President Gorbachev:
A man in a million,A heart in a billion
AndA soul in a trillion.
```Today, on his 70th birthday,
What is Raisa Maximovna doingIn Heaven?
She and her soul areSinging his universal victory-song,
Blowing his universal victory-conchAnd
Sounding his universal victory-trumpet. ```The Soviet Union
UncoveredHis earthly eyes.
```The world
DiscoveredHis Heavenly heart.
```His life-boat plies
BetweenHis transcendental dream
AndHis universal reality.
```This world
Has given himThe galaxies of satisfaction-delight.
```This world
Has given himThe absurdities of frustration-night.
```Sleeplessly he endeavours
To mendHumanity's fractured faith.
```En route to humanity's heart-home,
He surmountedInsurmountable obstacles.
```He now
Is humanity'sHeart-home-altar.
```The test of this earth-planet
Is to realiseWho truly President Gorbachev is.
```He is, indeed,
A ceaseless world-server,Sleepless world-lover
AndBreathless world-adviser.
```His is
An ever-dreamingAnd
Ever-blooming heart. ```His is
An ever-blossomingAnd
Ever-illumining life. ```Disappointment
Occasionally attacks him. ```Detachment
Immediately liberates him. ```God's Hands
Blessingfully and powerfullyTouched his life.
```God's Hands
Smilingly and proudlyAre shaping the world
Through the handsOf His beloved son,
Mikhail Gorbachev. ```World-misunderstanding-rocks
He shattered. ```Bondage-countries
His soul liberated. ```Separation-countries
His heart united. ```He is at once
An unparalleled studentOf the heart-world
AndMost adored teacher
Of the mind-world. ```He tells the world:
Intimidation fails. ```He tells the world:
Illumination succeeds. ```His is
A commitment-life. ```His is
An enlightenment-service. ```No man of integrity
Will dare to devalue him —His world-improvement-contributions.
```No man of world-progress-immensity
Will dare to challenge his capacity —His unfathomable immensity-capacity.
```He says:
Justice-light does not starveIndefinitely.
```He says:
Justice-delight shall eventually feedEach and every human being
Throughout the length and breadthOf the world.
```His life is founded upon
Triune efficiencies —Heart-efficiency,
Hand-efficiency. ```He tells the world:
Hope is bornOf faith.
```He tells the world:
Sacrifice-depth is bornOf promise-height.
```He tells the world:
Do not wait for tomorrowTo obliterate today's mistakes.
```He tells the world:
Obliterate here and nowToday's mistakes.
```He is ever-ready
To bathe the worldIn the sea of his heart-tears.
```He is ever-ready
To bathe the worldIn the ocean of his soul-smiles.
```He searches for
The world-harmony-fountainHigh and low
And in every direction. ```Alas, hostility reigns supreme
In various parts of the world,Specially in his own country.
When President Gorbachev wisely resignedFrom his Presidency post,
It was mistakenly taken as his downfall.His arch-enemies,
Stupidity-incarnate souls,Who ruthlessly applauded his downfall,
Will before long be compelledFrom deep within
To heartily and mightily applaudHis world-illumining sunrise.
Their mind will show the white flagTo his blue heart.
```Wisdom-flooded self-expansion
Is divinely enjoyed only byThe hero supreme.
President Gorbachev is, indeed,A radiant example.
```He tells the world:
The mind's supremacyMust not rule the world.
```He tells the world:
The heart-intimacyMust rule the world.
```O world,
Wake up!Look at President Gorbachev's
Beckoning hand. ```O world,
He wants to show you how to driveLife's outer success-chariot
AndLife's inner progress-chariot
At lightning speed. ```There shall come a time
When President Gorbachev's lifeWill be found outside time
And far beyond space. ```To join President Gorbachev
Is to join a wisdom-inundated circleAnd encircle
The world-transformation-miracle. ```Each country-cry
His heart tries to heed. ```Each country-need
His life tries to feed. ```President Gorbachev's heart-enlightenment
And his life-commitmentAre two life-long compeers
That are desperately strivingFor the blossoming of a new world.
```Alas, world-ignorance is fathomless.
The heart of countless RussiansExpressed their genuine love
For Raisa MaximovnaOnly after her earth-departure.
```I soulfully pray
To my Absolute Lord SupremeThat each and every Russian,
Plus each and every world-citizen,Sleeplessly adore and breathlessly love
President Gorbachev —Which he so unmistakably deserves —
Long before he sails his life-boatTo the Golden Shore of the Beyond.
