Dr Vaccaro: Thank you very much. On behalf of the entire College of Saint Rose community, I accept these books with great thanks. I promise you that they will find an honoured spot in our library so that more people can learn of your work and influence among peoples of all the world.
We can hardly repay you in kind for what you have done for us this evening and for what you do for peoples throughout the world. But as a small token of our appreciation, and on behalf of your many, many friends and followers in the College of Saint Rose and the City of Albany, I present to you these two volumes. One is the 75th anniversary history of the College of Saint Rose, and the other is something I put together myself. I hope that you will enjoy these and keep them with you for a long time to come. Thank you very, very much.
Those of you who have come to previous Sidney Albert Interfaith Lectures know that this series was begun six years ago in memory of the late Sidney Albert, who was a true friend of the College and a genuine benefactor and lover of all people in this area. Tonight I think we have continued this great tradition. I know that Sri Chinmoy will occupy a special place in our hearts here at the College of Saint Rose for decades to come. Thank you again very, very much.From:Sri Chinmoy,A peace-collecting pilgrim-soul, Agni Press, 1999
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/pcp