Blossoms fast,Very fast,
From my heart'sCheerful God-willingness.
```The doubt of the mind
And the suspicion of the mindTogether strangle
The peace of the mind. ```To have a peace-sea-heart
Is to haveGod's immediate Smile
And His complete Satisfaction. ```The goal of my peace
Is infinitely higherThan my mind's greatness.
```The goal of my peace
Is infinitely deeperThan my heart's goodness.
```The goal of my peace
Is my sleepless and breathlessGod-oneness.
```Every morning God visits
My heart-gardenTo blessingfully take care of
My peace-plants. ```O my mind, be careful!
If you do not care for peace,And if you ignore peace
All the time,Who knows, one day
You may act like a beast. ```God is extremely unhappy to learn
That I have stopped studyingIn my heart's God-fulfilling
Peace-school. ```God is commanding me
Once more to go backTo my heart's peace-school.
```Yesterday my heart and I
Visited our soul.Our soul's peace-infinity fed us
And fulfilled usFar beyond our imagination-flight.
```There is no dying hope;
There is only fulfilling promiseInside my peace-flooded heart.
```There is no peace
Inside my mind'sDisobedience-volcano.
```There is only
Fast-blossoming peaceInside
My aspiration-heart-garden. ```As soon as we are born,
Father-Heaven blesses usWith His Peace-Whispers,
And Mother-Earth blesses usWith Her Compassion-Tears.
```I live in two places:
InsideMy hope-joy-mind
And insideMy peace-dream-heart.
```A heart of peace is expert
At loving GodUnreservedly and unconditionally
At first sight. ```Whenever
The Heaven above me sees me,It blesses me
With its Infinity's peace-smile. ```My sweet Lord,
I pray to You,Do not allow my heart to die
With its completely shatteredPeace-dreams.
```God does not want me
To remain a stark fool.Therefore
He has told meThat no true and abiding peace
Can ever be foundedUpon compromise-opportunities.
```My mind's fear, doubt,
Jealousy and insecurityHelplessly bow their heads
To my heart's God-Peace-certainty. ```Where heart's peace is,
Life's insufficiency is not. ```Alas, from time immemorial,
The absence of peaceHas ruthlessly afflicted
The human race. ```The heart of peace
Speedily runs awayFrom the impurity-mind's
Ugly presence. ```My soul devotedly
Followed God's Peace-HeartWhile entering into
The earth-arena. ```Alas, I do not know
How I can have peaceIf I do not dare
To expunge ruthlesslyMy mind's ego-absurdities.
```My friend,
You want to knowWhy I have so much peace.
I have peace in abundanceBecause my heart's streaming tears
And my Lord's beaming SmilesAre immediate neighbours.
```The anxiety-arrows may,
At times,Succeed in piercing
The poise of my mind,But never
The peace of my heart. ```I am more deplorable
Than a street-beggarWhen I do not have peace
At every single momentOf my life.
Is not peace.Peace-enjoyment
Is earth-transcendence. ```Peace lives in me
BecauseMy life-breath lives
Only in God. ```Peace lives
In a God-realised soulBecause all the spiritual Masters
Breathe their breath in him. ```Peace
Is not and cannot beIn my mind's rejection.
Is only in the smileOf my mind-illumination.
```My heart's peace
Is so beautiful and powerfulWhen I look at my heart's peace
With the eye of my soul. ```My doubt-mind is dying disappointed,
But my peace-heart is appointedBy God Himself
For His permanent service. ```Peace
Is not in the thirstTo know.
Is not in the hungerTo understand.
```Peace is
In the God-manifestation-meal. ```Peace-game we play
When I weep and God laughs,And when I laugh and God weeps.
```The flower of the life-tree
Is wisdom.The fruit of the life-tree
Is peace. ```To have a heart of peace
Is to enjoy the artOf being Heaven-natural
And not earth-unique. ```God comes to my heart
With peaceOnly after my heart has done
Its God-manifestation-homework. ```Alas, helpless are
The peace-dreamers.Equally, useless are
The ignorance-lovers. ```Do you know how I have
Peace of mind every day?I have peace of mind
Because I walk every dayAlong my heart's God-surrender-road.
I never hadFrom my world-criticism.
I now haveFrom my world-encouragement.
```Absurdity reaches its zenith
When war-mongersIn the inner world
Become peace-inspirersIn the outer world.
```My God-obedience-peace-mind
Has finally flung offAll its cherished
World-possession-fetters. ```Only my folded, prayerful hands
And my unfolded, cheerful heartHave the capacity to enjoy climbing
God's universal and transcendentalPeace-Tree.
```When my mind is bent upon
Outdoing others,I become the desert-dryness-Sahara.