```A German adage runs:
"In America, an hour is 40 minutes."A Russian adage runs:
"The slower you go,The farther you will be...."
When I identify President GorbachevWith the German proverb,
I clearly see that his hour is 33 minutes.The inimitable way he gave freedom
To Poland, Hungary, East Germany,Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania,
He himself is the perfect synthesisOf his saying and doing:
"History cannot wait; people cannot afford to waste time.It may also be too late tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow may never come."
When I identify himWith the Russian proverb,
Slowness is founded upon patience —Patience, patience, patience.
He has not given up.He continues with his life-pilgrimage
Slowly, steadily and unerringlyTo the farthest destination —
Mankind's nature-transformation. ```Immortality's blind bard, Homer,
Voiced forth:"I am part of all that I have met."
President Gorbachev's life has also sungAlmost the same song:
"We — all mankind — are in the same boat,And we can sink or swim only together."
```Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor,
Declared:"Veni, vidi, vici" —
"I came, I saw, I conquered."President Gorbachev,
The Soviet Union Emperor, declared:I came, I loved, I became.
```Cicero, the Roman philosopher,
Proclaimed:"I carry all my possessions with me."
President Gorbachev also carriesAll his possessions with him —
Self-confidence and faith in mankind. ```The purpose of life
Is worthiness and nothing else.President Gorbachev has proved
This true truth in his own lifeIn infinite measure.
```The German poet Goethe's immortal pen
Revealed to the world a new wayTo the world-awakening consciousness:
"How can you come to know yourself?Never by thinking; always by doing."
What areThe immortal action-achievements
Of President Gorbachev?A self-awareness-flower-life,
A self-respect-beauty-mind,A self-sacrifice-fragrance-heart.
```To say that President Gorbachev
Is a RussianIs to shockingly limit his vision-light.
```To say that President Gorbachev
Is a child of the Soviet UnionIs to unquestionably limit
His mission-delight. ```To say that President Gorbachev
Is a most beautiful flowerAnd a most delicious fruit
Of Mother-Earth-Tree for mankindIs to embrace him
As a cosmopolitan soul. ```President Gorbachev warns
The human chaos on the rise:Behold!
The sunrise-rainbow-beauty,Harmony, peace and bliss
Are slowly but convincingly arriving. ```To me, not because of his
Himalayan greatnessBut because of his Olympian goodness,
He has become the world cynosure. ```His soulful admirers and faithful adorers
Treasure him in the depthsOf their gratitude-pride-heart,
For his life's continuousDynamism-speed-lead
In the present-day world. ```President Gorbachev sees the earth-heart
Is bleedingFrom her children's wisdom-bankruptcy.
Therefore, his heart is swimmingIn the sea of tears.
```President Gorbachev sees the Heaven-soul
Is flyingIn Infinity's Ecstasy-Sky.
Therefore, his soul, heart, mind, vitalAnd body
Are fulfilled, supremely fulfilled. ```President Gorbachev's own nobility-mind,
Magnanimity-heart and luminosity-soulSpeak:
"Suppose we make mistakes.So what?
It is better to rectify themThan sit and wait."
His compatriots, other politicians,Have made no mistakes!
Never, never!!Not even in their
Imagination-worlds!!! ```The seer in President Gorbachev
Graciously illumines us:"We are all passengers aboard one ship,
The Earth,And we must not allow it to be wrecked."
Sail we must together in a oneness-heartAnd in a fulness-life
Towards the Golden Shore. ```> I follow with great interest the process of renewal which you have set in motion in the Soviet Union.
> I wish you success and declare myself ready to support every initiative that will better protect and integrate the rights and duties of individuals and peoples, so that peace may be insured in Europe and the world.Indeed, spirituality has its distinct role in President Gorbachev's life.
Him to quote:
> Today our main joy is to lift the individual spiritually, respecting his inner world and giving him moral strength.May today,
On his 70th birthday —March 2nd, 2001 —
The heart of the entire worldSing most gratefully, most sweetly
And most hauntinglyPresident Gorbachev-gratitude-songs
Beneath his giant life-tree. ```President Gorbachev:
The Home of Oneness-Peace-Dream-World. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,President Gorbachev: the home of Oneness-Peace-Dream-World, Agni Press, 2001
Sourced from