Sleeplessly and breathlessly
Peace beckons usFor complete God-manifestation
Here on earth. ```O peace-lover,
I shall always followIn your light-flooded footsteps.
```When peace navigates us
Through ignorance-sea,We shall infallibly arrive
At the Golden ShoreOf the Beyond.
Is the universal musicTo inspire God-dreamers
Throughout the length and breadthOf the world.
```A man of peace
Is a lion-heart-roarFor God-manifestation
On earth. ```O my mind,
Peace is knockingAt your door.
Can you not hear?When will you stop driving
My life-carOn the rush-hour road?
```Unless we have peace
In measureless measure,We shall never be able to stop
Our backward-running race. ```Only if peace-heart-flowers
Blossom everywhereWill perfection be possible
On earthly soil. ```A man of peace
Is a God-perfection-representativeIn a human body
Here on earth. ```While on earth,
A man of peaceExperiences, reveals
And manifestsThe joy of paradise.
```A man of peace
Is God's ownEcstasy-reality.
```When God's Compassion-Rain
Descends from God's Heaven,It becomes earth-nourishment
And earth-enlightenment:Peace.
```A heart of peace
Is never afraidOf its tormentor-mind.
```A heart of peace
Has a constant flowOf God-manifestation-energy.
And world-misfortunesLead us to our
```O my mind,
If you can eradicateYour desire-shackles,
Sooner than at onceYou will be inundated
With peace. ```Peace
Is our deathless oneness-lifeWith God's
Heaven-earth-realities. ```Our peace-longing heart
Helplessly swimsIn the sea of tears
When our desire-mindWants to possess
And be possessedBy the entire world.
Is nothing other thanA counterfeit peace.
I blame the Peace-Goddess,Although it is I
Who have anchored myselfTo desire-chains.
```A student of peace
Is at onceA Heaven-seeker
And an earth-inspirer. ```Peace
Is at onceA Heaven-gift
And an earth-life. ```Peace
Is indeed ImmortalityFor the sons and daughters
Of the Heaven-longing world. ```The moment I lose
Even an iota of peace,I become as helpless
As an uprooted tree. ```When we offer
Our unconditional surrenderTo God,
Peace embraces usWith suddenness and completeness.
```If we disregard
The essential value of peace,Then we are courting
Our own destruction. ```Compromise-philosophy
Will always remainA perfect stranger
To a oneness-heartOf satisfaction-peace.
```Without peace,
The freedom of the mindIs incomplete, imperfect,
Worthless and useless. ```Except peace-navigator,
All other navigatorsSail our life-boat
From nothingness to nowhere. ```Peace-pilot
Pilots our life-boatFrom the world-oneness-shore
To the world-fulness-shore. ```A heart-citizen cannot live
Even for a fleeting second,Without peace.
```O peace,
I feel that without youI am disgraced,
Without youI am degraded
In my God'sPerfection-loving Eye.
Is not merely a wayBut the way of God-life
Here on earth,There in Heaven.
```There are two real tragedies in life:
A peace-rejection-mindAnd a peace-starvation-heart.
```The beauty
Of our today's peaceIs our heart-voyage.
The fragranceOf our tomorrow's peace
Will be our soul-destination. ```My peace-tree blooms
Only in my heart-landAnd nowhere else.
```Spirituality's strongest
Foundation-heartIs peace.
```Spirituality's highest
Lighthouse-eyeIs peace.
```God immediately
And unquestionablyPrefers peace
To our other goodAnd divine qualities.
```It is the peace-anchor
That holds us firmly and safelyTo our God-destination.
```A man of science
Unconsciously conceals God,While a man of peace
Consciously reveals God. ```The world of science
Does not knowAnd does not even want to know
Anything about peace. ```Spirituality
Not only knows what peace isBut is also eager to reveal peace
Everywhere. ```Only the peace-dreamers,
Peace-loversAnd peace-servers
Can transform the world. ```God speaks directly,
And not through an intermediary,When He wants to speak
To a man of peace. ```Peace
May not be the easy way,But it is the only way
To walk along the roadOf Immortality.
```No one can claim
God's Victory in his own lifeUnless he can prove
That he is indeedA man of peace.
```To win
Not only the visible warBut also the invisible war,
We need only one thing:Peace.
```A man of peace
Has the rare capacityTo destroy the iron walls
Of all the world-negativities. ```When we have peace,
We unmistakably feelThat life is not
An endless promiseBut an endless God-fulfilment.
Is the supreme achievementOf our faith in God.
