Each time I have a deep meditation,
I clearly seeThat God's golden Peace-Horizon
Is coming closer to me. ```My soul's peace flies
On my heart's silence-wings. ```My soul's peace
And my Lord's SatisfactionAre Eternity's companions.
Is the sacred smileThat adorns the secret chamber
Of my soul. ```At the Lotus-Feet
Of my Lord SupremeI prayerfully sit,
Not to be His power-lionBut to be His peace-lamb.
```My heart's peace-fount
Is God's Feet.God's Forgiveness-Fount
Is my peace. ```My heart's silence-buds
Give me Infinity's joy.My soul's peace-blossoms
Give me Immortality's fulfilment. ```God is my life's golden mirror.
I realise this only whenMy heart is all peace.
```The peace-summit-height
Comes down to meOnly when I submit
My life's puny ego-I. ```When I become a true lover
Of both God's littleness and bigness,God blesses me with
His Fulness-Peace. ```Peace
Is my heart'sSweet love-melody
To link me withThe Smile of God's Heart.
```When my peace-heart sings
God's Pride-Heart listens. ```The compassion of Mother-Earth
Teaches me howTo pray for peace.
```The illumination of Father-Heaven
Teaches me howTo embody peace.
Is my heart'sGod-Power within.
PeaceIs my life's
God-Beauty without. ```Man is man's search
For God's Peace.God is God's Search
For man's satisfaction. ```From time immemorial
Countless saints have been killedBy this ignorance-world.
But their message of peaceWill remain immortal
Throughout the length and breadthOf the world.
```God conceals from me
His sacred SorrowsIf I do not pray to Him
Every morning for peace. ```Peace
Becomes my inseparable friendWhen I feel that I love God only.
```Goodness is born of
Wisdom-light.Wisdom-light is born of
Peace-delight. ```I become the possessor
Of boundless peaceOnly when God's Justice-Eye-Court
Declares that I am innocent. ```The moment my mind's goodness
Reaches my heart's temple door,Peace-Goddess comes to the door
And blesses it. ```God tells me that
I must give Him both hands —Not one hand to Him,
One hand to ignorance —If I really need peace from Him.
```If we just carefully
Think of God,Then God's Peace will not allow
Our world to be tornInto anxiety-worry-pieces.
```God gives us peace,
Not after hearing everythingThat we have to say,
But after receiving everythingThat we have to give.
```May peace be the mother
Of my aspiration-heart-beauty. ```May peace be the father
Of my dedication-life-duty. ```Peace
You will getIf you can keep your mind
Away from your yesterday'sFailure-realities.
You will getIf you can keep your mind
Away from your tomorrow'sFailure-imaginations.
```You cannot have a peace-future
If you are afraid of lovingYour present life
The way God Himself loves you. ```My mind's longest earth-journey
Has no peace. ```My heart's shortest Heaven-journey
Is all peace,From the very beginning
To the very end. ```My heart was not born
For world-appreciation.My heart was born
For God's peace-preparationOn earth.
```Of all approaches,
Our surrender-approachTo God's Will
Brings down God the PeaceDirectly and quickly.
```When we go to God
Without the tears of our heart,God finds it extremely difficult
To give us a peace-meal. ```My heart's peace
InventsHeaven-fulness in earth-newness.
My mind's silenceDiscovers
The Infinite in the finite. ```Not by hoarding
But by distributingGod's Love,
A God-lover swimsIn peace-sea.
```God finds peace
When He walks alongMy mind's frankness-road.
```I find peace
When I walk alongGod's Forgiveness-Road.
```An emptiness-mind
And a soulfulness-heartAre co-sharers of God's Peace.
```The guests
Of my sound-mind-hostAre anxiety-broods.
The guestsOf my silence-heart-host
Are peace-blossoms. ```God's Peace
Is eagerly awaitingThe perfect renewal
Of my faith-heart-life. ```When I tell God
That He is my only Friend,Happily and proudly He tells me
That I am His true Peace,True Perfection and
True Satisfaction. ```When I give God
A portion of myself,He gives me
The whole of Himself:Satisfaction-Peace.
```O God-seeker,
Stop not praying,Stop not meditating!
The day shall dawnWhen your heart's love
Will grow intoGod's Satisfaction-Peace-Tower.
```Dive deep within
Sleeplessly and breathlessly.Your age-old longing for peace
Will be fulfilledInfinitely beyond your expectations.
```Out of His infinite Bounty,
God tells meThat He has not given me peace,
Not because He is displeased with meBut because His choice Hour
Has not arrived. ```Alas,
How do I expect to haveEven a peace-beauty-bud,
When I do not obeyMy soul's whispers
From deep within? ```Peace
Is the perfect multiplicationOf my inner life's
Goodness-cries. ```Peace
Is the perfect multiplicationOf my outer life's
Greatness-smiles. ```Peace
Is never without its companion:Satisfaction.
