I enjoy God's Forgiveness
At God's Feet.God enjoys my peace
Inside His Heart. ```A man of peace
Does not roar.He only soars and soars.
```Simplicity and purity
Are the two rainbow-wingsOf my heart's peace-bird.
```I call it my peace,
But God calls itHis complete Reliance on me.
```I have real peace
When I communicateWith the inner world
And do not interrogateThe outer world.
```To love God unconditionally
Is to become God'sMost valuable Smile:
Peace. ```In the absence of peace,
Man is not the real manAs yet.
```Peace-blossom I become
When the desire-tigerHas no command of me,
But the aspiration-dawn has. ```Peace
Is the onward progress-strideOf humanity.
```A man of peace
Is not the world's deliberateGood-capacity-examiner.
A man of peaceIs the world's spontaneous
Good-capacity-prayer. ```Never do I want
And never do I needThe peace that will come to me
Only after I pass behindThe curtain of Eternity.
```Most proudly and most gloriously,
God celebratesBoth in Heaven and on earth
The peace-victoryOf each and every human being.
```I have real peace
When I do not lead the world,But follow the world.
```When I was a philosopher,
I thought that my peace livedOnly inside my head.
```When I was a politician,
I thought that my peace livedOnly inside my mouth.
```Now that I have become
A God-lover,I see, feel and know
That my peace lives not onlyInside my heart
But also inside my entire being. ```If you want to perfect yourself,
Then begin with your heart'sInner peace
And end with your eyes'Outer smile.
```Peace wants my mind
To be a braveIgnorance-fighter-hero.
```Peace wants my heart
To be a sleeplessGod-lover-fountain.
```My outer existence is made of
The winds and tides.My inner existence is made of
God's own Peace. ```Peace
Does not arbitrarilyRule me.
Schools me. ```In the aspiration-life
Self-effacement brings usPeace infinite.
```A man of peace
Is a spontaneousSilence love-fountain.
```With your back
To the past ignorance-nights,Run forward into
The purest and brightestHeart of the future.
Your peace is waiting thereTo garland you.
```Have faith in your peace.
Lovingly and compassionatelyYour peace will help you
Through all the unfamiliar, unlitAnd dangerous streets of life.
```Your jungle-mind-thorns
You can easily avoidIf you want to spend
All your timeInside your heart's
Peace-garden. ```O my soul, O my heart,
O my mind, O my vital,O my body,
Every morning make it a pointTo see and feel
That peace is the rose-blossom-visionOf your inner life.
```If you remain inside
Your reasoning and calculating mind,Peace-existence is nowhere.
```If you remain inside
Your loving and self-giving heart,Peace is not only here and there
But all-where. ```No wild world-criticism
Can clip the wingsOf the peace-soul-bird
Never! ```Criticism can and does quite often
Not only clip the wings ofBut also kill
The peace-longing heart. ```To have an ever-blossoming peace
Is to ride on the wavesOf God's own Delight-Ocean.
Is not to be foundIn obedience compelled
By the mind-monster. ```Peace
Is found onlyIn the whisper-inspiration
And whisper-encouragementOf the soul inside the heart.
```The heart that is always eager
To love the worldSelf-givingly lives
In the same God-Pride-BuildingWhere peace lives.
```If true satisfaction you want,
Then desire not the volcano-mindAnd the tornado-life,
But long for a peace-mindWhich will give you
Abiding satisfaction. ```The constant expansion
Of my purity-mindHas given birth
To my peace-breath. ```My oneness-heart rejoices
When in my mindEven an iota of peace blooms.
```Even in my dreams,
The very sightOf the Rainbow-Footsteps
Of my Lord SupremeGives me peace immeasurable.
```The indomitable peace
Of the heartCan easily break asunder
All the unwillingness-chainsOf the mind.
```A peace-invoking heart
Can and does conquerThe haughty unwillingness
Of the mind. ```The peace of the heart
Does not boast.It just throws out
In the twinkling of an eyeAll the mind's impurity-inheritances.
Touches the mind's desire-balloon,And it immediately bursts.
Touches the heart's aspiration-bird,And it immediately flies and flies
In God's Vastness-Oneness-Sky. ```Every morning,
After my meditation is over,I plant a peace-tree
In my love-devotion-surrender-grove. ```Hope-dreams energise
The truth-seeker and God-lover.Peace-realities immortalise
The truth-seeker and God-lover. ```Peace
Is the rendezvousBetween my heart's faith
And my Lord's Compassion. ```Our Lord Absolute Supreme
Takes a very special prideIn our world-peace-hunger.
```God's vision-flooded Peace-Smiles
Love to live insideMy heart's surrender-shrine.
```My life's dismal failure-feelings
DisappearedThe day my soulful meditation
Gave me its best present:Peace.
```O my mind,
If you live in inspiration-poverty,O my heart,
If you live in aspiration-poverty,How can you two
Ever have even a peace-bud? ```The ancient peace
Remains unperturbedNo matter how hard and long
The modern war-scienceEndeavours to threaten it.