```The wisdom of peace tells us
Where God is.The guidance of peace places us
At our God-destination. ```Peace
Does not come fromMy mind-calculations
And speculations. ```Peace
Comes fromMy acceptance
Of God the JusticeAnd my surrender
To God the Compassion. ```Unless and until
We have peace in our mind,We shall not know
What purity actually is. ```A computer-mind
Is aPeace-heart-intruder.
```When humility exits
From the mind-gate,Peace is compelled to exit
From the heart-gate. ```My life and I
Were introduced to GodNot by the power of earth
But by the peace of Heaven. ```When I thought peace-nourishment
Was no longer necessary for me,I was exiled
Both from Heaven and from earth. ```Each time I have
A deep meditation,I enjoy the harvest
Of world-peace-dreams. ```Before peace
Came into my life,I was totally ignorant
Of what I would be:A supremely chosen instrument
Of God. ```A man of peace
Tells the worldHe does not need
A forestOf world-complaints
But a gardenOf world-appreciation.
Strengthens the heart.Peace
Enlightens the heart. ```Purity
Is the aspiration-flightOf the heart.
PeaceIs the destination-arrival
Of the heart. ```The ancient school taught us
That peaceIs the world-saviour.
The modern school teaches usThat science
Is the world-saviour. ```Love without peace
Is a joint danceOf stupidity and absurdity.
Was my yesterday's mind-choice.Peace-effulgence
Is my today's heart-choice. ```When God saw my heart
Full of peace,He invited me to enjoy a flight
With Him and His SmilesTo His cherished
Delight-flooded Kingdom. ```Peace
Is the golden linkBetween man's perfection-life
And God's Satisfaction-Heart. ```It is the peace-lover in us
Who liberates usFrom world-division-frustration.
```It is the peace-dreamers
Who are chosen by God HimselfTo illumine
The world-division-enjoyers. ```Your attraction to God's Eye
And your devotion to God's FeetWill definitely give your mind
Peace unhorizoned. ```How I wish I could tell
The whole worldThat I wish to live only
At one place:The foot of peace-mountain.
```When my Lord Supreme
Is extremely busy,He asks peace to speak to me
On His behalf. ```My peace-progress-life
Depends entirelyOn the increase of my mind's
God-acceptance. ```May my
Peace-dream-heart-flowerNever wither.
```When my Lord Supreme
Is extremely busy,And cannot speak to me,
He delegates peaceTo represent Him.
```Peace alone
Has the capacityTo please my aspiration-heart
And God's Compassion-EyeAt one and the same time.
```God's Compassion-Role
Begins my peace-invocationIn my heart.
```As the birth
Of Divinity's CompassionGives me peace,
Even so, the endOf humanity's commotion
Gives me peace. ```Peace is ours
When we defy the mind'sIgnorance-night-tiger.
```Peace is ours
When we love the roaringOf our soul-lion.
```O my stupid mind,
How often peace comes and goes.How is it
That you never notice it?How is it
That you do not ask peaceTo be your permanent guest?
```When my mind
Even thinks of peace,My heart
Becomes full of God. ```O my mind,
If you really want peace,Then you must at once negate
Your world-negativity-desire. ```Alas,
When the insincerity of the mindAnd the impurity of the vital
Meet togetherThey strangle the peace-child
In me. ```Like my illumination-soul,
May my peace-aspirationNever age.
```Mankind reaches
Toward perfectionNot by the power
Of the mindBut by the peace
Of the heart. ```Three inseparable friends:
A truth-seeker,A God-lover
And a peace-dreamer. ```When my heart
Is flooded with peace,Each earth-responsibility
I take asA Heaven-opportunity.
How can I have an iota of peaceIf I do not keep far away from
My mind's brooding anxieties? ```My Lord Supreme,
Out of Your infinite BountyYou have pleased me in so many ways.
Now do please me in one more way:Do bless my mind
With an iota of peace. ```Tall
Is my heart's love-tree.Taller
Is my heart's joy-tree.Tallest
Is my heart's peace-tree. ```Peace-pretender
My vital was.Peace-preacher
My mind is.Peace-student
My heart shall becomeAnd shall remain
Forever and forever. ```My Lord Supreme,
May I place at every momentMy world-peace-dream
At Your Feet. ```When I have peace in my mind,
I become the possessorOf sweet and smiling thoughts.
```Of all the miracles
Performed in my aspiration-life,My peace-mind-miracle
Is undoubtedly the greatest. ```You will feel
God's boundless FondnessFor you and your life
If you can offer God your heart'sWorld-oneness-peace.
```God tells me
That He never closes His Eye.Therefore, I must be careful
Never to keepMy heart's peace-door closed.
```The more a God-realised soul
Prayerfully offers peace to humanity,The more he receives
Transcendental PrideFrom his Absolute Inner Pilot Supreme.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, part 2, Agni Press, 1994
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