```In the inner world
When I lose peace,I deepen God's Sighs.
```In the outer world
When I lose peace,I double my tears.
Is not onlyMy present friend
But also my Eternity'sUnfailing friend.
```Your task is not
To foresee;Your task is to see within
And discoverYour life-journey's goal:
The attainment of infinite peace. ```In vain
My doubting mindAgain and again tries
To betray and ignoreMy heart of peace.
```If your heart is wanting in peace,
Then you have no claimTo either Heaven-illumination
Or earth-compassion. ```The magnanimity of the mind
Is a significant achievement,But the peace of the heart
Is infinitely more important. ```God's Peace freely works
In and through usWhen our life becomes
Purity's shrine. ```He who sincerely desires
To see others happyIs indeed
A man of peace. ```Because of the absence
Of peace,Our world has become a storehouse
Of miseries and treacheries. ```The free advice
Of my inner peaceTo my outer mind
Is beyond all price. ```Alas, how can we have peace
When we are looking forThe amusement-park
And not forThe enlightenment-garden?
```From judging
What is right and what is wrongIn others' lives
And in our own lives as well,We are banishing
Even the little peaceThat we have at our disposal.
```When my real peace smiles,
It smiles through my heart'sAspiration-eyes
And not through my mind'sDesire-eyes.
```If goodness is not always
His supreme necessity on earth,Then how can any human being
Have peace? ```I do not need the peace
Of the stars and planetsOf the ages.
I need the peaceOf the flowing and glowing
Here and now. ```God gets a headache
When I do not give HimWhat He needs from me:
Satisfaction.I get a headache
When God does not give meWhat I desperately need from Him:
Peace. ```My Lord, will You not give me,
Even for one single day,What I so desperately need from You:
Peace?"My child, will you not give Me,
Even for a fleeting second,What I immediately need from you:
Love?" ```O seeker,
Beg the right personFor the right thing.
If you need power,Beg God the Father-Heaven.
If you need peace,Then beg God the Mother-Earth.
```My jealousy,
Are you not ashamedOf cutting off so often
My peace-connection-blissWith the rest of the world?
```I am sure
There shall come a timeWhen the peace-lovers
Will be able to bring peaceInto the complex and
Contradiction-ridden world. ```Peace
Does not want independenceBut interdependence-reality
On earth. ```A whirlwind of misunderstandings
At every momentIs preventing the world-mind
From enjoying the beauty,Purity and divinity
Of peace. ```Even to think of
Permanent world-peace,We need bulwark-faith
In ourselves. ```A God-surrender-endowed heart
Lives in God's infinite PeaceFor His immortal Joy.
```The mind-preacher
Always remains a strangerTo peace.
```The heart-giver
Is a real growerOf peace.
```The world-server
Is an immediate neighbourOf peace.
```My soul's peace
Sends aspiration-messagesTo my heart.
```My heart's peace
Sends inspiration-messagesTo my mind.
```My mind's peace
Sends dynamism-messagesTo my vital.
```My vital's peace
Sends willingness-messagesTo my body.
```Every day my heart
Most faithfully memorisesThe peace-messages
That it receives from GodVia my soul.
```The mind-computer is so cruel!
It shuts out all the peace-messagesOf the heart.
```The moment peace descends
From Above,A hopeless and helpless seeker
Becomes an illumining and fulfillingWorld-citizen.
```I am sure I will have peace
Only after the deathOf my mind's God-disobedience.
```Alas, how can I have peace
When every dayMy mind drives me
Along a God-displeasing road? ```When I allow pride,
Anger, jealousy and insecurityTo play inside me,
I clearly see the Goddess of PeaceHeaving a heavy sigh.
Cannot feel the heart of peace.Compromise-cleverness
Cannot even see the face of peace. ```Every morning
I pray most ferventlyFor peace.
If I do not do that,My mind gets cornered
On all sidesBy serious problems.
```My heart of total
God-surrenderAnd my soul of fruitful
Peace-abundanceCan silence my mind's
Ruthless and shamelessTurbulence.
```A typical day on earth
Begins not with the hopeOf world-peace
But with the fearOf world-war.
```My Lord Supreme
Is so kind to me.He tells me that
All my peace-questionsDeserve special attention
And special answers from Him. ```My heart breaks into pieces
When I see peaceFlying away from my mind
Faster than the flight of seconds. ```My day is completely lost
If peace and IDo not greet each other
When day first dawns. ```My heart's peace-bird
Every day is fedBy my Lord's Compassion-Eye,
Protection-FeetAnd Satisfaction-Heart.
```Peace is superior
To earthly greatness.Peace is equal
To Heavenly goodness. ```A man of peace
Has the strength ofA lion's heart
And the beauty ofA child's face.
```A man of unconditional
God-surrenderIs a native of the soil
Where God's infinite PeaceGrows.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, part 5, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/pbf_5