When my heart is bent uponLoving others
And standing side by sideWith others,
I become the peace-fulness-Pacific. ```My mind comforts itself
By broadcastingPeace-philosophy.
```My heart comforts itself
By playingPeace-flute-melodies.
```My soul comforts itself
By whispering peaceInto my all-eagerness-ears.
```My wall-builder-mind
Will never haveAn atom of peace.
```My well-digger-heart
Will without fail discoverPeace in abundance.
```May my mind
Be as happy as hope.May my heart
Be as fulfilled as peace. ```I am my mind's teacher.
I teach my mindThat without peace
Everything suffers. ```I am my heart's student.
My heart teaches meThat in peace
Everything prospers. ```When God gives
His Peace-Lecture,He signals my heart
To occupy the gratitude-seat. ```Beautiful
Is the silence-skyOf my mind.
FruitfulIs the peace-sun
Of my heart. ```Man's eternal question
To God:"Where is peace?"
```God's eternal question
To man:"My child, where is
Your peace-necessity?" ```O my stupid mind,
Do you think you will be ableTo prove to the world
That you are so brave and wiseThat you can pass your days and nights
Without peace? ```O my suspicion-mind,
No matter how wideYou open your mouth,
You will not be able to devourMy heart's peace-blossoms.
```Our world certainly needs
Spiritual maturityBefore it is blessed by God
With peace infinite. ```Not from the outer world history,
But from inner God-discovery onlyCan we have peace.
```The outer battlefield-hero
Is the atom bomb.The inner battlefield-hero supreme
Is peace. ```Anxiety cannot purchase peace,
But peace easily can and doesPurchase anxiety.
```I do not want to know
What Heaven is doing,But I do want to know
If earth is sincerely cryingFor the descent of peace.
```When I ask God
The way to Heaven,He immediately tells me
To go and ask peace. ```When I give God
My heart's most special gift:Peace,
God gives meHis Life's most perfect Gift:
Perfection. ```World-disdain
Does not give my lifeEven an iota of peace.
```World-doubt and world-suspicion
Do not give my lifeEven an iota of peace.
```World-acceptance, world-concern,
World-patience, world-sympathyAnd world-oneness
Give my lifeA peace-fountain-heart.
```My Lord, are You tired of anything?
"Yes, My child, I am.I am tired of
World-peace-hypocrisy-talkers." ```Joy comes from
Learning something very special.Peace comes from
Becoming a self-giving fountain-heart. ```My Lord Supreme tells me
That joy is my birthrightIn my outer life of expanding dedication.
My Lord Supreme tells meThat peace is my birthright
In my inner life of climbing aspiration. ```Peace is divinely real
And supremely perfectIn the lap of my God-realisation-hope.
```God blesses my heart every day
With a fresh supply of peace,But alas,
My violent God-disobedience-mindEvery day totally destroys it.
```Yesterday I was
My peace-fascination-mind.Today I am
My peace-invocation-heart. ```Not by changing the appearances
Of the outer life,But by improving the realities
Of the inner life,We all can have peace.
```God is not worried
When peace leads usTo our supreme destination.
```My hope hopes for
One day more.My peace longs for
God-Eternity and God-Infinity. ```The peace-song
Is the only songThat this world of ours
Has not yet been able to singPerfectly.
Is not when deathDraws near.
PeaceIs when my unconditional
God-surrenderDraws near.
```The rising sun
Blesses my mindWith joy.
The setting sunBlesses my heart
With peace. ```Peace I feel not
When I long to retireFrom the world.
Peace I feelWhen I long to aspire
For the world. ```Peace
Does not fall fromThe wings of night.
PeaceFalls from
The eye of the sun. ```When my heart shows God
And gives God what it has:Surrender,
God shows my mindAnd gives my mind what He has:
Peace. ```The mind that enjoys
Discourses on world-warWill never have a peace-dreamer
As its listener. ```Reality-awareness
Is not peace.Reality-embodiment
Is peace. ```At last I have discovered
The only way to have peaceFor myself
Is to feast my eyesOn my Lord's Compassion-Beauty.
```Only in
The aspiration-flower-heartCan one really pray
For peace. ```Only with
The receptivity-beauty-heartCan one have
Real peace. ```Alas, what a fool I am.
Every day I look for peaceIn the pathless woods of my mind.
```Peace-ignoring world leaders
Will fail one by one —Every one of them.
```Universal oneness
Is a definite returnTo transcendental peace.
```Each time
I have a pure thoughtIn my mind,
An angel of peace from HeavenDescends into my life.
```God asks only His Peace
And nobody elseTo paint the ever-transcending beauty
Of His Universe. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, part 4, Agni Press, 1994
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