In Heaven
I do not know whatI shall precisely need.
But on earthI do know what
I desperately need:Peace, an iota of peace.
```Your heart's oneness-peace
Is not realIf it cannot fly
Across the vastness-ocean. ```I call it
My heart's peace.My Lord calls it
My perfection-life. ```My peace is
My heart's unconditionalSelf-offering.
```The divine in me tells me
That peace is infinitelyMore powerful
Than anything else.The human in me
Asks the divine in me:"But, brother,
Tell me where it is." ```Peace in stone statues
Has inspired and helped the worldInfinitely more
Than the present-daySelf-acclaimed peace-possessors.
```My peace is my heart's
Highest education-diplomaFrom my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```My satisfaction-peace
Is not the successOf my outer smile
But the progressOf my inner cry.
```How can you have
A wisdom-mindIf you do not have
A peace-heart? ```Great human beings may not be
Always wise,But a heart of peace
Is unmistakablyAnd perpetually wise.
```My Lord does not visit
My heart-garden.Do you know why?
Alas, it is becauseMy heart-garden does not have
A single peace-plant. ```I call it
My peace-heart.But my Beloved Supreme calls it
His Treasure-Kingdom. ```A real man of peace
Is he who works sleeplesslyWith God the creation
And eats hungrilyWith God the Creator.
```First believe
That there is something called peace,And then try to feel it.
Indeed, this is the proper way,The only way.
```Mine is the heart
That cannot conceal peace.Mine is the mind
That cannot reveal peace. ```A heart of peace
Has the supreme authorityTo predict the immortal birth of peace
In the outer life. ```Peace is not
Property-prosperity-achievement.Peace is
Self-enlightenment-attainment. ```A life of peace
Is the perfect perfectionOf the heart.
```God has not forgotten
To give us peace.He is just waiting for us
To ask for it. ```Peace is
My heart's sacred book.Oneness is
My life's devoted reader. ```Peace has no imperfection.
It never prompts usTo do anything wrong.
On the contrary, it only helps usTo do everything
Soulfully, unconditionallyAnd perfectly.
```God has always been extremely proud
Of the human beingsWho have peace,
And He always will be. ```Poor is he
Who does not have peace.Poorer is he
Who does not need peace.Poorest is he
Who does not want to hearPeople talking about peace.
```Nothing is as high as peace.
Nothing is as deep as peace.Nothing is as God-pleasing as peace.
```Peace is the only silence-power
That I needTo live happily with mankind
Without any fear. ```Peace is
The only divine wisdom-lightThat successfully operates
In human affairs. ```I love you
Not because you have tremendous power,But because
You are all peace. ```Because you have peace,
You are divinely great.Because you want to share your peace
Lovingly and cheerfully with me,You are supremely great, plus perfect.
```Power is the most difficult thing
To work with.Peace is the easiest thing
To work withAnd also the most rewarding.
```The wings of peace
Carry my heartHigh, very high.
The shoulders of peaceCarry my mind
Far, very far. ```When we pray for peace,
God tells usThat we rightly deserve to be heard.
```Patience and sacrifice
Are my life's newly discoveredPeace-allies.
```Defy the existence of fear.
You will have peace.Deny the existence of doubt.
You will have more peace.Embrace the existence of oneness.
You will have Infinity's Peace. ```O my ingratitude-mind-sovereign,
You and my peace-heartWill remain perfect strangers
To each other. ```A man of boundless inner peace
Is indeedA self-discoverer.
```When you kneel
To a higher authority,You unmistakably receive
Needed peace. ```At every moment
Celebrate the Hour of GodInside your gratitude-heart.
Then you are bound to feel peace. ```There are many different approaches
You can make to GodFor peace in your mind.
If you fail in one,Then keep making new approaches.
Sooner or later fulfilment-peaceWill inundate your entire being.
```Do not allow the past
To impose itself on you.Do not allow the future
To come to you unduly fast.Just try to live
In your today's peace-world. ```Responsibility-evading human beings
Will never be blessed withGod's Joy-Peace-Satisfaction.
```Do not allow your mind-fort
To be invaded by doubt-suspicion-devils.You will be blessed
With faith-blossomed peace. ```An iota of peace-satisfaction-result
Is infinitely betterThan thousands of imaginary expectations.
Cannot have even a glimpseOf satisfaction-peace-sea.
```With a serenity-mind
And a purity-heartIf you can look in the God-mirror,
God will give youWhat you need most:
Peace. ```Never entertain your insecurity, jealousy
And impurity-acquaintances.They will definitely destroy
Your peace-cottage-mind. ```The heart definitely wants
To make a peace-deal,But the mind
Vehemently refuses. ```My aspiration-heart's
Oneness-responsibilityIs my dedication-life's
Fulness-peace. ```If I want peace,
Then there should be no spaceBetween
My unconditional surrender-heartAnd God's Compassion-Satisfaction-Eye.
```I feel tremendous peace
Inside my heartNot when I answer the question
"Who am I?"But when I answer the question
"Whose am I?" ```I can have immediate peace
If I allow othersTo be the rulers of their lives
The way I like to ruleMy own life.
```Do not try to experience others
In your own way.Just try to experience yourself
In your own wayAnd, if possible, in God's Way.
Then you will have real peace,God-created peace.
```I gave God
My gratitude-heart.God gave me
His Plenitude-Peace. ```A continuously blossoming peace
Is the fragrance-heartOf my silence-mind.
```God blessingfully visits
My heart's meditation-peace-gardenEvery day.
```No peace in austerity-cave.
Peace is in temptation-grave. ```If not today,
Then in the distant future,The voice of peace will conquer
Insurmountable disharmony-obstacles. ```Aspiration-exercises strengthen
Our peace-loving heart-muscles. ```Doubt says to peace,
"Peace, I can easily erase you."Peace says to doubt,
"No, you cannot erase me.Can you not see that I am embracing you
To transform you totally?" ```God does not allow
My peace-heartTo hear anything
About my doubt-mind. ```My heart's
Enlightenment-peace-progressIs my life's
Detachment-revelation-success. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Peace: God's Fragrance-Heart, part 2, Agni Press, 1992
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