Peace I get
When my mindLaughs at me
Powerfully. ```Peace I get
When my heartCries with me
Helplessly. ```Peace I get
When my soulSmiles at me
Majestically. ```My Lord Supreme tells me
That if I sleeplessly walkThe way of the heart,
I shall have peaceIn abundance.
```The mind-nothingness
Gives birth toThe peace-fulness
Of the heart. ```A man of peace
Is a constantGod-Victory-singing heart.
```A man of peace
Is a constantGod-the-creation-bowing head.
```To feel peace,
I shall not climb up toThe mountaintop.
I shall not sit at the footOf the mountain.
I shall just enter intoMy heart-nest.
```My mind-tempests may roar,
But my aspiration-heart will haveIts peace-harvest.
```Keep your hope-heart
Free from your mind-clouds.Lo, peace is fast approaching you!
```God gets His Peace of Mind
Only fromMy singing and dancing heart.
```A continuous leap
Of God-faithIs giving my life peace
In boundless measure. ```When I make my God-shrine
With my heart-tears,Peace inundates my life.
Is always eagerTo be at your disposal.
Just be harmless in thoughtAnd selfless in action.
```Where else is peace
If not inMy self-effacement-days?
```Where else is peace
If not inMy God-appointment-hours?
Is peace-invention. ```Doubt-invasion
Is peace-perdition. ```If it is true
That my too outward mindHas no peace,
Then it is equally trueThat my too inward heart
Is all peace. ```When my mind,
My mind's willingnessAnd I
Walk slowly alongThe road of life,
Peace readily accompanies us. ```When my heart,
My heart's eagernessAnd I
Run fast alongThe road of life,
Peace proudly runs with us. ```Your faith-heart
Is a big house.Invite peace to come
And live with you permanently,Free of charge!
```A God-affirmation-heart
Not only knowsWhere God and God's Peace live
But also has establishedIts devoted oneness with them.
```A self-assertion-mind
Does not even want to knowWhere God and God's Peace
Live. ```I deeply enjoy my earth-life
When I watch the game of hide-and-seekBetween my life's magnitude-mind
And my heart's plenitude-peace. ```My soul's smiles
Tell my heart's tearsWhere God's Peace is.
My heart's tears go to GodAnd bring me a peace-fountain.
```God cheers me thunderously
When He sees thatI value peace infinitely more
Than anything elseIn my aspiration-heart
And dedication-life. ```When I pray,
My mind charmingly fliesIn peace-sky.
```When I meditate,
My heart confidently fliesBeyond, far beyond,
The peace-sky. ```Not only is the mind-train too late
And too slow,But it also never arrives
At the peace-station. ```The heart-plane starts
Well ahead of time,Flies at supersonic speed
And lands at peace-destinationWell ahead of time.
And who comes to receive it?The Absolute Lord Supreme.
```My peace-heart-plant
Makes my Lord glad,Infinitely more than
I can ever imagine. ```Only my peace-heart-tree
Can console my LordWhen He is sad.
```Only my peace-heart-flowers
And fruitsCan pacify my Lord
When He is mad. ```My restless mind,
My heedless heartAnd my prayerless life
Are undesirable strangersWho are forbidden to enter
Into my soul's peace-palace. ```How can I have
Even a peace-dropWhen I am all the time
At war with myself? ```May my mind's
Peace-fortressAlways remain invulnerable.
```May my heart's
Peace-templeAlways remain unassailable.
```Do not hurry with anybody.
It does not help.Do not worry with anybody.
It does not help.But feel sorry for anybody in trouble,
And pray to God to bless themWith peace-abundance.
```God tells me that
He will give my mindHis own Peace-Crown
And my heartHis own Peace-Throne
If I can make my mind a gratitude-songAnd my life a surrender-dance.
```Give everything.
Expect nothing in return.A sea of peace
Will most lovingly invite youTo swim in its vastness.
```Take dynamism-exercise
In your mind-gymnasium.Peace-bodybuilders
Will join you and inspire you. ```Take music lessons
Inside your heart-garden.Peace-soul-singers
Will join you and illumine you. ```My mind loves and needs
God's Peace-Compassion-Arms.My heart loves and needs
My Lord's Peace-Protection-Feet. ```Precisely because
Yours has becomeA totally God-surrendered life,
God is giving you His own Peace. ```Not my thousands of poems on peace
But my life'sLove-devotion-gratitude-blossoms
Will enable me to be a true studentAt the universal peace-school.