Is the constantAnd self-giving repetition
Of the seeker'sSpiritual disciplines.
```It is not the Power-Eye of God
But the Peace-Heart of GodThat lovingly and compassionately
Leads usTo our highest Destination.
Yearning for peaceIs nothing other than
```Each peace-thought in my mind
Is indeedAn illumining and fulfilling Boon
From my Absolute Lord Supreme. ```Each peace-thought in my mind
Is an Inspiration-Flood from GodFor world-transformation.
```At the time of our need
If we do not use the illumining lightOf our heart's peace,
We just add infinitely more confusionTo the already confused mind.
```With peace we come to learn
That life is a perpetual unfoldingOf God-manifestation.
```My peace-recovery
Shows me the wayTo my self-discovery.
```I am achieving peace-perfection
Only from God'sOneness-Suggestion
And Compassion-Benediction. ```A heart of peace
Never swerves from the PathOf its Beloved Lord Supreme.
```The mind-beggar
Begs and begs for everythingThe heart-beggar
Begs only for God's Peace-Descent. ```Peace
Suffers helplesslyIn our self-doubt
And God-doubt. ```Peace-songs
Have the angel-touch.Therefore,
They are so singularly sweet,Inspiring and fulfilling.
```My aspiration-peace-crown
Is so beautiful and powerfulThat it can easily silence
My monkey-mind-thoughts. ```Peace
Does not come fromMy mind's brilliance.
PeaceComes from
My heart's God-nearness. ```When I live inside
My heart's peace-citadel,My mind's world-imperfection-storms
Fail to torture my life. ```O my mind,
You simply have no rightTo squander my heart's
Hard-earned peace-harvest! ```Each peace-thought of mine
Is my divinity'sGod-manifestation-reality.
```Only a God-quest-peace-heart
Has the capacity to scaleA self-conquest-peak.
```My heart's
God-surrender-peace-smilesHave struck down all my mind's
Doubt-trees. ```My peace-abundance-heart
Always helps meTo invoke my Lord Supreme
And fulfil Him all the timeIn His own Way.
```O my mind,
Every morning obeyMy Lord's Peace-Whispers
To save you fromA frustration-torture-day.
```The readiness of the mind,
The eagerness of the heartAnd the willingness of the life
Expedite the arrivalOf my Peace-God.
```Only a sleeplessly cheerful
And self-giving heartCan climb up
The tallest peace-tower. ```Peace
Thrives and thrivesOnly on my constant and happy
God-surrender-heart. ```For me there is no other way
To have peaceThan to pass every day
The love-devotion-surrender-examinationFrom my God-Teacher.
```I am divinely happy
And supremely fulfilledBecause I am blessed
By both my mind's peace-skyAnd my heart's sunrise.
```My heart's peace
Has the capacity to silenceAll my mind's tormenting doubts.
```I have to choose between
My mind-dictator:Doubt
And my heart-lover:Peace.
```My mind's thought-house
Is patrolled byMy heart's peace-soldiers
To preventInsecurity-impurity-doubt-invasion.
```Each gratitude-tear
Of my heartExpands my heart's
Peace-kingdom. ```My world-detachment-mind
Has finally brought meA plethora of peace.
```The peace-sun has finally descended
Into the complaining, doubting,Suspecting and interrogating mind.
```If you do not tame
Your volcano-anger-vital,You will not be invited
To God'sWorld-Transformation-Peace-Recital.
```May my breath live always
In betweenMy world-peace-oneness-action
And God's Newness-Fulness-Satisfaction. ```Every day God invites
A soul-singer and peace-loverTo dine with Him.
```O my peace,
Do awaken my heartTo God's ever-transcending
Beauty-Blossoms. ```The unquestioning faith
Of preceding generationsHad more peace
Than the questioning, doubtingAnd tormenting faith
Of present generations. ```As there is peace
In the shining of the distant star,Even so, in the crying
Of my nearest and dearest heart,There is peace.
Not only strivesTo draw us nearest to God
But also succeeds. ```If we want to succeed
In accomplishing something immortal,Then we needs must have
A peace-dream first. ```If we do not have the feeling of
Collective responsibility for peace,Then peace will never be a reality,
Either in the heart of todayOr in the life of tomorrow.
```A peace-poverty-stricken mind
Is bound to remain fruitless and uselessIn the spiritual life.
```What an absurd idea:
The mind wants to achieve peaceBy denouncing
The world's imperfections.What a fruitful ideal:
The heart wants to achieve peaceBy accepting
The world's imperfectionsFor their total transformation.
Remains no longer a dream.Peace
Becomes the reality itselfWhen we prayerfully and cheerfully
Walk alongThe love-devotion-surrender-road.
```Because I am sleeplessly
And breathlessly drawnTo the heart of peace,
My life is able to swimIn the sea of ecstasy.
```I have no time for anything else
But pleasing GodWith my peace-longing heart-tears.
```I am fond of counting daily
My mind's earthly trouble-anxieties.God is fond of counting daily
My heart's Heavenly peace-blossoms. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, part 7, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/pbf_7