I bow to the soul of this august University. I bow to the soul of the United Nations. With the blessings of these two souls, I wish to say a few words about the United Nations.
Every day, countless world-progress-dreams are being born in the heart of the United Nations.
Not a division-independence, but an illumining and fulfilling interdependence is the sublime ideal of the United Nations.
Once a country joins the United Nations, there is no exit from the soul of the United Nations.
The soul of the United Nations at once inspires, energises and treasures all the countries alike, in the same breath.
Every day is a fresh world-service-perfection-satisfaction-attempt at the United Nations.
Every day the United Nations is bravely clearing stark world-ignorance-division-jungles.
From the world-illumining heart of the United Nations, we come to learn that certain unfortunate countries do not succeed in improving their quantities, qualities and capacities, not because of their unconscious foolishness, but precisely because of their conscious selfishness.
Each country can offer a unique experience-delight to all the members of the United Nations.
The outer sound-speeches at the United Nations at times may not produce satisfactory results, but the inner silence-speeches from the heart of the United Nations do illumine the minds and the lives of all the countries.
The United Nations is not a mere whisper of world-oneness-hope, but an ever-strengthening and ever-spreading promise for the transformation of humanity's mind.
The United Nations is an unmistakable adaptability-assurance.
The United Nations is a world-division-fire-extinguisher-aspiration.
Every day God cheerfully and proudly lengthens the tolerance-breath of the world-transformation-dreamer: the United Nations.
Every day the heart of the United Nations goes everywhere, lovingly and genuinely, to establish a war-free world. Alas, the adversary-forces ruthlessly bring the well-deserved UN expectation-fulfilment to a standstill.
Peace we desperately need. War we unscrupulously, nay, shamelessly declare. War-declaration is aggression-supremacy-assertion. War shall eternally remain empty of real joy, the joy that unites, elevates and fulfils humanity’s heart.
What does the soul of the United Nations precisely want? It wants to build war-free oneness-joy-bridges between all human hearts.
Alas, on earth,To our deepest sadness,
The United NationsIs ruthlessly ridiculed;
But high in Heaven,The United Nations is most lovingly
And fondly cradledBy the cosmic gods and goddesses
And by the Absolute Lord Supreme.My truth-searching mind
Is speaking of the United Nations.My God-crying heart
Is speaking for the United Nations.God’s choice Hour has struck.
The United Nations —
The hidden Heart-Treasure of God —Shall be found at the Golden Shore of the Beyond
For the world to appreciate, admire,Adore and finally become
The Beauty and Fragrance of God’sSupremely unparalleled Treasure
Here on earth.```
President Gorbachev, a supreme leader of the world whose mind is openness and whose heart is oneness, most eloquently tells the world what the United Nations stands for and what it can do for the establishment of a universal oneness-heart: “The United Nations blends together the interests of different states. It is the only organisation capable of merging into a single current their bilateral, regional and global efforts.”Can there be any world-illumining message better and higher than this?
President Gorbachev to quote again: “What we need is Star Peace and not Star Wars.”
The vision-flooded proclamation of Trygve Lie, the first Secretary-General of the United Nations, runs thus: “The United Nations is the Supreme Law of the world ” How I wish this brave pronouncement of Trygve Lie would be manifested as an undisputed reality here on this earth-planet!
Dag Hammarskjold, the second Secretary-General, whose mind was all illumination, offered a most significant message for the betterment and enlightenment of this world: “Our work for peace must begin within the private world of each one of us. To build for man a world without fear, we must be without fear; to build a world of justice, we must be just. And how can we fight for liberty if we are not free, in our own minds?”
The third Secretary-General, U Thant, who was at once pious and self-giving in silence and deeds, voiced forth this most prophetic utterance: “We have already begun to realise that in modern war there is no such thing as victor and vanquished: that there is only a loser, and that loser is mankind.”
Sleeplessly the soul of the United Nations is exercising its adamantine willpower to found a world completely empty of destruction-dream, a world flooded with the unprecedented beauty of harmony and the unparalleled fragrance of peace.
Let all the world-citizens pray to God in unison for all the lofty and loftier and loftiest dreams of the United Nations to blossom as world-transforming realities.
I am extremely fortunate to be blessed by the soul and the heart of the United Nations. Long thirty-four years ago, U Thant, the third Secretary-General, made a request to me to offer my prayerful service to the United Nations. Since then, every Tuesday and Friday I have been going to the United Nations to offer prayers and meditations. All the diplomats, delegates and staff are welcome to take part. We have a well-established Meditation Group at the UN Headquarters to love and serve the United Nations: the Body of the World and the Soul of the World.
[Sri Chinmoy invited his students who work at the United Nations to sing some of his songs dedicated to the Organisation. The words of these songs follow:]
UN; UN!With you began
A fulness-cry in oneness-sky.For you I see a flood-ecstasy.
O Dream of God,O dream of man,
Your soul smiles with perfection-plan.O love of Truth, O truth of Love,
I see your flood of dance above.```
```O Body of the World, O Soul of the World,
In you the nest of cosmic oneness-rest.Yours is the nectar-role,
Our soul's desire to growIn your duty’s vision-glow.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,I prayerfully bow to the soul of Russia, Agni Press, 2004
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/pbr