```God's Transcendental Delight
And God's Universal PeaceAre sleeplessly and breathlessly
Interdependent. ```If we do not have
Peace-abundance,Slowly and gradually
Our divine qualitiesWill fade away into nothingness.
```We are destined to run along
The sunlit roadIf our heart is all peace.
```O seeker,
You cannot have peaceBecause you are schooled
In the art of self-deception. ```Peace
Devours both our self-doubtAnd our God-doubt-thoughts.
Is the sourceOf my detachment-perfection.
```My peace
Every day fliesOn world-perfection-wings
To please my Lord SupremeIn His own Way.
Is at once truth-finderAnd falsehood-chaser.
Is my heart'sGod-receptivity-magnet.
```With peace
My life's perfection-preparationBegins.
```My heart's peace
Is my God-satisfaction-secret. ```The spiritual mortality rate
Is high, higher, highestBecause humanity's heart
Is not yet touched by peace. ```I depend on my Lord Supreme.
My Lord Supreme depends onMy life's ever-blossoming peace.
```Now that peace
Has befriended me,My God-disobedience-life
I can prolong no more. ```A man of peace
Is no longerHis self-indulgence-victim.
Is the heart of my futureAnd not the mind of my past.
Is my mind-detachment-life.Peace
Is my heart-attachment-God. ```Peace
Is God's SatisfactionWith my life
And my satisfactionIn God's Heart.
```My mind-centred science
Finds peace nowhere.My heart-centred spirituality
Discovers peace all-where. ```Because I now have
Peace of mind,I do not have to renounce
The world-snare. ```Because I now have
Peace of mind,I can safely walk through
The world-forest. ```Because I do not have
An iota of peace,My Lord Supreme is sad.
Because my Lord Supreme is sad,I shall die from excruciating
Heart-pangs. ```As my mind's fear and doubt
Are running partners,Even so, my heart's love and peace
Are running partners. ```To my extreme joy and satisfaction,
My heart's love and peace always winThe God-satisfaction-race.
```O peace,
How kind and compassionate you are!You always have time
To make me good and perfect. ```Now that my heart's peace-sun
Is rising,My mind's ego-absurdities
Are disappearing fast, very fast. ```Peace
Sleeplessly prepares meFor my God-satisfaction.
```Of all my inner life-tutors,
Peace is by far the best,To help me most successfully pass
My God-examination. ```The incorrigible mind
Must surrenderTo the invincible heart
Of peace. ```As I was born
To love God,Even so,
Peace was bornTo show me the way.
```He who has peace
At every single momentOf his life
Is at once a God-loverAnd God-possessor.
```O my peace-nest-heart,
I shall cherish youTo my last breath.
```Nothing is as good
In my heartAnd nothing is as perfect
In my lifeAs peace.
```Peace is at once
My mind's sureSuccess-power
And my heart's pureProgress-delight.
Is oneness-love universalIn action.
```Peace is at once
The fragrance of humanity's heartAnd the beauty of humanity's life.
```My mind says,
"God, do stand by me.I need Your Power."
My heart says,"Lord, do stay inside me.
I need Your Peace." ```My peace
Embodies Heavenly newsAnd illumines earthly views.
Does not speak.Peace
Loves God in manAnd serves man in God.
```My gratitude-breath
Is my peace-invocationTo my Lord Supreme.
```My peace
Is my soul's unhorizoned strengthAnd my heart's limitless breath.
```In the inner world,
PeaceIs God's private plane.
```In the outer world,
PeaceIs God's fastest flight.
```In the higher world,
PeaceIs man's happiest destination.
Is a God-lover'sAspiration-harvest.
Is the indomitable responseTo life's every challenge.
```O my mind,
How can you have peace?Can you not see
That you are totally paralysedBy desire-attack?
```A man of peace
Spreads his divineBirthright-light
On earth. ```Peace
Becomes a realityOnly after endless
Patience-preparation. ```A heart of peace
Easily silencesThe mind's confusion-tornado.
```My Lord Supreme,
May my peace-dream-cropNot remain unharvested
For long. ```God will grant you peace
If you can learnHow to divinely love yourself
First. ```When your heart's aspiration
Rings true,Who can prevent you from welcoming
The imminent arrival of peace? ```When your life
Becomes a faith-boat,The Peace-God will come
To pilot youTo the all-illumining
Golden Shore. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, part 3, Agni Press, 1994
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