being recommended by peace, God never grants me an interview.
```Suspicion and illusion are never invited to join the peace-party.
```If your heart does not have a peace-passport, then you will not be allowed to enter into God's Peace-Kingdom.
```Peace-dreamer I was.
Peace-lover I am.Peace-giver I shall eventually become.
```Peace is the greatest triumph of my heart's universal oneness.
```Love lives in my heart's hope.
Peace lives in my soul's promise. ```Peace I receive from my heart's streaming tears when I pray.
```Peace I receive from my soul's beaming smiles when I meditate.
```How can you have even an iota of peace if you do not catch your ego-thief?
```A mind of peace is a full harvest of opportunities.
```The real in me longs for peace.
The unreal in me longs for power.
```Peace is not a complicated foreign word that is difficult to learn.
```Do not squander time.
Pray and meditate if you really need peace in your mind, peace in your heart, peace in your life. ```Yesterday, peace was my aspiration-journey.
```Today, peace is my realisation-destination.
```Tomorrow, peace will be my perfection-manifestation.
```Eagerness brings an iota of peace into my searching mind.
```Willingness brings a plethora of peace into my aspiring heart.
```Self-givingness brings boundless peace into my blossoming life.
```God and God's Peace together weep at our conscious and deliberate misdeeds.
```What does peace do?
Peace blossoms.What else?
Peace spreads.What else?
Peace illumines.What else?
Peace fulfils. ```I saw the light of day to manifest God on earth.
Peace saw the light of day to lovingly show me the way.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Peace, Jharna-Kala Card Co., 1995
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